Tag: Eco News

Recycle old pens and pencils with the eco committee

We are now registered as a BIC school and nursery.

We would love you to donate dried up pens (felt tips, whiteboard pens, biros) and pencils that may be too short to use or broken.

We can recycle them and collect points which can then be turned into charitable donations for charities of our choice.

Click on the link to find out more.


Please send your donations into school with your child who will give it to their class teacher to be passed on to Miss Emo who is co-ordinating this intiative.

Thanks for your help,

Giffnock Eco Committee

RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch

Dear Parents/Carers,

If you would like to take part in the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch here is the link to their website where you can register and download a pack for free.


If you take part in this please encourage your child to bring their findings to school and they will receive an Eco certificate. 

Thank you

Mrs Bradley, Miss Reid and the Eco Committee


Eco News

Congratulations!  Giffnock Primary has successfully renewed its Eco-Schools Green Flag Award status.

Our Eco Committee worked very hard preparing for our Eco-Schools Scotland assessment. They showed excellent communication skills and were commended for their knowledge on our chosen Eco topics. The assessor was complimentary of our whole school approach to ECO topics and was impressed at the number of professionals involved with our Playground Project and Fit for Life committees. Every child helped to achieve this fantastic award by litter picking, planting, recycling, buying Fairtrade bananas or contributing to charity. The whole school is feeling very proud of our achievement.