The Support Buddies are pupils from our Primary 7 classes who have volunteered to take on various roles to support younger pupils in the school.

The Support Buddies for 2023-24 – TBC


Support Buddies Information Leaflet

In previous years we have had Little Learner Buddies,  Dyslexia Buddies, Lego Buddies and Chill Out Buddies.

Little Learner Buddies supported Primary 1 classes each week by playing games and other activities with the pupils.

Dyslexia Buddies were paired with younger pupils to support when a younger pupil is identified as being dyslexic. At an initial Buddy meeting suggestions can be made about things which may help in school. The Buddy will also be a familiar face to approach in the playground.

Dyslexia Awareness Nov 2018 Support Buddies presentation

Lego Buddies help to support the weekly Lego Group sessions held at lunchtimes, by supporting trios of younger pupils working together to build Lego kits.

The Chill-Out Zone Buddies are involved in setting up and running a quiet zone in the playground on two lunchtimes each week. This will provide a quiet area with relaxing activities which pupils will be able to access on occasion.