During my work experience week, I went to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. On the first day, I had to get changed into theatre attire so I could go into theatre and observe. I did an attachment with a consultant laparoscopic surgeon for the Monday list and observed four surgeries, including the reversal of an ileostomy and the removal of a Spigelian hernia which was a very exciting and new experience. Before the operation, I was also able to see how the anaesthetist administrated analgesia and the different types which were used for various cases. I also became familiar with different surgical procedures over the week as I did an attachment with an endocrine consultant and observed a complex parathyroidectomy. On Tuesday, I sat in during the clinics and consultations with a consultant laparoscopic surgeon. The next day, I was able to observe surgeries done by the trauma team and later visit the Intensive Care Unit ( ICU ) and High Dependency Unit ( HDU ). On my visit to ICU, an anaesthetic consultant described to me the transportation of parents and how keeping calm was of paramount importance. Furthermore, an FY1 explained to me the different medication that was on hand and ready in case of an emergency. On the last day, I did an attachment with an FY1 up in the ward where she showed me the process of taking blood and how to insert a cannula. Throughout the week, I was able to come on the ward rounds and see how a patient’s health was observed and under what conditions a referral was made.

Throughout the week, I developed my understanding skills as I discovered new and exciting procedures. I also developed teamwork skills when I helped nurses find and locate necessary equipment. Furthermore, I developed my people skills as I showed empathy when patients were communicated bad news.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my work experience attachment and it was a very valuable and useful experience but more importantly it was fun and exciting. It has promoted me to continue working hard at school so that I can hopefully achieve my career goal through hard work and determination.