Dh’obraich clasaichean Gàidhlig 3-7 comhla a’ cuir biadh ri chèile airson na h-iseanan. Chroch sinn iad air na craobhan mun cuairt a’ sgoil. Tha sinn air a bhith cumail sùil oirre agus tha na h-iseanan air a bhith dhan ith. Ium, Ium!!!
Dh’obraich clasaichean Gàidhlig 3-7 comhla a’ cuir biadh ri chèile airson na h-iseanan. Chroch sinn iad air na craobhan mun cuairt a’ sgoil. Tha sinn air a bhith cumail sùil oirre agus tha na h-iseanan air a bhith dhan ith. Ium, Ium!!!
Congratulations to Kyla McMurdo, EP5 for being placed 3rd overall in the Under 11 category of the cross country event on the 18th of February. Well done!
Rinn Clas 3-5 brat-buird le tartan ùr a chruthaich iad fhèin agus an t-altachadh “Selkirk Grace” air. Thug iad dhachaigh na brat-buird airson an cleachdadh aig an taigh.
Fealla-Dhà anns an t-Sneachd!
Seach gu robh e a’ coimhead rudeigin sleamhainn a-muigh an-duigh rinn GP3-5 bodaich sneachda an àite a mìle lathaicheil anns an 15 mionaidean sa mhadainn! Abair gu robh fealla-dhà aca feuchainn ris an criochnachadh anns an tìde goirid.
Amidst our Christmas concert rehearsals our P6 and P7 girls were busy painting our Christmas display board that will be on show somewhere in the town centre. Keep your eyes peeled for it!
Christmas Jumper Day will be held on Friday 16th December. Pop on a festive jumper or get creative and design your own one. Donate a £1 to Save the Children. Your support will help Save the Children solve serious problems, giving children a brighter future. For more information on the work Save the Children are able to do with money raised in this way check out www.christmasjumperday.org
Sgoil a’ Bhac’s first eco-committee has been formed. These eight pupils were elected by their classmates to work together to make the school more environmentally friendly.
Already the eco-committee have carried out an environmental review of the school and school grounds and are in the process of writing an eco action plan and developing an eco-code.
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