Welcome to Room 11’s Blog,
This week,
R, ‘We have been counting to 1000.’
O, ‘I like learning French with Monsieur L’Orange.’
QJ, ‘We won Class of the Week at assembly for good sitting, good singing and good dancing, so next week we get to sit on the benches.’
E, ‘I liked learning about number sequences.’
LM, ‘I liked doing the class charter.’
M, ‘I liked hearing the story of the Hodgeheg and making a zebra crossing.’
A, ‘I liked making my All About Me art.’
J, ‘I liked going on the chrome books.’
A, ‘We did an obstacle course.’
O, ‘We are playing Rocket in P.E.’
S, ‘We are learning about different beliefs and today I also wore my Sari.’
LM, ‘I liked playing outside with Room 7.’
Thank you for reading our Blog!