Tag Archives: fundraising

Red Nose Day Fun

The pupils and staff of Sgoil a’ Bhac had great fun marking Red Nose Day today. As well as selling red noses and dressing up for the day, we held a bake sale and had a Staff v Pupils football match. The staff won the day with a close 5-4 victory!

Thank you to everyone who contributed time, effort, baking and money today. We’ll announce a total early next week wen all the money has been counted.

Staff v Pupils Football Match

EP7 Fair-trade Hamper

The children in EP7 have created a beautiful hamper full of Fair-trade goodies as part of their learning during Fair-trade Fortnight.  This is an enterprise project that also ties in with their social studies topic on the rainforest.  Letters have been sent home with children today that allow parents and others to purchase tickets.  They will also be on sale to children during morning break in the crush hall.  The tickets cost £1 per strip, with all profits going to the Fair-trade Foundation.  We would like to thank everyone in advance for supporting our enterprise.

Charity Presentations

Bethesda Hospice


Last week, we had a visit from Mr DR Macdonald from Bethesda Hospice to collect a cheque for £428.38.

This was a presentation of the funds raised at Christmas time through the raffle of the cake made by our former cook, Mary Stewart and from the silver collection on the concert night.

We’d like to thank everyone who gave so generously to this cause.


God is Good Nursery School, Uganda


With the help of Mrs Macrae, pupils organised a non-uniform day and bake sale in aid of the ‘God is Good’ nursery school in Uganda.

Ishbal Mackenzie came to the school to collect a cheque for £245.40 for their appeal to support the Ugandan school.

Once again, we’d like to thank the children and parents who contributed to this very worthy cause.

Mad Hair Day

Mad Hair 3

Gaelic 4/5 planned and organised a Mad Hair day and encouraged all pupils and staff  to support the fundraising event.

Tha iad airson taing a thoirt  dhan a h-uile duine a ghabh pairt ann. Abair gu robh seallaidhean annasach ann an Sgoil a’ Bhac an-diugh! Thug sinn a-steach  £125 agus tha sinn eagalach toilichte leis an sin.


Poster Molly Poster Sandy

Mad Hair 1


Mad Hair 4

Sport Relief 2014

Our Pupil Council organised a range of different activities to mark this year’s Sport Relief and raise money for this good cause.

They began with a sports activity morning for pupils in P1-3. They had different activity stations set up around the hall and our younger pupils raced round the stations.

This was followed by an afternoon tea for parents and a football tournament for pupils. The winners of the pupil tournament went head-to-head with an elite staff team. After a close contest , the pupils pipped the staff 1-0.  All their events combined raised a total of £145.00. Thank you to the Pupil Council, especially Hannah Macleod, who led the organisation of these events.

Sport Relief Afternoon Tea for Parents
Sport Relief Afternoon Tea for Parents
Sport Relief Football - Staff team and winning pupil team.
Sport Relief Football – Staff team and winning pupil team.


Thank You

Congratulations to EP7 who raised just under £200 towards their school trip by organising a movie afternoon.  The EP7s did a fantastic job and showed a huge amount of enthusiasm and dedication when organising the event.  We would also like to extend our thanks to all of the parents who contributed baking for the day.  Your generosity is very much appreciated.  Congratulations also go to David Anderson GP5 who won our fantastic chocolate hamper!

Sport Relief

Sport Relief – Friday 21st March 2014

Our Pupil Council have been organising events to mark Sport Relief on Friday.  They have written a letter to parents which will be circulated tomorrow.  Their planned events are as follows:

– Sports Circuits in the morning for P1-3 for £1 a go 

– A football tournament for P4-7 pupils and staff in the afternoon for which it will be £1 to participate or to watch. 

– An afternoon tea and snacks for parents and pupils during the football competition. 

The Pupil Council would like to invite parents to join us for the afternoon tea and football games.

Movie Afternoon

EP7 are holding a movie afternoon on Friday 7th March.  We will be showing Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2.  The entry will be £1 per ticket and there will also be a tuck shop before the movie starts.  In addition to this we will be selling raffle tickets for a chocolate hamper.  These will be priced at 50p per strip.  All money raised will go towards the P7 trip in June.

Non Uniform Day & Bake Sale

IMG_3734The members of our football team and their parents organised a non-uniform day and bake sale today to raise money for their football trip to the mainland next month. They are still busy selling baking at lunch-time today so we’ll be able to announce a grand total of funds raised on Monday.

The team are photographed here just before opening their stall this morning. Thank you very much to all the parents who donated baking and to all the families across the school who sent in money for the non-uniform day and the baking.



There were some pupils today who chose to dress up rather than down for our non-uniform day!