Eco-Committee 2016/2017

dsc00610Sgoil a’ Bhac’s first eco-committee has been formed.  These eight pupils were elected by their classmates to work together to make the school more environmentally friendly. 

Already the eco-committee have carried out an environmental review of the school and school grounds and are in the process of writing an eco action plan and developing an eco-code.


Mod Naiseanta Rioghail nan Eilean Siar

Daniel Macleod a ghabh a’ chiad aite ann an comhradh aois 9-10 fileanta
Bhuannaich Kitty Anne Maciver a’ chiad aite ann an aithris bardachd aois 11-12 fileanta.
Fhuair Talia Graham a’chiad aite ann an seinn aon-neach aois 9-10 fileanta.
Fhuair Coinneach Mackenzie an darna aite ann an aithris bardachd aois 5-6 fileanta.
Ghabh iad seo pairt aig Mod Naiseanta nan Eilean Siar 2016.

Children In Need

Image result for pudsey

On Friday 18th November, the school will be holding a Children in Need fundraiser. There will be events such as face painting, a bake stall and dress in yellow or spots. If your child is allergic to face paints please inform the school office. We would greatly appreciate it if you could donate cakes for our bake stall. If you are able to donate baking please drop it off in the school library on the morning of Friday 18th November.

Thank you,

Pupil council.