Tag Archives: questionnaire

Parent & Carer Survey 2016

Today, we will be issuing our annual Parent and Carer Survey for 2016. As a school, we value your views about the service we provide and the work that we do. Data from the survey is used as evidence to support our annual Standards and Quality Report as well as helping us to identify priorities for our 2016-17 School Improvement Plan.

We would be grateful if you could complete the short survey and return it to the office by Friday 20th May.

A paper copy of the survey was issued to through schoolbag mail and an electronic version can be downloaded here: Parent Carer Survey 2016

Parent & Carer Survey – May 2015

During the month of May, the school is running a major self-evaluation exercise to help us gather evidence about our strengths and to help us identify areas for improvement. As part of this process we want to gather the views and options of our parent group in both the school and Sgoil Araich Loch a Tuath.

We would be very grateful if parents/carers could spare a few minutes to complete the survey below. Please answer any questions that are applicable to you and there is a space for additional comments on the last page. Although the survey is anonymous, you can add your name at the end, if you wish.

Please return it to the school by Friday 22nd May 2015

Parent & Carer Survey Questionnaire 2015