Tag: Parents

Nursery woodland visits


Dear Parent / Carer

As most of you already know the preschool children take part in regular forest visits to a local woodland area which up until now has been Eastwood Park.  This year staff have carried out a risk assessment and explored Huntly Park with a view to changing our venue.  The walk will be shorter but the area still provides an interesting and stimulating environment for us to explore.  Because of our generous staffing levels, and due to the current restrictions on contact with parents and carers, we will not require parent helpers. Obviously we will tweet about our adventures so you can see what we are up to.  Waterproofs and wellies will be provided but you are also free to supply your own if preferred.

Your child will go in a small group on a fortnightly basis on a Tuesday or Thursday morning.  We have looked at the different attendance patterns to ensure every child has the opportunity to take part.

Looking forward to our first visit being Tuesday 8th  September.

annual data check and permissions


Dear Parent / Carer

All parents of new pupils to the school (including Primary 1) have already been asked to complete annual data checks and permission forms.  If you have not already returned these forms to the school could you please do so as soon as possible.

If you have not already signed up to ParentsPortal your child should today bring home an envelope containing the following which we would ask that you complete and return to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible:

  • Annual Data Check – please check the form and make any amendments before signing
  • School Excursions & Educational Visits Consent (Trip Permission) – please complete BOTH sides of the form and sign
  • Consent For Photography & Digital Imaging
  • Responsible User Agreement – this should be signed by BOTH pupil and parent

Thank you to those of you who have signed up to ParentsPortal.  If you have successfully linked to your child by 2nd September you will have received an email asking you to complete their Annual Data Check online.  Could we please ask that you try and do that as soon as possible.  We have been advised by East Renfrewshire Council that “on line” permission forms should be available in October and we will advise you further regarding this matter in due course.  In the meantime we will be using the existing permissions held by the school.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Giffnock Family Support Team

As we settle back into our school life and routines we wanted to raise your awareness of the Giffnock Family Support Team and the role we all play in supporting our children and families in school.

Over the years we have offered support and help in a variety of ways and have enjoyed meeting many of you at our parent workshops and drop in sessions over the years. Shortly we will be contacting families about new and continuing support experiences at school. A member of the team will be in contact with families as appropriate, about continued and updating Universal planning and Wellbeing planning.

We also look forward to extending our enhancement groups this year and looking at Catch Up Clubs too.

Our Giffnock Family continues to benefit from support from Kevin Daily at Young Carers, Julie Douglas at Family First and also Kiran Ayaz, further details can also be found at:-


We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Nursery Drop Off

When you are dropping off your children please observe social distancing unless your child is upset.

Please give your child’s lunchbox etc to them to bring in by themselves and stay at the “holding area” (large climbing poles near entrance).

If you have to buzz at the nursery entrance please stay at the bottom of the steps when staff answer the door.

This will keep everybody safe and following guidelines.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Accessing Glow & Google Classroom At Home

There have been a number of issues this week with accessing Glow and Google Classroom at home, and we apologise for this.

Glow decided this week that they were going to force a password reset on all pupil users, which sadly coincided with our issuing of Google Classroom homework in a number of our classes!  We are aware that this has caused access issues at home.  If your child is unable to access Glow or Google Classroom this week, they should highlight this directly with their class teacher in the first instance.  The class teacher will be able to support in resetting any passwords and ensuring access to Google Classroom.  You may have already accessed Glow at home this week and been prompted for the password reset, this is normal and the instructions on the screen should talk you though the process clearly.  If you access Google Classroom via an app on a mobile device, the password reset will not have been triggered so we will ensure the password is reset within school.

Google Classroom Homework

This year, where suitable, homework will be shared with pupils via Google Classroom. Our P2 – P7 pupils and families are already familiar with using this platform which is a collaborative online space where staff and pupils can share information, resources and assignments. You can find a help sheet to support the use of Google Classroom on our website under information as Homework.

Google Classroom Homework

If you require further assistance please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Best Start Grant

Primary 1

Please find attached information on the Best Start Grant School Age Payment, which has recently been launched by Social Security Scotland.

This is a £250 payment towards the many costs of starting school, and is made to eligible families around the time that a child starts Primary 1.

Please see the attached leaflet for more information, as well as details on how to apply.

BSG School Age client flyer 2020

Health and safety reminder

With our return to school can we please remind you to be extra vigilant to the symptoms of COVID.

  • New continuous cough
  • Fever/high temperature
  • Loss of or change in sense of taste or smell

If your child shows any of the above symptoms we would ask that you immediately contact the NHS and follow the Test and Protect guidance.  Any siblings should also self isolate until the results of the tests are received.

Testing for pupils and parents can be booked through NHS Inform:  https://www.nhsinform.scot/self-help-guides/self-help-guide-access-to-testing-for-coronavirus

Can we please remind you that any absence, for whatever reason, should be reported to the school by telephone before 9:30am.  If your child is tested for COVID could we ask that, if you are happy to, you confidentially share the test results with the school as soon as possible in order to support our awareness.

Our guidance relating to all other illness/unwellness remains exactly the same as before.  If your chid is unwell they should not come to school as this will allow them time to fully recover and also they will not then pass on any illness to other children in the class.  If for medical reasons you have concerns about our child you should contact your own GP or the NHS.

Flu Vaccination

Dear Parent / Carer

We would like to advise you that the NHS have confirmed that the flu vaccination programme will take place in school on Thursday 29th October 2020

Today your child will bring home information from the NHS who have requested that the consent form be completed and returned to your child’s class teacher by Friday 28th August – even if you do not want your child to be immunised.  If you have any queries you should contact the NHS directly – full information is provided in their envelope.

Google Classrooms

We intimated on the 19th June that we intended to archive existing Google Classrooms on Friday 26th June. Following a number of requests from parents, we have decided to keep our Google Classrooms open until Monday 10th August. This will allow those who wish to access existing links and documents within the Classroom to do so over the summer period. Please note that the Google Classrooms will not be monitored by staff during this time, therefore we will be switching off the ability to post on the stream and to comment on existing posts at the end of day tomorrow.

Please note that when the Classroom is archived on the 10th August, your child still retains access to all the files and documents they have been working on by going in to their Google Drive. This can be accessed from the Glow Launch Pad or within any of the Google programmes. If you need to sign in to this, please use the child’s Glow username followed by @er.glow.scot

Last Day of Term

Dear Parent / Carer

We would like to remind you that although the school is open and staffed until 3:00pm on Friday 26th June for our Key Worker children, the school office will close at 1:00pm and you will therefore be unable to make telephone contact after that time.

We hope you all have a wonderful summer and we look forward to welcoming you back in August.

Mrs Carney to take early retirement

Dear Parent / Carer,

I am writing to inform you that our long-standing colleague and friend Mrs. Dot Carney will be taking early retirement at the end of this school session, with her last day with us being Thursday 25th June.

Mrs. Carney has been with Giffnock Primary School since Giffnock and Robslee merged schools in 2011/12. Her expertise, care and professionalism have made a hugely significant impact on the school and we are extremely sad to lose Mrs. Carney’s knowledge and insight. A very wide range of our children have greatly benefitted from her time at Giffnock and I know that you will also be very sorry to see her go.

I am sure that you will join me on behalf of the whole school community in wishing Mrs. Carney every happiness for the new, exciting road ahead.

Yours sincerely,
Rob Lawson Head Teacher

Whole School Google Classrooms

As we approach the end of term our current class Google Classrooms will be archived at the end of day on Friday 26th June, meaning your child will no longer be able to access them after then. We are in the process of setting up new Google Classrooms for the start of next school year and will share links and information for these in due course.