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N5 Critical Essay

Your critical essay is worth 20% of your overall grade at N5, and is part of your hr and a half long critical reading paper, alongside the textual analysis.

Try to dedicate more time to writing your essay than your textual analysis-if you have revised properly, the textual analysis should not take you more than 40 mins.

Critical Essay Tips

  • Go to PROSE section of Qs-if you answer on the wrong genre, you won’t pass!
  • Read the Q carefully and choose wisely based on what you have revised and practised in class before-if you don’t understand the Q, answer on a different one!
  • Use the structures recommended for introduction (TASTE), main paragraphs (PCQEL) and conclusion (SERVE)-notes provided in Essay Writing 101 materials

I have included a variety of resources to help you study for this part of the exam, including:

  • Essay Writing 101 materials
  • N5 Prose Qs
  • model essays
  • essay planning sheets

Essay Writing

Essay Writing 101 UPDATED booklet

Essay Writing 101 Powerpoint

Prose Qs


Essay Plans

Aspect of Human Nature Essay Plan

Characterisation Essay Plan – Complete

Characterisation Essay Plan

Climax Essay Plan

Complete Key Incident Essay Plan-Death of Curley’s Wife

Conflict Essay Plan – Complete

Relationship Essay Plan Theme Essay Plan – Complete


Model Essays

American Dream Model Essay

Conflict Model Essay


N5 Scottish Set Text-Edwin Morgan

The Scottish Set Text part of your exam will be part of your Critical Reading paper, alongside the critical essay. You will have an hour and a half to do both the textual analysis and your essay, so you need to manage your time well.

If you practise textual analysis well, you will be able to complete this part of the exam quickly and easily.


  • Treat the Qs like close reading Qs-e.g. if a Q asks you about “use of language”, you should be thinking about word choice, sentence structure, imagery, tone, other poetic techniques
  • Bullet point answers to ensure you are giving enough detail for marks available-1 mark=1 bullet point
  • Use the taught structure for answering the 8 mark comparison Q


I have attached a selection of materials for textual analysis revision, including:

  • annotated copies of each poem
  • the basic booklets for each poem
  • textual analysis tasks for each poem
  • 8 mark Q structure
  • 8 mark practice Qs

Don’t say I’m not good to you!

General Revision

Annotated Poems

Textual Analysis Practice Booklet


8 Mark Q

8 marker practice questions

8 mark Q structure


Booklets for each poem

Good Friday Booklet

Hyena Booklet

In The Snack Bar Booklet

Slate Booklet

Trio Booklet

Winter Booklet



N5 R4UAE Revision Materials

Hello pupils,

As the exams approach, it is important you begin studying regularly.

Your R4UAE exam is worth 30% of your final grade, and often the part of the exam pupils struggle with the most.



  • Familiarise yourself with broadsheet journalist style and vocabulary by reading articles regularly-follow the pages for papers such as The Independent, The Guardian and The Herald on Twitter and Facebook so you can have regular access to these sites
  • Decode the questions-work out if you are being asked an IYOW Q, Word Choice Q, Imagery Q, etc.
  • Use the formulas taught in class to answer the specific Q fully
  • Bullet point your answer to ensure you have written enough for the number of marks available-1 mark=1 bullet point


I have attached a selection of practice resources and a formula sheet to help you with your revision.


Good luck!


Q formulas

R4UAE Help Booklet

R4UAE Catch Up FebMarch2018

R4UAE Revision Pack