All posts by Miss McCallum


Patterns are all around us, and there are lots of great fun ways to develop children’s awareness of patterns to help them build important early maths skills and apply rules.

You can notice patterns:

On clothing, wellington boots and the soles of your shoes 

On animals – “Tigers have stripes and leopards have spots.”

Go on a pattern hunt in your own and the wider environment 

“I can see a pattern on the tyres.”

You can hear them:

Make a sound pattern with instruments e.g. BANG, tap, tap, BANG, tap, tap.

Sing songs where the lines are repeated where there is a number pattern going up or down.

You can make them:

Provide opportunities for children to copy patterns and create their own as they play.

“I’ve drawn lots of stripy dogs and cats.”

Using loose parts!

Moving your body to make an action pattern e.g. hop, hop, clap!

Beatrix Potter

The children had been interested in books. Mrs Rodger had come back from her Honeymoon with lots of information on Beatrix Potter and her beautifully illustrated books. The children were very interested in learning about what an author is and meeting the different characters that Beatrix Potter created. The children loved watching the traditional story of Peter Rabbit as they were familiar with the more up to date version which is on our televisions at the moment. 

“I love Peter Rabbit, I watch it at home.”

The children got to see a video of where Beatrix Potter lived on Hill top Farm.

“Where is that?”  “I want to go there.”

The children created a frame for the picture of Beatrix Potter so that we could display it in our writing area. They also got to make rabbit ear hats which they had to cut out of paper plates. Cutting out shapes helps the children’s fine motor skills which in turn help them with their writing skills.

“This makes her look nice.”

“I can cut it look.”

“Is this the right way.”

This learning experience went on for a matter of weeks. The children still talk about it today and we still revisit the stories of the Mischievous characters that Beatrix Potter created. This was a lovely learning experience to share with the children.

Mark Making

The children have been busy enjoying exploring different ways of mark making inside the nursery and outside in the gardens. Mark making gives children the opportunity to express themselves and explore using a variety of tools and materials, while also supporting development of fine motor skills and hand eye coordination.  Furthermore, mark making allows children to develop their creativity and imagination, and communicate their feelings.

Here are a few photos to show you what the children have been doing:

Paper and Pens

“My butterflies are flying away in the sky.”

Paint and brush

“Do you like my stripes?”


“I like drawing outside with the chalk”

Large floor drawing

“I’m using lots of crayons to draw lots and lots of circles.”

Playdough stampers

“They look like little flowers.”

Car ramp tyre print

“My car is going down really fast.  I can see the paint.”


“It feels all sticky on my fingers.”

Rollerball painting

“The balls are mixing all the paint together.”


“I’m drawing an aeroplane.”

Feather writing

“This is quite tricky to hold the feather.”

Large painting

“Can you reach up to the top like me?”

Shaving Foam

“My hands are so messy.”

There are many more mark making ideas that you could try at home such as ice writing, mud painting, shadow drawing or crayon rubbings on different textures.

Please remember to share your learning on Twitter @Glenwood FC #Glenwoodlearningathome