Mental Health Awareness Week

Today marks the start of Mental Health Awareness Week. I thought I would share some of the amazing work P5 did earlier on in the year. What a kind, positive bunch! Look after yourselves and those around you.  Mrs McMillan ❤️🌈IMG_0221

Meet Our Captains!

Congratulations to the following pupils who have been selected for this year’s House and Vice-Captains. Clyde                                                Tay                                                   Forth                                            Kelvin Captain: Darci Simpson                   Captain: Emily Wilson                    Captain: Joseph Christie          Captain: Tamta Chobalauri Vice-Captain: Kaian Murrie            V-C: Dylan Grant                              V-C: Chloe McLaren                  V-C: Muhammad Alley   We wish you every success in leading your teams to victory!!

Art afternoon

On Tuesday afternoon we invited our families to come and join us for Art! This term we have been learning about the Rainforest, last week we learned that there are different layers of the Rainforest. Each layer has different species of animals. We worked in groups and with the adults that joined us to paint a tiger, a gorilla, a toucan, insects, spider monkeys, create trees and vines and we

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SOS Sports Festival

At the start of the year P7 partnered up with a P7 class from St Martha’s to complete a series of workshops around sectarianism in Glasgow.  Since then we have completed lots of work on the history of sectarianism, and thoroughly enjoyed reading Divided City by Theresa Breslin, which is a story about two boys who support opposite football teams in Glasgow. This week we met up with St Martha’s

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STEM in P3

Primary 3 have had a fantastic week taking part in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) On Monday they carried out their own experiment called “Flying Film Canisters”. They mixed water and vitamin C tablets to create a mini explosion, propelling their canister up in to the air. They wrote a science report and discussed their hypothesis. On Tuesday they made their own balloon rockets and raced them against each other.    

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World Book Day

Well we did manage to have 2 fun days in literacy week. They were full of parent, staff and pupil involvement and reading was the name of the game. As we hide away from the weather today remember that it is World Book Day so use your day off school to celebrate your love of books. Read as much as you can, maybe build a snow library or something exciting.

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P2a French stars!

Primary 2 have been learning how to ask someone their name, and how to reply in French! As it’s literacy week in Balornock we thought we could try it with some of our favourite book and film characters! We loved it! Ask us about it when you see us! We’d love to teach you too!

Home Learning in P1a

The boys and girls in Primary 1a have been learning all about city and island life as part of their Social Studies topic this term. We have been exploring island life using digital learning e.g maps, videos, photographs and also through the context of Katie Morag stories. Our home learning project was to build a model or make a picture of the different landmarks on the Isle of Struay. Here

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A Very Short Week!

The boys and girls returned to school on Thursday after their midterm break. Although it was only a two day week, we were very busy growing our brains in school! We have been continuing to learn about subtraction and have been using pictures to represent our sums in order to calculate the answers. “We can use our fingers to work out the answers!” said Alicia. “9-9=0 and 2-1=1” said Leon. “Take away means

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