by Mrs Wilson
The children and adults have been learning about planting, growing and harvesting a variety of different vegetables and fruit with help and support from Goody Foody. Towards the end of August we began to harvest our beetroots and the children have been exploring them in their play experiences.
The children have been learning how to prepare the beetroot for cooking, using brushes and water to clean them and joining in with a rhyme as an adult used a sharp knife to cut off the bottom and cut the leaves off the top.
Chop, chop, choppity-chop,
Cut off the bottom, and cut off the top.
What there is left, we put in the pot.
Chop, chop, choppity-chop.
When the beetroots were cooked the children had the opportunity to have a go at tasting them.

The children were very interested to observe that the beetroot cooking water had changed colour.
“It looks a bit like purple now. The beetroot has changed the water.”
The cooking water was used to investigate what would happen if some white cotton material was soaked in it.

The children developed their mark making skills using the cooking water to paint with.
The beetroot leaves were also used, along with some nasturtium flowers and leaves grown in the garden, to try the Japanese art of Hapa-Zome (leaf-dye).