Category Archives: Literacy

Educators learn more about………Collections of the past, Dinosaur Discovery


Dinosaur Discovery is an interdisciplinary learning experience developed for first level and second level learners and is part of the Collections of the Past learning opportunities with the National Museum of Scotland.

The Dinosaur Discovery planning guidance  provides practitioners with an overview of the learning experiences using the NAR flow chart process. Educators can adapt this guidance to meet the needs of the learners they teach.

Dinosaur Discovery creates a context in which learners can be supported to explore evidence from the past, be posed questions to gain greater insight into the life of dinosaurs and how their fossils, bones and other evidence can be used to tell us about the history of the earth. Learners will be encouraged to:

  • Develop a curiosity and understanding of their environment and the past
  • Undertake simple scientific investigations using practical techniques
  • Explore a range of media to create images and objects
  • Be creative
  • Share and learn with peers through Glow

These challenges will be live in September 2013 with a live Glow TV event with the National Museum of Scotland on the 20th September at 1.30pm . Afterwards they will be made available as packs of learning, teaching and assessment resources in the Collections from the Past Channel on Glow.

This learning experience has been developed to work towards supporting the delivery of

The Curriculum for Excellence Implementation Plan 2012-13

The Sciences 3-18 Curriculum Impact Project Summary of Key Strengths and Aspects for Development

ICT in Education Objectives

Collections of the past – Dinosaur Discovery

What kind of dinosaurs do you know about? Which was the largest, which was the smallest, which had the most horns, or longest neck, or which ate the most food? How can we learn more about the dinosaurs that ruled the earth using evidence and fossils and what they can tell us about the history of the earth? What type of dinosaurs roamed the planet and where did they go?

Visit the National Museum of Scotland through Glow TV to be inspired and amazed by the fossil and bone evidence and go on a Dinosaur discovery. Explore some dino data to find out what we can tell about dinosaurs, their size, what they ate and who would be predator or prey. Meet the 12 metre long life-sixed cast of a T.rex to see the scale and power of the real thing and share your own dinosaur creations.

  • Look carefully at evidence
  • Share what you see
  • Record your findings
  • Ask questions
  • Share your ideas
  • Make collections with others

  • Museum curators
  • Scientists
  • The National Museum of Scotland
  • Other learners from across Scotland

Educators can find out more about our Collections of the past – Dinosaur Discovery learning opportunity here.

LearnCAT Email the LearnCat to sign up for Collections of the past – Dinosaur Discovery


  • If you are a learner, you can sign up for yourself. Please include your Glow username
  • If you are a teacher or other educator, you can sign up on behalf of a group of learners. Please include a list of Glow usernames
  • Email for any enquiries.
  • A Glow Login is required for your submissions.  If you have forgotten it or don’t have one click here.

Digital Storytelling – The Big 5!

Digital storytelling Main curriculum area languages, other area technologiesLanguagesTechnologiesDigital storytelling

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The Big 5 Listen to what the The Big 5 is all about

This is the Year of Natural Scotland! The Big 5 are out there! The Whiskered Diver! The Roaring Monarch! The High Flyer! The Curious Seadog and The Tufted Acrobat! Celebrate the beauty and diversity of Scotland by creating an animated adventure starring these Nature Superheroes!  Get outdoors, look at photographs, ask experts and watch video clips and wildlife webcams to research the Big 5. Storyboard an adventure tale. Create models and sets. Collect and make natural superhero sound effects. Share ideas, resources and help each other solve problems. Use stop motion animation and editing software to bring the Big 5 to life and then have your Big 5 animation adventure shared with Scotland!

Learn to....languagestechnologies

  • Select and organise ideas and information logically
  • Write an adventure story with great characters and settings
  • Use visual information to make models and sets
  • Explore and use animation software
  • Record and make sound effects
  • Edit, publish and promote your adventure tale
  • Appreciate Scottish biodiversity

learn with...languageslearn with...technologieslearn with...sciences

  • Learners across Scotland
  • Industry expert animator Bruce Husband
  • Dundee Contemporary Arts
  • Scottish Natural Heritage

Educators learn more about this learning experience here

LearnCAT Email the LearnCat to sign up for Digital Storytelling – The Big 5!


  • If you are a learner, you can sign up for yourself. Please include your Glow username
  • If you are a teacher or other educator, you can sign up on behalf of a group of learners. Please include a list of Glow usernames
  • Email for any enquiries.
  • A Glow Login is required for your submissions.  If you have forgotten it or don’t have one click here.

Collaborative collection – Colour of the day!

Listen to LearnCAT

Colour of the Day Listen to what the Collaborative Collection – Colour of the Day is all about

Colour is everywhere! Join others to collect colours when exploring indoors and out.

Undertake a daily colour collection mission in September.

  • Photograph what you find
  • Discuss and name the colour
  • Upload your photograph to the colour collection on Glow.

How many different shades and tones of a colour can we collect? What name might you give the colour? How does the colour make you feel?

This colourful online collection will create a beautiful and varied bank of images that can be enjoyed and used by others in their learning.

learn to ...expressive artsLearn to....languages

  • Collect information
  • Organise and classify information
  • Interpret information
  • Use a digital camera

Learn with....Expressive artslearn with...languages

  • Each other
  • Learners across Scotland
  • Education Scotland Learning Team

LearnCAT Email the LearnCat to sign up for Collaborative collection – Colour of the day!


  • If you are a learner, you can sign up for yourself. Please include your Glow username
  • If you are a teacher or other educator, you can sign up on behalf of a group of learners. Please include a list of Glow usernames
  • Email for any enquiries.
  • A Glow Login is required for your submissions.  If you have forgotten it or don’t have one click here.

    Educators – Learn more about ….. ‘Found Colour’

    Educators learn more about

    ‘Found Colour’ is an interdisciplinary learning experience developed for third level learners and is part of a progression of creativity challenges designed around the context of colour created in partnership with the The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh using the context  of Dundee born artist, David Batchelor’s exhibition ‘Flatlands’ and his online portfolio.

    The Found Colour Learning Experience Overview provides practitioners with an overview of the learning experiences using the NAR flowchart process and the publication ‘Taking a closer look at NAR’.

    The Fruitmarket Gallery is a member of Engage and they work to promote access to, understanding and enjoyment of the visual arts.

    Learning experiences focus on improving skill and understanding in responding to abstract art and undertaking design briefs collaboratively and creatively. This briefing paper ‘creativity across learning’ will support educators in thinking about creativity when planning for learning.

    This partnership with The Fruitmarket Gallery also works towards improving confidence in educators to discuss and respond to contemporary, abstract art and overall by engaging with art in this way it is hoped that young people and their families will visit an art gallery in their locality.

     The colour creativity challenges will be live in September 2013.  Afterwards they will be made available as packs of learning, teaching and assessment resources in the Creativity Learning Channel in Glow.

    This learning experience has been developed to work towards supporting the delivery of the Curriculum for Excellence Implementation Plan 2012-13 and the ICT in Education Objectives. Learning will culminate in an online exhibition of young people’s creativity. Using Glow to facilitate this experience works towards changing behaviours as identified in these objectives.  The Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy revealed that learners need to increase their skills and understanding in group discussion. This set of learning experiences also supports the development of these skills.

    Found Colour

    Expressive artsLanguagesArt workshop

    Listen to LearnCAT

    Found Colour Listen to what the Found Colour learning opportunity is all about

    David Batchelor uses found colour to create incredible sculpture, drawings and paintings. Batchelor uses coloured plastic sunglasses, utensils, pegs and even watering cans to transform the ordinary into something beautiful.  In his drawings and paintings he does not mix colour but uses it as it comes – straight from the can.  Inspired by Batchelor’s exhibition ‘Flatlands’ and his online portfolio investigate, explore, collect and create with found colour through a series of creativity challenges in partnership with The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh. Create a collaborative ‘Flatland’ across Scotland.

    learn to ...expressive artsLearn to....languages

    • Respond to abstract art
    • Experiment with a range of media
    • Use and combine visual elements to convey ideas in design work
    • Respond to a design brief to develop and communicate imaginative design solutions

    Learn with....Expressive artslearn with...languages

    • Learners across Scotland
    • The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh
    • Caitlin Page, Learning Programme Manager
    • Artists
    • Education Scotland Learning Team

    The first 5 schools to sign up will receive a copy of The Fruitmarket Gallery David Batchelor publication ‘Flatlands’

    Educators learn more about this learning experience here

    LearnCAT Email the LearnCat to sign up for Found Colour


    • If you are a learner, you can sign up for yourself. Please include your Glow username
    • If you are a teacher or other educator, you can sign up on behalf of a group of learners. Please include a list of Glow usernames
    • Email for any enquiries.
    • A Glow Login is required for your submissions.  If you have forgotten it or don’t have one click here.

    ‘Tell a Story’

    LanguagesSocial Studiesstorytelling

    Listen to LearnCAT

    Tell a Story Listen to what the Tell a Story Learning Opportunity is all about

    ‘Tell a Story Day’ is celebrated across Scotland in October. In the 3 weeks leading up to this national event join Storytellers in the ‘bothy’ at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh via Glow TV. Enjoy listening to the storytellers share tales about nations and territories within the Commonwealth, about personal challenge and achievement and memorable, adventurous and incredible journeys.  ‘Journeys’ is the theme for this year’s event. While listening, learn how to tell and perform oral stories. Then take the opportunity to ask the storytellers questions about their ideas and techniques to help you plan and hold your own ‘Tell a Story Day’ event.  On ‘Tell a Story’ day we plan to broadcast your stories across Scotland via Glow TV. How do you get selected? Send  a video clip of you performing your story and we will get back to you. We can’t wait!

    Learn to....languagesSocial Studies

    • Explore and play with the patterns and sounds of language
    • Communicate in a clear and expressive way
    • Select and organise ideas
    • Share real and imaginative stories using the spoken word
    • Create and perform a collaborative story
    • Plan a ‘Tell a Story Day’ event

    learn with...languages

    • Scottish Storytelling Centre
    • Storytellers
    • Young people and educators across Scotland.

    Educators can learn more about Tell a Story day here

    LearnCAT Email the LearnCat to sign up for Storytelling – Tell a Story


    • If you are a learner, you can sign up for yourself. Please include your Glow username
    • If you are a teacher or other educator, you can sign up on behalf of a group of learners. Please include a list of Glow usernames
    • Email for any enquiries.
    • A Glow Login is required for your submissions.  If you have forgotten it or don’t have one click here.