For work experience I went to the Glasgow city college to do an introduction to professional cookery course. On the first day we learned some different types of vegetable cuts and made homemade bread rolls. During work experience I learned a lot of new cooking techniques one of these are coking without colour.
Work experience overall made me a more confident person because I had to travel on a bus by myself for the 5 days of work experience. Work experience is a great way to make new friends has every school in Scotland is going on work experience on the same days.
I did this course as I want to be a chef when I am older going to the college provided with an insight to a real kitchen and how chefs cook all types of food one of my favourite things we cooked was chocolate profiteroles.
Overall work experience is a very good way to see your potential career for when you are older and if you don’t like what you have done for work experience then you can look for a different career option. The journey to work experience was different has I had to get up very early to get to my placement on time on the first I got there 30 minutes early so I could set a good impression. I also phoned my placement the week before so that they knew I was coming.