Tag: Nursery

Google classrooms for Nursery

At Giffnock Nursery we have developed an additional platform from which to share your child’s learning journey.  As for all our classes, we have created a new Google Classroom for all our nursery children.

This will be a shared space which only those with a login will be able to access, meaning there is an increased level of privacy for photos and information about learning activities to be shared. The Google Classroom will be useful for sharing certain activities during nursery based times.

Should the need arise it will also be used to support other home learning situations.We will continue to use Twitter on a daily basis to keep you up to date on what is happening at Giffnock Nursery.

Please see the attached “How To” guide to support you.

How to access Glow resources from home (Aug 2020)

Nursery woodland visits


Dear Parent / Carer

As most of you already know the preschool children take part in regular forest visits to a local woodland area which up until now has been Eastwood Park.  This year staff have carried out a risk assessment and explored Huntly Park with a view to changing our venue.  The walk will be shorter but the area still provides an interesting and stimulating environment for us to explore.  Because of our generous staffing levels, and due to the current restrictions on contact with parents and carers, we will not require parent helpers. Obviously we will tweet about our adventures so you can see what we are up to.  Waterproofs and wellies will be provided but you are also free to supply your own if preferred.

Your child will go in a small group on a fortnightly basis on a Tuesday or Thursday morning.  We have looked at the different attendance patterns to ensure every child has the opportunity to take part.

Looking forward to our first visit being Tuesday 8th  September.

Nursery Drop Off

When you are dropping off your children please observe social distancing unless your child is upset.

Please give your child’s lunchbox etc to them to bring in by themselves and stay at the “holding area” (large climbing poles near entrance).

If you have to buzz at the nursery entrance please stay at the bottom of the steps when staff answer the door.

This will keep everybody safe and following guidelines.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Nursery Pre School Pupil Photos

You will by now know that your children will be invited into nursery in small groups to mark the end of their nursery journey.
It would be really helpful if you could email a photo of your child (if possible a head and shoulders shot?) to:  schoolmail@giffnock.e-renfrew.sch.uk
We are really looking forward to seeing you all again, however briefly, and celebrating your time at Giffnock Nursery.
Kind Regards
Giffnock Nursery Staff

Nursery Parent Survey

Nursery only

We hope that you, your children and your families are all well and coping as best as possible in these challenging times.
We continue to want to do the very best that we can for our children and we therefore want to hear your perspectives. To this end, would you please be kind enough to spend a few minutes completing the survey through the link below:
We would be grateful if you could do so by Monday 18th May, following which we will be collating the evaluations.

Parent Appointments

We would like to advise you that the online booking system for parent appointments will open on Monday 2nd March 2020 at 21:00hrs and will close at midnight on Sunday 15th March 2020.  A letter giving further information is attached together with a “parent guide” for the booking system.

If you have any queries or require assistance with the booking system please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Parent Guide – Parent Appointments March 2020

NURSERY letter March 2020

Hopscotch Theatre – Nursery afternoon children

You may already be aware that Hopscotch Theatre is visiting the school during the morning of Friday 13th December.  We do not want any child to miss out on this event and therefore the nursery afternoon children have the opportunity to attend the pantomime at 9.15am as long as you accompany them and are responsible for them during the performance.  You may bring younger siblings but you are responsible for them also and if you need to leave for any reason you must take your nursery child with you.  Please report to the nursery by 9.05am to be in time for the performance and take your child home at the end.

To confirm, your child should attend the afternoon nursery session as normal.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to ask the nursery staff.

Nursery Nativity

We would like to advise you of the following details regarding the Nursery Nativity – the performances are at 11.15am and 2.15pm depending upon which session your child attends.

Tuesday 17th December is the dress rehearsal which grandparents/carers may attend.

Wednesday 18th December is the performance for parents/carers.

You should enter via the nursery entrance as usual and the maximum number of guests each day is 2 per child.

We look forward to welcoming you to the nursery for the event.

Nursery parent appointments

We would like to advise you that the online booking system for parent appointments will open on Tuesday 22nd October 21:00hrs and will close at midnight on Sunday 3rd November 2019.

A letter giving further information is attached together with a “parent guide” for the booking system.

If you have any queries or require assistance with the booking system please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

NURSERY letter Nov 2019

Parent Guide – Parent Appointments Nov 2019