All posts by Mrs Husbands

Remote Learning – Emotional Intelligence

We all experience different emotions and how we deal with them is important for our mental health and wellbeing. At Glenwood we help children to recognise their own emotions and those of others, suggesting ways of coping with them as we play together.

Mrs McGregor has created a Sway with some ideas of how you can help your child develop their emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence
Like the weather children’s emotions can change throughout the day; from feeling sunny, to stormy, to teary, to unsettled and back again. You could say it’s a rainbow of emotions 😊😁😐😧��…
Go to this Sway

Remote Learning – Ideas for Using Chalk

Children enjoy using chalk outside and can use it in a variety of different activities, developing many different skills.

For many children it may be one of their first experiences of mark making, allowing them to freely explore and encouraging their wonderful imagination. This will help to develop their fine motor skills which will strengthen their pincer grip essential movements for controlling and holding any writing implement.


Games such as hopscotch can help our physical well being, encouraging the development of our large motor skills, through hopping, jumping and balancing. Using numbers or letters can also help with numeracy & literacy skills.

Number Circles

Other great chalk ideas that would help to further develop numeracy skills could be, number circles having to count and place the correct amount of marbles or counters into the correct numbered circle.


Developing the ability to recognise the pattern and follow it on by drawing the correct missing shape or saying the shapes name. Encourages shape recognition and problem solving.

More games 

To develop colour, shape and number recognition, could be drawing the different shapes with different coloured chalks, writing a number in the middle then asking for the correct number and colour of marbles or counters to be placed in the named shape.

The freedom to explore different activities when using chalk will encourage more creativity, confidence and curiosity. You can help develop this by offering different learning experiences and ways to use chalk. Writing up picture idea cards might help encourage someone who is struggling to think of just what to draw.

Also by grating chalk into a fine powder and mixing it with water turning it into a paint, using a paint brush to paint with or adding it into a spray bottle will allow for different effects. Also mixing the chalk dust with shaving foam and placing into a squeeze bottle will create different textures foam paints which children love!

Don’t worry if you don’t have any chalk – you can make your own paint using cornflour, water and food colouring. Watch this video to find out how… Make your own chalk paint

Remember to Tweet  @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome

Remote Learning – Yoga

During our weekly yoga sessions we learnt lots of different poses – do you remember them all.

The candle The downward dogThe snake

The Shavasana

Mrs Russell hopes you have been practising and has made a short video to remind you of them all.

You could also have a look at Cosmic Kids Yoga for more exercises.

Remember to share with us @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome 

Remote Learning – Shadow Puppets

Puppets can make a book come to life. They are also a great tool for teaching rhyme in early literacy development. Acting out a story with puppets captures children’s attention to help them focus on the story. Children can invent and perform their own plays giving the puppet a character voice. It can talk or sing high, sing low, sing loud, sing soft. Get your puppet helper to lead the singing with a favourite song or rhyme.
Mrs Silvester has been having fun at home making shadow puppets and putting on a shadow puppet play.
She used a piece of paper to create shadows with her phone’s flashlight.
Next she used a bed sheet with a light source.
Can guess and match objects to their silhouettes?
 Find out how to make your own shadow puppet theatre with the CBeebies Let’s Go Club here:  Let’s Go Club
You can get some more tips on putting on a puppet show here:
Remember to Tweet  @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome

Remote Learning – Let’s go on a number hunt!

There are numbers all around us!

Mrs McGrory went on a number hunt inside her house – look all the numbers she found.











Which numbers can you see?






Can you find some numbers in your house?

Maybe you could go on a number hunt outside too…

Perhaps you could look for all the numbers in order?

Good hunting and don’t forget to Tweet  @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome

Remote Learning – Thank you for sharing!

Here is a quick look at some of the activities that you have been doing at home. Thank you for sharing what you have been doing on Twitter – remember to tag @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome

Planting and growing sunflowers…






PE with Joe Wicks…

Getting creative…





Helping with DIY…





Building dens…

Making rainbows for your windows…









We love to see what you have been doing at home.

Please stay in touch.

Remote Learning – Helping around the house

Young children love to help… we all know this often means a job can take twice as long, so why is it important that we encourage children to help with jobs around the house?

Helping is fun for children! They want to copy what adults do and enjoy spending time with them.

What are children learning as they help with chores? Firstly, a sense of pride in what they have contributed to the family. They are also learning to cooperate and to take responsibility, as well as important skills for life.

Children will be developing their literacy skills – having conversations, listening to instructions, learning and using new words.

Numeracy skills are also used – sorting and matching, counting and measuring are just some of the skills that are important in jobs around the house.


Both large and fine motor skills will be developed along with motor-eye coordination.There are a few important things to remember if having the children helping is going to be enjoyable for everyone:

  • Relax and don’t expect perfection!
  • Be specific with your instructions – “put your toys away where they belong” is easier to understand than “tidy your room”.
  • Let your child do a job with you before expecting them to do it by themselves.
  • Give praise and encouragement as your child works.
  • Make sure the chore is appropriate for your child’s age and development – if it’s too hard they will become frustrated.

So, what jobs can young children help with?

  • Put away toys, make their bed, put their laundry in the basket, sort the washing…
  • Wipe surfaces, sweep floors, vacuum, dust…
  • Help cook, make cereal and sandwiches, set and clear the table, wash (unbreakable) dishes, unload the dishwasher…
  • Put away the shopping…
  • Weeding, watering plants, wash the car…

Try and enjoy spending time together with your child whatever you are doing and remember learning is everywhere.

@GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome

Remote Learning – Become a Scientist

Children are naturally scientists – their curiosity helps them to understand the world around them. The children at Glenwood love to do their own experiments – developing their skills of scientific inquiry and creativity as they work.

They ask questions and make predictions, follow instructions and make observations, developing skills for learning, life and work.

Here are a few simple experiments and investigations you can try at home…

Click on the link to find out how to Make a Bubble Snake 

Here is a reminder of the bubble mix recipe:

1/2 cup of washing up liquid, 1 1/2 cups water & 2 teaspoons of sugar

You could use straws or other tubes to blow bubbles (or anything else with holes…)

Make a Paper Aeroplane (follow the link for instructions)

Which is the best design for flying fast?

Which goes the furthest?

Why don’t you have a competition with your whole family?

Create a Volcanic Eruption

This is a favourite at Glenwood – it can get messy so you might like to do it outside!

First make your volcano – you could use an empty plastic bottle or yoghurt pot and some sand or mud.

Next put some bicarbonate of soda in the volcano (along with some ketchup or food colouring  or paint to make the lava red)

Finally pour in some vinegar and watch the eruption!

Lego Boat Challenge

Can you make a boat that floats using Lego?




How many pennies can it hold before it sinks?



Another challenge for the whole family to get involved with!

Build a Bug Hotel

You could create a home for minibeasts in your garden – it can be big and fancy like the one on the RSPB website but a simple one using recycled materials will also attract wildlife.

Don’t forget there are some other science experiments  in your Ideas for Home Booklet March 2020

Please Tweet some photos @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome


Remote Learning – We’re going on a shape hunt!

Mrs Ross went looking for shapes around her house. Some were very tricky to find so she had to look very hard!

Can you name any of these shapes?





Can you find these shapes in your house?



Can you find any other shapes in your house?

When doing a scavenger hunt like this you are learning to explore and notice shapes in your environment, to match 2D shapes and to talk about the properties of shapes (How many sides? How many corners? Are they straight, round, curved?). For further challenge you could try to find and name some 3D objects.

Please Tweet us your shape hunt photos

@GlenwoodFC #Glenwoodlearningathome

Remote Learning- The Great Outdoors

Being outdoors has many benefits to children’s wellbeing and development. It has a positive impact on mental health as the body increases production of the feel-good hormone serotonin and reduces production of the stress hormone cortisol. Being outdoors provides lots of opportunities for physical activity, which increases muscle strength, stamina and bone density as well as reducing obesity. The NHS recommends that children under 5 years have at least 3 hours of physical activity daily. One final benefit is that spending time outdoors can lead to improved sleep.

At the moment children do not have the option of visiting their local playpark so here are just a few ideas of what you might do together outdoors…

Scavenger Hunts turn any walk into an adventure! Look for signs of spring, shapes, things that are one chosen colour, numbers (in order), make up your own list or download one from online….






Explore nature in the garden  Go on a minibeast hunt – look under stones, pots, logs, under plants for creepy crawlies. Use an old plastic container such as a yoghurt pot to put them in if you don’t have a bug box.

Some other ideas can be found on these websites.

Gardening Even if you have no seeds to plant, it’s great exercise to help tidy up the garden by weeding and digging over the soil. You might find some minibeasts to investigate as you work.

Don’t forget to plant the sunflower seeds from your Family Learning Bag. You might try growing new plants from fruit and vegetables that you have been eating – apples, potatoes and peppers are good ones to try.

Family Sports Day Everyone likes a bit of competition!

Try some novelty races – ‘egg’ and spoon, balancing a beanbag (or rolled up pair of socks) on your head, penguin waddle (hold a ball between your knees), crab walking, wheelbarrow race, dressing up, shoe box slide (put empty shoe boxes on your feet)…

Make you own assault course – go under, over, along, up, down. Use whatever you have available – garden chairs, tables, slides, planks of wood, old sheets, skipping ropes. Time how long it takes for each person to complete.

Target games – who can get closest to the target? You could use a bucket as a target or make one on the ground. Throw balls, rolled up socks, wellies… Just make sure there is nothing breakable in the way.

Or you could make some skittles using tin cans or plastic bottles.




We hope you are inspired to have fun in the outdoors and don’t forget to share with us on Twitter @GlenwoodFC #Glenwoodlearningathome


Remote Learning- Make you own window paint

A little bit messy but great fun…

You will need: plain flour, washing up liquid, water, food colouring, bowls, spoons, paint brushes





Measure out 1 cup each of flour, water and washing up liquid and mix until smooth – try not to make too many bubbles.





Split the paint between small bowls and add food colouring.

Your paint is ready to use!

Have you spotted any rainbows in your street?

Here is Mrs Husbands!