Paired reading

Mr Harte brought the Primary 6/5 class to visit Primary 2b and we paired up to read some books. The older children were very helpful in giving hints for reading and the younger children were very keen to show off their books and their reading skills. Leah (P2b): “I like reading books.” Chloe (P6/5): “When my partner got stuck I broke up the words to make it easier.” Billy: “My

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Internet Safety – Play Like Share

Your child’s online safety education this term This term your child’s class will be studying a unit of work based on Play Like Share, an animated series about online safety produced by Thinkuknow. Thinkuknow is an award-winning education programme from the National Crime Agency’s child protection command, CEOP. It aims to keep children safe from abuse, both online and off. Thinkuknow education resources are age-appropriate, non-scaremongering, and give children the

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Balornock Uniform Bank- Multi Jacket Swap Shop

BALORNOCK UNIFORM BANK Multi Jacket Swap Shop Bring in a child’s jacket and swap it for another Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th September 2017 2.30-3.00pm in Balornock Primary or Wednesday 27th September 2017 1.30-4.00pm at the Community Fellowship Northgate Road   Supporting Zero Waste Scotland’s Recycle Week Helping Balornock Primary School maintain their Eco Schools Scotland Green Flag Status  

Maths Week

During maths week we looked at how we could arrange dots to make them easy to count. We used dots to make pointillism pictures of fish and tried to count the dots on the fish.    

Internet Safety

At Balornock Primary we want to ensure that all of our pupils are safe. As part of our Health and Wellbeing Curriculum we explore ways in which children can keep themselves safe online. As a school community we also want to ensure our parents and carers understand more about how to keep their children safe online. Please click on the red links below to access factsheets created by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP)

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Kandinsky Trees

P6/5 have been looking at the work of Kandinsky.  He was an expressionist painter who explored colour.  P6/5 have been making trees with Kandinsky circles.

Introducing our new House Captains!

After applying for the position of House and Vice Captain along with attending a brilliant interview, the following candidates have been selected as our new Captains for the session 2017-18. CONGRATULATIONS!! We look forward to seeing how they drive their House forward to success this year! Kelvin Captain: Ellie Buchanan (P7b) Vice: Manasseh Soloman (P6/5) Tay Captain: Leona Rooney (P7b) Vice: Emily Wilson (P6) Forth Captain: Chloe Hope (P7b) Vice: Ella Queen (P6)

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