Newton Farm Primary School and Nursery Class

Room 24

September 20, 2024 by Miss Napier | 0 comments

We have been powering ahead with our brilliant class novel, High Rise Mystery by Sharna Jackson, and have been playing detective, aiming to solve the ‘Whodunnit’ mystery before we find out in the book. We have slowly but surely been piecing together information and have now added our findings (so far!) to our display wall in class. This display will continue to grow and will no doubt be bursting with more questions, predictions, motives and alibi information in the coming weeks.

Linking with the ‘high rise’ theme, the class have taken a look at ‘perception’ as means of creating a piece of art where the viewer is looking from the ground up at some super tall skyscrapers. We think our artwork is now reaching new heights! 😉

This gallery contains 3 photos

September 20, 2024
by Miss Riley

Room 5 – Our week

Can you believe we have come to the end of another week?! Time does fly when you have been busy!

This week, as part of our current topic “Super Duper You!”, we began our second focus text, ‘The Colour Monster’. This is a fantastic book which has allowed us to create many cross curricular links between Health and well-being, Topic, Art and our writing! We can’t wait to showcase some of our super work to you next week so  keep your eyes peeled!

We have also spent his week developing our subtraction skills within 10, 20 and beyond!

Take a look at all out super work in action…




September 20, 2024
by Miss Livingstone

Our Week in Room 6

This week in Room 6 we have been working on subtraction from 20 and learning the ‘oa’ phoneme. In P.E we started ball skills, and have been active in learning about 2D shape. Everyone has worked really hard all week!

Here are some comments from the class:

Caelan- I enjoyed doing the jigsaws.

Oscar- I loved doing the daily mile.

Elsie- I enjoyed doing writing ‘all about me’.

Nieve- I enjoyed going to the library.

Louie- I enjoyed being in our reading groups and reading new books.

Kiana- I enjoyed learning new things.


Another amazing week Room 6! Have a lovely weekend!

September 20, 2024
by Ms McIver

Room 23 – 20.9.24

Another busy week in Primary 7! Sidekicks training, character podcast, swimming to name a few!

This afternoon we learnt about living sustainably which is how the characters in our book The Midder live. We designed and created houses using a variety of resources and labelled the features that made it sustainable. This includes solar panels, preserving rain water, growing your own food, a biogas digester and many more.

September 20, 2024
by Miss Mulreany

Room 2 Update! :-)

This week in Room 2 our theme was ‘food’. We enjoyed reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and we sequenced the events of the story. We then played a memory game to see if we could remember all the foods that the caterpillar got through. We have also enjoyed learning new rhymes and songs such as ‘Five Stout Sausages’ (which made us all very hungry) and ‘Five Plump Peas’. We also discussed alliteration as it featured throughout our Literacy work this week. We created a huge list of words starting with ‘s’.  Throughout the week we decided to create our very own caterpillars. We think they look amazing!

This week we also,

A – “did lots of activities – like jigsaws and bears.”

C – “learned the Five Plump Peas song.”

E – “learned Five Stout Sausages.”

A – “learned things that started with ‘s’.”

P – “played outside with our friends.”

C – “I played hopscotch.”

A – “played inside.”

I – “listened to the days of the week song.”

C – “learned some 3D shapes – sphere, cube.”

A – “one of the shapes was a sphere.”

On Thursday 26th September, we will be hosting a Primary 1 Learning Showcase for our parents/carers. This will be from 1:40-2:40pm. This will be a child-led visit and we are looking forward to completing some activities with you all. We hope some of you can make it along. 🙂

September 20, 2024
by Mrs Norton

Room 7s Blog

Welcome to Room 7’s blog:


Cai – We were enjoying playing football

Emily – I liked making the circuits so much. I liked PE.

Harley – I’ve had a fun week.

Nimrit – I liked the pom poms

Isla – I loved PE

Harper – I liked doing dancing with the pom poms.

Aiden – I liked doing the obstacle course

Khalifa – I liked playing football.

Nola – I loved doing PE

Blake – I liked doing the circuits and the symbols

Iona – I enjoyed learning how to use skipping ropes.

Alan – I liked PE

September 20, 2024
by Mrs Rae

Active Numeracy 🔢

Room 3 have been working very hard on our recognition of numbers to 5 this week. Throughout our time in P1 so far, we have learned all about the value, recognition and formation of 0-5 and have consolidated these numbers this week. On Tuesday, we completed different active stations to help with our recognition and formation. These stations were:

  • C-Touch formation
  • Number value counting
  • Playdoh numbers
  • ‘Build a City’ Cube recognition
  • ‘I Spy’ number cards

We had fun moving around the stations and working together to practise our numbers.

As a morning starter this week, we have enjoyed practising our fine motor skills. One of our favourite activities was shape cards, where we could build up different animals or buildings using shapes.

We also wanted to show you the caterpillars we worked hard making throughout the week. We completed this task after reading and discussing the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. 


Pupil Voice

Below are some comments on this week’s learning:

PC – I liked the number work.
ST – I liked going outside for PE.
KH – I liked making new friends. 
DM – I liked playing with my friends. 
CD – I enjoyed lunch time. 
CJ, VC – I enjoyed doing our caterpillars.
IM – I liked doing play time and I loved playing with my friends. 
LS, KR, BR, EM – I liked playing with the cars in our class.
CW – I liked going to the library. 
GM – I liked playing with the dinosaurs.
Have a great weekend!
Room 3 and Mrs Rae 😊

September 20, 2024
by D Gray

What A Week! What a Treat!

We have had a totally brilliant week in Room 18. We have started to learn about the historical topic of ‘The Victorians’. This will be our first proper P.6 Topic. The skills we will use are those of looking at evidence, fact-files, books and researching using technology. We are also reading a class novel about two children who travel back in time to the Victorian Era. This is inspiring our own story writing.

We have loved seeing the class stream on Google classrooms with the pictures of the Dragons from our last class novel, visiting our friends at home. Truly hilarious!

As we have filled our good deeds and skills jar for four weeks in a row we have chosen to have a Treat Party on Friday, (today). Miss Gray said that our work, attitude and general behaviour has been excellent.  So we are going to enjoy this Fun31 afternoon with treats!

Photographs to follow.

September 20, 2024
by Miss Laird

Room 4

Hello everyone, 

We have had lots of fun learning this week. The children have enjoyed:

MMP – I liked writing my dictated sentences in my jotter, then drawing a picture.

CG – We created our own colour monster and wrote sentences about them.

JN – We learnt the ‘oa’ sound.

SM – We read our new class reading books and did a beginning, middle and end task.

AM – We started take away in maths.

EM – I liked playing subtraction bingo.

IS – We did the chilly challenge in maths and got to choose what questions to work on. 

MM – I liked reading the colour Monster book and matching the emotions to the colour jars. 

SM – We played Beat the Ball in PE. It was so much fun!

EC – I liked using the ten frames to help me subtract.

JC – I liked the nose breath on GoNoodle, then we maxed out our character and got to choose a new one – Flash Bolton.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Laird and Room 4

September 20, 2024
by Mr Jasnosz-Clark

The Last 2 Weeks in Room 20

We have been doing  some badminton, French and improving on our story writing .

In Badminton we have been working on our skills. We have been doing mini matches against other pupils. We have also been doing different stances as well , one stance was the split stance were you open your legs and feel pressure  on your legs and feel ready to move off in the direction of the shuttle.

In French we have been learning about the days of the week and the months of the year. We have  also been learning our birthdays in French.  We’ve enjoyed the song ‘Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire’

In art we have been doing bits  of art only using paper, scissors and glue. Our first bit of art was a door inspired by The Nowhere Emporium . Our second bit of art were apothecary bottles again inspired by The Nowhere Emporium.

We were also improving our story writing . We were also doing a report on why single use plastic should be banned.  We had to use genre features such as providing our point of view, using emotive language and using descriptive verbs and adjectives to convince the reader.

Written by Beatrice and Sven

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