Home Learning

September 2024

We continue with a hybrid approach to Home Learning, with paper-based literacy activities and digital numeracy/maths activities.

Home Learning activity sheets will outline a block of activities over a 5 or 6 week period. Additional activities can be found on the Class Team.

Home learning will be set on a Monday for return on a Thursday and class follow up will take place on a Friday.

We continue to thank all parents for joining in the learning at home. It remains an important partnership.

P1-P3 Home Learning should take a maximum of 30 minutes.

P4-P7 Home Learning should take a maximum of 45 minutes.

September 2023

Thank you to parents for your feedback last term. We also consulted staff and pupils. Based on this feedback, we will continue to take a hybrid approach to Home Learning with some digital activities and some paper-based activities across literacy and numeracy/maths.

Please note we have simplified the Home Learning activity sheet, but will continue to plan in blocks. Additional activities can be found on the Class Team.

Home learning will be set on a Monday for return on a Thursday and class follow up will take place on a Friday.

We thank all parents for joining in the learning at home. It’s an important partnership.

P1-P3 Home Learning should take a maximum of 30 minutes.

P4-P7 Home Learning should take a maximum of 45 minutes.

P4a pupils sharing home learning
P4a working together, sharing home learning. They read aloud in groups and shared summaries of the pages they had read.

September 2022

We will continue with a hybrid approach to Home Learning. A termly Home Learning sheet will be sent home and online activities will be available in class Teams.

Phonics and reading will be paper based, maths/numeracy will be online and check out the Thinglink in your child’s Team for additional activities.

March 2022

We were delighted with the response from parents to our Home Learning questionnaire sent out in Term 2. The responses, together with pupil voice and teacher  feedback, have resulted in a new, ‘hybrid’ approach to Home Learning. Please click on the link for details: Home Learning 2022

October 2020

All classes are using Teams to engage in home learning. All pupils can access Teams through their Glow email account or through the Teams app, using their Glow username.

Please contact the school  office (INArdgowan@glowscotland.onmicrosoft.com) or Mrs Cowan (inwhh950@glow.sch.uk) if there are any issues accessing Teams.

September 2020

P2-P7 are are using Teams for home learning, in similar fashion to our lockdown home learning. There are literacy, numeracy and STEAM grids for pupils to select activities to complete. Finished work can be uploaded into the Home Learning channel in each class Team. If work is completed in the home learning jotter, please photograph and upload to Teams or pupils can bring in their jotters to share their work. Please note, no home learning will be collected in by the class teacher. We look forward to seeing loads of amazing work!

P1 will be issuing home learning very soon!


Session 2019-2020


Dear parents,

We would like to send out Home Learning via group call instead of paper copies.  At the moment we use over 400 sheets of paper a week on this one task!  
Here are our reasons why:
  1. ECO friendly
  2. quick links to websites and online learning links.
  3. save money
  4. save photocopying ink
  5. save organisation time in class
  6. no more losing our sheets!
Families who receive a paper copy of the newsletter will automatically get a paper copy of home learning.
Teachers will still check bookbags for letters, notes, sparkling moments etc, 
Please contact the school office if you DO NOT SUPPORT this change. The deadline for your response is Thursday 21 November.
We will let you know what everyone says and make a decision for the start of Term 3. 
The Pupil Leadership Team


This year we have updated our Home Learning Policy and we are using the same format for home learning across all classes. We aim to engage parents in the learning their children are doing in class and home learning activities are an extension of this.

We will continue to review our homework policy and appreciate any feedback regarding home learning activities.

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