Public Protection Across the Lifespan: 2 September 2004

Falkirk’s Public Protection Chief Officers Group (COG) were delighted to present its first partnership webinar on Monday 2 September 2024 :  PUBLIC PROTECTION ACROSS THE LIFESPAN.

Members of our  local workforce from wide range of services attended the online session.  The session included a Q&A session, providing responses to questions submitted in advance.

Event chair and speakers

The webinar session included short presentations from Chief Officers and subject leads,

  • Jillian Taylor – Chief Nurse, NHS Forth Valley – Event Chair
  • Kenneth Lawrie – Chair of COG and Falkirk Council Chief Executive
  • Roddy Irvine – Chief Superintendent, Police
  • Frances Dodd – Executive Nurse Director – NHS Forth Valley
  • Gemma Ritchie – Adult Support and Protection Lead Officer, Falkirk Council
  • Tony McLaughlin – Locality Manager, Children & Families Social Work, Falkirk Council (Previous Child Protection Lead Officer, Falkirk Council)

Please click on the film link below  to watch the full webinar (1hr 30mins)

NB: Viewing this webinar will contribute towards your continuous professional learning

About the Committees and Chief Officers Group

The Chief Officers of Falkirk Council, NHS Forth Valley and Police Scotland’s Forth Valley Division oversee the commissioning of all public protection services and are accountable for this work and its effectiveness. The work of public protection covers:

  • Adult Support and Protection
  • Child Protection
  • Offender Management
  • Gender Based Violence

About Public Protection

Falkirk’s Public Protection Chief Officers group provides strategic leadership, direction and scrutiny of the Child and Adult Protection Committees, Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) and related public protection groups such Gender Based Violence, Community Policing and Community Justice.

Public protection is primarily about preventing and protecting people of all ages from experiencing harm and neglect. The webinar was our opportunity to come together to recognise our shared responsibility to identify risks, investigate concerns and take action to protect those at risk of harm across the lifespan.