Category Archives: G3-5

Sharing the Learning at Pupil-Led Events

Today, we held our annual pupil-led events with our Sgoil Araich, E1-2 and G1-3 classes welcoming parents to visit in the afternoon and our other classes in the evening.

The children thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to share with parents and families the learning they’ve been doing throughout this year and we’d like to thank everyone who was able to join us during both the afternoon and the evening.

We’d also like to thank our pupils and staff for all the hard work they put into preparing for this event.

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Mad Hair Day

Mad Hair 3

Gaelic 4/5 planned and organised a Mad Hair day and encouraged all pupils and staff  to support the fundraising event.

Tha iad airson taing a thoirt  dhan a h-uile duine a ghabh pairt ann. Abair gu robh seallaidhean annasach ann an Sgoil a’ Bhac an-diugh! Thug sinn a-steach  £125 agus tha sinn eagalach toilichte leis an sin.


Poster Molly Poster Sandy

Mad Hair 1


Mad Hair 4

Na Seann Eipheitich

This term G4/5 studied the Ancient Egyptians and used this topic as a basis for literacy tasks.

We worked in groups and reported back to the class on the importance of the River Nile to them. We enjoyed  showing off our “Wow” adjectives in our poems about the Nile crocodile.

1 R. Nile art

 6 Shape

Our main focus was looking at the importance of evidence from the past.


2 corridor pic

We enjoyed writing our names in hieroglyphs on cartouches.       

We also invited Jack Duncan, student of archaeology, to talk to us about the work of an archaeologist,

He gave us a really interesting presentation and answered all our questions. 

3 Art 4 Jack Duncan

Mrs Duncan, who is Jack’s Mum, kindly helped us to write an Egyptian song, which we performed at the whole school assembly. 

5 Egyptian characters

Sheinn sinn cuideachd an oran ” Chaidh mi sios chun an amhainn an-de..” a dh’ ionnsaich sinn sa chlas Seinn. You can listen to the two songs by following the link.


Mission Aviation Fellowship

Today, the pupils of G5-7 and E5-7 visited a special exhibition in Back Free Church Hall from Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). During a very interesting presentation they found out about the work of MAF in supporting people all over the World, flying food, water, medicines and other aid to the needy.

IMG_3924e IMG_3923eThe school made a donation to MAF at the end of the presentations to help continue to support their work.

As part of their visit to Lewis, MAF will be offering the opportunity to have a go in a flight simulator. The simulator will be available at the MA Memorial Hall, Stornoway on Saturday and at Back Free Church on Sunday evening during the Youth Fellowship.


Well Done to our Rowing Teams

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Six teams from Sgoil a’ Bhac took part in the Sports Festival rowing competition last week. All the children who participated did a great job and that they really enjoyed the competition. We need to give a special mention to ‘Back Boys (with a Girl)’ This team won every single race they took part in. The teams are pictured below with their participation certificates.

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