Remote Learning – Become a Scientist

Children are naturally scientists – their curiosity helps them to understand the world around them. The children at Glenwood love to do their own experiments – developing their skills of scientific inquiry and creativity as they work.

They ask questions and make predictions, follow instructions and make observations, developing skills for learning, life and work.

Here are a few simple experiments and investigations you can try at home…

Click on the link to find out how to Make a Bubble Snake 

Here is a reminder of the bubble mix recipe:

1/2 cup of washing up liquid, 1 1/2 cups water & 2 teaspoons of sugar

You could use straws or other tubes to blow bubbles (or anything else with holes…)

Make a Paper Aeroplane (follow the link for instructions)

Which is the best design for flying fast?

Which goes the furthest?

Why don’t you have a competition with your whole family?

Create a Volcanic Eruption

This is a favourite at Glenwood – it can get messy so you might like to do it outside!

First make your volcano – you could use an empty plastic bottle or yoghurt pot and some sand or mud.

Next put some bicarbonate of soda in the volcano (along with some ketchup or food colouring  or paint to make the lava red)

Finally pour in some vinegar and watch the eruption!

Lego Boat Challenge

Can you make a boat that floats using Lego?




How many pennies can it hold before it sinks?



Another challenge for the whole family to get involved with!

Build a Bug Hotel

You could create a home for minibeasts in your garden – it can be big and fancy like the one on the RSPB website but a simple one using recycled materials will also attract wildlife.

Don’t forget there are some other science experiments  in your Ideas for Home Booklet March 2020

Please Tweet some photos @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome


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