Stirling Strategic Planning Group for Children

Stirling Strategic Planning Group for Children (SSPGfC) is responsible for the delivery of the Children’s Services Plan.

As partners we recognise the need to build our common vision on the foundations of Getting It Right for Every Child. We recognise that better working together requires leaders to collaborate. It requires partners to feel they are collectively accountable for children and young people’s outcomes. In a system approach, services view themselves as parts of a greater whole, helping to ensure that the right support is in place at the right time: the earliest effective intervention for every child who needs it. Principles of place-based working will help us to achieve closer partnerships.

We will work towards a long-term goal of joint strategic commissioning of children’s services. Improved working together will lay the foundations for a strategic commissioning approach, which is focused on the needs of children, young people, their families and carers.

As partners we also recognise the need to take care of those who provide support to children and families. We will continue to build a culture of wellbeing for staff; where they have the resources and support they need to feel psychologically safe at work and able to do their jobs well.


  • Establishes evidence of need, agrees and sets strategic direction
  • Ensures legislative compliance with Part 3 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
  • Ensures the overall Children’s Services Plan programme contains the optimal mix of projects and interventions to achieve outcomes and improvement priorities
  • Monitors progress towards outcomes by establishing evidence of impact
  • Establishes and manages delivery plans based on activities leading to change and improvement
  • Provides an effective governance framework
  • Commits resources to support joint outcomes and improvement priorities
  • Promotes and supports the voice of children and young people in children’s services.

The SSPGfC recognises the need for continuous improvement to support partnership working.  Over the next three years, the Group will seek to build its capacity in: leadership and building relationships; collaborative working in both planning and delivery; and data development and management, and self-evaluation.