Newton Farm Primary School and Nursery Class

February 16, 2024
by Mrs Norton

This Week in Room 4

What a busy couple of days we have had in room 4!

BS – We learned about Under the Sea

SG – We’ve been learning about counting backwards

CL – We have been learning about sea animals.

AR  – We have been learning about missing numbers.

HL – We have been learning about take away sums.

YS – We have been learning about under the sea.

RP – We made a big crocodile.

AN – We have been learning about under the sea creatures.

KE – We have been learning about under the sea.

AM – We have been learning about sea creatures.

The boys and girls have loved exploring different sea creatures today – have a look at some of the brilliant pictures from our afternoon exploring different creatures that live under the sea.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs Norton

February 16, 2024
by Miss Mulreany

Room 5’s Learning :-)

This week,

HL – We learned a new sound ‘igh’ like fright, bright and light.

RMc – We just got a new play area. There is a kitchen, food, chairs and a table in it.

RC – We have a new theatre in our class. It is for wet plays or when we get extra play time in class. We can have puppet shows with it.

GO – We have been learning a new song in French about all the colours. Blue is bleu, green is vert, pink is rose, red is rouge.

IZ – Today we had an assembly and learned about Chinese New Year. Red is a lucky colour in China.

AB – We have been learning new common words – ‘who’, ‘after’, ‘hand’ and ‘right’.

FMc – We have got the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book and we are on Chapter 6. We have found the two lucky winners of a golden ticket. I would like to win a golden ticket because when you go home you will have a full tummy for eight months with all the chocolate and after the tour of the factory you get a big load of chocolate.

February 16, 2024
by Mr McCourt

Room 16s Blog

What an exciting last two weeks we have had!

We would firstly like to thank everyone who came to the Primary 4 learning showcase. We had a great time showing everyone all the things we learn in school and showing all the different ways we have been displaying our skills and understanding.

After a nice break, we have continued with our hard work. We are coming to the end of our Japan topic by focusing on natural disasters within Japan. We have found it so interesting to learn all about the different types of earthquakes that can occur in Japan as well as how tsunamis are made.

We are also coming to the end of our time topic after making so much progress in learning analogue and digital time.

For literacy, we have utilised our Japan knowledge to write persuasive letters to Mrs Meechan in an aid to persuade her and South Lanarkshire Council to approve a school trip to Japan.

We hope you have a nice weekend and thank you for reading our blog.

February 16, 2024
by Mrs Kelly

Room 3’s Blog

Welcome to our blog,

E, ‘We have been learning to subtract.’

N, ‘We have been learning about Chinese New Year.’

E, ‘Rights.’

E, ‘We have been taking away. The numbers get smaller.’

K, ‘We have been learning about the Chinese Dragon scaring away the evil spirits.’

M, ‘We learned about j and v.’

O, ‘We have been writing a sentence.’

A, ‘We have been writing about pigs. We can sound it out p-i-g.’

R, ‘We drew a cat on a log and a pig and a dog and wrote a sentence.’

L, ‘In a sentence we need a capital letter, a full stop and finger spaces!’


Thank you for reading our blog!


February 15, 2024
by Miss Lockhart

No Litter in the Sea!

Hello everyone,

We are thoroughly enjoying our ‘Under the Sea’ topic, learning lots of facts about our favourite sea creatures.

We watched a video called ‘A Whale’s Tale’ which explored the impact of plastic pollution in our oceans. We were really touched by this video and knew we had to take action.

The sea creatures can’t ask for help or stand up for themselves so we will help them. Even though we are small, our voices are important!

We made information posters about litter and the impact plastic pollution has on the sea creatures. We shared our posters on a learning walk around our school and took our learning outside to take part in a peaceful protest. Have a look at our efforts below.

Well done everyone – you did such a super job working together and sharing an important message.



February 9, 2024
by Miss O'Brien

Room 7- Our Learning Journey

This week, Room 7 have been learning phoneme words with the trigraph ‘igh’.
This was our final week learning about instructions. We used the knowledge and skills we have developed to write a set of instructions explaining how to make the chocolate fruit skewers, we made last week. Take a look at some of our writing, below.
In numeracy, we have started learning about multiplication. We know that multiplication is repeated addition. We began by exploring the language used for multiplication then we answered calculations by grouping objects. We are now learning other strategies to help us multiply. We are focussing on the 2 times table and looking at patterns and doubling to help us calculate answers.
As part of our IDL ‘Chocolate’ topic, we found out about the history of chocolate. Did you know, the first recorded use of chocolate was 4000 years ago? We then looked at dates and information provided and ordered them in a timeline.
In ICT, we practised accessing our Glow accounts, sending and replying to emails with more independence.
Well done to our first mystery reader! We enjoyed listening to your story. We have someone booked in for next Friday, let me know if you would like to sign up for a later date.
Have a lovely holiday weekend!

February 9, 2024
by Miss Campbell

Growth Mindset

This week in Room 11 we spent some time learning about the concept of Growth Mindset.

Growth Mindset is about seeing mistakes and perseverance as valuable learning tools.

It was great to have discussions about this particular topic, especially as we are always learning new things in the classroom!

Thank you to all the boys and girls in Room 11 for your hard work this week!

Hope you have an enjoyable weekend!


February 9, 2024
by Miss Higgins

Room 27

Thank you to Evie and Inaaya for writing our post this week.

This week in Room 27 –

In maths we are learning about  multiplication.     HW

We played individual zap and we played loop cards for multiplication.  LJ BC CW

We got new ck spelling words.  CW

We learned about the legend of Robert the Bruce.  MD

We are doing music with Miss Caldwell.   BC

Miss Logan taught her first lesson with us.   LF

We did a  kahoot with Miss Logan     MD

Harlow and Sophie from P7 came to do health and wellbeing with us.  

Murray’s Dad came in to tell us about his job as an engineer to help us  

with our engineering competition.  We got to ask him questions.  

We are making Chinese fortune tellers.   EC

Today  in our class we are learning about  lunar Chinese New Year.   IN


I hope you enjoy the long weekend.


Miss Higgins and Room 27.

February 9, 2024
by Ms Tighe

This Week In Room 18…

***Blog Post by Charlie & Sophia ***



In literacy we practised using speech marks in sentences.We did grammar with our partners.We got a sheet with sentences on it and we had to copy the sentence but we added in the speech marks to make it like someone is talking.



In dance we learned different jive moves in our dance and built a routine.Miss tighe gave us partners.we held our partners hands and did some moves like tap step, tap step,back replace.



In numeracy we used the written method for multiplying a 2 digit by a 1 digit.We extended to a 3 digit by a 2 digit we worked with our partners.and  we rolled a dice for numbers everyone had loads of maths questions!



In french we learned the days of the weeks.

Here are the days of the week in french









We watched a video about Speaking Out to Stay Safe. 


Have a great weekend


Sophia & Charlie


February 9, 2024
by Mrs Norton

Our Week by Room 4

Today the boys and girls in Room 4 would like to share what they have been learning about this week.


HM – there were tall letters.

SG – We were learning about under the sea and sharks.

SM – Under the Sea

AN – Under the Sea is calm.

AR – We were learning about letters.

CL – We were learning about sharks and under the sea.

JC – We learned about sea creatures and sharks.

RP – We are learning about under the sea.

EW – Its nearly valentines day.

BS – We learned about subtraction.

AMcL – We were learning about taking away.

KE – We were learning about under the sea.

LH –  We were learning about sharks.

YS – We were learning about sharks under the sea.


Have a lovely long weekend everyone.

Room 4 and Mrs Norton

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