Internet Safety

At Balornock Primary we want to ensure that all of our pupils are safe. As part of our Health and Wellbeing Curriculum we explore ways in which children can keep themselves safe online. As a school community we also want to ensure our parents and carers understand more about how to keep their children safe online. Please click on the red links below to access factsheets created by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP) for parents about aspects of internet safety that we will be exploring with your child in the coming weeks.

Using Parental Controls

Parental controls are one of the many ways to help protect children online. This factsheet helps parents and carers to identify where controls can be used and how to implement them effectively.

Worried your child has shared too much online?

Occasionally, children can share too much information online. This factsheet advises parents on how to report and remove an image from the internet and where they can go for further advice.

Worried your child will see something inappropriate online?

There’s no watershed, ‘top shelf’ or ID required online but that doesn’t mean children can’t be protected from adult content. This factsheet helps parents/carers find out how they can help children to navigate the web safely. Topics covered include the ways to start a conversation with young people about inappropriate content. Parents and carers are also offered practical advice to help apply limits to content their children view online.


This factsheet provides information on what grooming is, signs of grooming and ways to have conversations with young people about their online activity.


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