Tag: Parent Council
crazy hair day
Could we please remind you that tomorrow (Wednesday 23rd September) the Parent Council have organised their annual “Crazy Hair Day” as a fundraiser for the school – please see attached poster for further details.
Children are invited to come to school with crazy hair or hats and bring £1 for a donation which should be handed in to their class teacher. School uniform is to be worn that day as usual.
Parent Council Events
Dear Parents & Carers
We hope you and your families are all keeping well and everyone has settled back into school.
As you might expect, our fundraising calendar will look slightly different this year, however there are still activities the school are able to do with the children that we’d like to do our best to support.
A few things to look forward to are –
Our yearly “Crazy Hair Day” which will take place on Wed 23rd September (poster attached!). Children are invited to come to school with crazy hair or hats and bring £1 for the bucket, with school uniform as usual. We look forward to seeing all your crazy creations!
Over the October break we will have “Holiday Helping Hands” where children can be sponsored for helping out with jobs around the house or garden.
Nearer Christmas we’ll have the hugely popular Hamper Raffle!
We hope it’s not too long before we can resume our usual fun events, especially to welcome our new families & get to know each other.
As always, the Parent Council is open to all to help out or to put in concerns or ideas. Please contact us! giffnockpc@hotmail.co.uk
Kindest regards
The Parent Council
We’re Going On a Bear Hunt Week 5
Dear Parent / Carer
Here is this week’s link to our Bear Hunt transition project,
We’re Going On A Bear Hunt: Week 5
Have fun!
Parent Council Meeting June 1
Parent Council Spring Fling Disco
We are looking forward to our annual “Spring Fling Disco” taking place on:
Thursday 12th March,
P1&2 6-7pm
P3,4&5 7.15-8.15pm.
Tickets are £3 and this includes drinks. As always, we welcome any parent helpers, please indicate your availability on the form which is being sent home today with your child.
Please return forms and money by Tuesday 10th March to class teachers.
Parent Council Next Meeting 31 January
Dear Parents/Carers
A reminder that the next meeting of the Giffnock Parent Council will be this Friday 31st January at 1.30pm in the School Staff room. At the moment there are only a handful of parents attending meetings and we are always keen for more voices/opinions so if you are able to pop along that would be great. No pressure to ‘join’ the PC we are just really keen to get more parents of different year groups to come along – to even just one meeting. The work done by the Parent Council helps your children and we encourage all families to take their turn to help out.
The Agenda for this Friday’s meeting is as undernoted. If you have anything to say regarding the matters being raised(& you can not attend this meeting) please message the PC on giffnockpc@hotmail.co.uk .
Many thanks
Giffnock Parent Council
Agenda – Fri 31st January
- Introductions – Tea/Coffee & Biscuits
- Nursery engagement/events
- School Twitter & Communication re School events
- Sponsored Event & STEAM
- Feedback – letter box idea
- Pupil Parliament
- Parent Equality rep
- Feedback re Cellidh
- Fundraising events and committee
- Parent Council engagement
- AOCB & date of next meeting
Cancellation of Burns Family Night and Ceilidh
Giffnock Primary Panic Room!
Dear Parent & Carer
Back in Term 1 the P6 & P7 children were asked to consider what kind of activities they would like to experience as part of school fundraisers. You will be aware that the children in P6 & P7 children enjoyed a movie night last term from which the feedback was really positive. One of the other suggestions that was really popular was for the children to take part in a Panic Room event. We would love to offer this for the kids and the proposed date which has been agreed is Thursday 26th March that evening in the school.
So what on earth is a panic room…. ?
The children would be divided into smaller groups and would face a series of challenges in order to work out a code that “unlocks” them from the panic room. The challenges could be mathematical, logical, physical etc and they will need to work together as a team to solve them.
If you think that this is something that your child would enjoy we would love for you get involved. As you can imagine, events like these take quite a bit of planning and we already have quite a full calendar and a small fundraising committee. Basically, we need your help! If we can get a small team of P6/7 parents together to help plan and design the event as well as volunteers to help on the night then we would be able to go ahead with this great idea!
Please do get in touch by email GiffnockPC@hotmail.co.uk or text 07855 953906 to offer your help.
Thanks in advance for your support.
Kind regards,
The Parent Council
Parent Council Family Burns Night
Dear All,
Happy New Year!
We are getting off to a flyer with the Family Burns Night & Ceilidh taking place on Saturday 25th January 2020 from 6pm. Please note that this year we have a change of venue and the ceilidh will be held at the School. Everyone is welcome. Ticket booking forms have been sent home this week in school bags and must be returned by Friday 17th January with payment via class teachers.
Here’s what you need to know….
Date Saturday 25th January 2020
Venue Giffnock Primary School
Time 6pm – 11pm
A wee Burl: £3.50
Burl n Scran: £10 / £5 for kids
For the first time we are offering tickets for those who just want to come along and enjoy the fabulous music and dancing provided, as always by Chitterybite. For those of you wanting scran too – Marianna will be once again be treating us to her delicious Haggis Neeps & Tatties – so please come hungry! Dominoes Pizzas will be provided for the kids. Food will be served at 7.30pm.
There will be a bar available throughout the evening, cinema for kids who need a break from dancing, sweetie stall for treats and glitter tattoos.
We will also have a performance area which will be available at set times thoughout the evening and would encourage any children or adults who wish to share any Burns poetry or songs to get involved and help us celebrate Burns in style. There will be a sign up sheet available on the night for anyone wishing to perform. As the children have been studying Scottish literacy we are more than happy to include any other works that they have been enjoying.
We hope to see many of you there. Bring you dancing shoes!
Thanks again,
The Parent Council
Parent Council
Just couple of reminders and updates for you.
Parent Council Meeting & Agenda
The next Parent Council meeting will take place on Friday 31st January at 1.30pm in the school, anyone is welcome and we would love to see some new faces at the meeting. If there is anything you wish to be discussed then please email our Secretary Vikki McQuarrie on Giffnockpc@hotmail.co.uk to add to our agenda. The agenda will be circulated next week in advance of the meeting.
We hope that you all received your ticket booking forms last week which were sent home in school bags, please remember to hand your forms with payment into class teachers by Friday 17th January. We hope to see lots of you there as it is going to be a great night!
If you can’t attend the evening but would still like to support the event, raffle tickets will be on sale next week and we will also be holding a tombola which we hope you can help us with…please donate any items for the tombola to class teachers during the w/c 20th January. Members of the Parent Council will also be collecting at drop off and collection on Friday 24th January. Please remember that alcohol cannot be handed in via classrooms but can be handed in to the School office or at the collection next Friday.
So what can you donate?
- Maybe you are doing Dry January and want to remove some temptations?
- A healthy start to the year means getting those Christmas chocolates out the house!
- A gift that didn’t quite work for you? Someone else might love it!
- Toiletries, bath sets, unwanted gifts anything at all that is new but looking for a new home.
All donations however big or small gratefully received! Remember we need your support in order to make this event a success.
Thanks again,
The Parent Council
Christmas Fayre – Thank You!
We are delighted to announce the grand total from our Christmas Fayre this year is…… £4227.42! I’m sure you will agree, it was a very festive and successful event.
Last year we had almost 3 times as many people attending the fayre and yet we have raised just as much! Thank you for your generosity! And also to our kind sponsors – The Boathouse for warming us with delicious soup and to the Turban Tandoori, Primary Playcare, Burnfield Motors & local supermarkets for their kind donations.
The Parent Council will pass a cheque to the school which will cover Term 1 activities for all children, including free access for all children to afterschool clubs (cricket, bollywood, rugby and playclub coaches), Hopscotch Theatre Christmas Pantomime, presents, food and drink for the Christmas parties and the Macastory Scottish Literacy workshops and performance in January.
Save the date! On Sat 25th January we will hold a family Ceilidh which promises to be another wonderful event! Look out for more information to follow.
Hohoho! We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas.
Best wishes from the Parent Council
Christmas Fayre
It’s that time of year already… yes, preparations are well underway for our annual Christmas Fayre which promises to be another great afternoon and a fabulous fundraising opportunity for the school community. As always, in order to make this event a success we rely on your generosity and time so please do get involved. Here are some suggestions of how you can help…
Raffle Tickets…get selling
These were a huge success last year and raffle sales raised over £1,500! Raffle tickets will be sent home in homework bags Monday 11th November. If you wish to sell even more then that is great, additional sheets can be collected from the school office or simply photocopy! Please return all raffle money and tickets to class teachers in sealed envelopes no later than Thursday 28th November.
Donations, your generosity is always appreciated
Donations can be made from Monday 11th November via class teachers. Please note any alcohol donations must be handed in to the school office. We are looking for the following items:
- Hampers
- Please donate an item to help create fabulous, envy inducing hampers. Popular items from last year were; prosecco, wine, jams, chutneys, biscuits and festive treats.
- Books & Toys
- A good opportunity for a festive clear out before Santa arrives. Please donate toys and books in good condition.
Friday 29th November
Kids can wear something festive to school and bring an item for our ever popular red stall. This is also when we start accepting your fabulous bakes for our Christmas cafe. Festive bakes, family bakes, treats for littles ones will be all gratefully received. If you are not much of a star baker, shop bought items also very popular…no judgement here!!! Donations for the Christmas Cafe can also be made on the morning of the Fayre.
Visit Santa
We are delighted that Santa is going to be visiting us again this year and we expect that he will be very popular with visitors to his grotto. To avoid disappointment, please book you child/children a space. Santa’s Giffnock Elves will be taking bookings in the playground. Booking times can be found on the noticeboard by the tunnel in front playground.
Do you own a company or work for a company who may be interested in sponsoring this event or part of it? Please get in touch. We would be happy to promote sponsors on the day and also on our social media platforms.
Thanks to all of those who have already volunteered their time and energy, we really appreciate it. There are still lots of jobs to be done and we do need your help! Please contact 07855 953906 to volunteer and get a friend involved too!
Thanks in advance!
We fully appreciate that we all lead very busy lives and that our children’s social calendars keep us even busier plus the added pressure and costs of Christmas – we don’t want to add to your load.
That said, these events simply couldn’t happen without your support, time and generosity, please do what you can. We look forward to seeing you on the day.
Oh, did we mention…. there’s a bar. Leave your cars at home. You deserve a treat, it’s Christmas after all….nearly.
From the Parent Council
Parent Council Meeting
Dear Parent / Carer
All parents and carers are invited to come to the next meeting of the Parent Council this Thursday, 14th November at 7pm at school. We would be delighted to see new faces!
The Parent Council supports an environment where all parents & carers know that their views matter, where they feel confident and comfortable in putting them forward. It also:
- provides a voice for parents/ carers on issues that are important to them and their children
- supports the school in developing strong home/school partnerships
- helps the school:
- effectively involve parents/carers in their children’s learning and the life of the school
- understands the unique and varied skills, abilities, interests, knowledge and expertise that parents/ carers can offer.
All meetings are open to all parents/ carers and there is no obligation to come to every meeting, just when you can or there is something on the agenda that you want to hear more about or want to contribute or ask a question. The school is more successful when we all work together!
Parent Council Meeting – Thursday 14th November 7pm at school
- Welcome to everyone and thanks for coming
- School Report – School leadership team member
- Parental Engagement – what next after the signup sheets at the PC stand at parents night?
- Finance – current balance
- expenses needed by the school for activities to the end of the school yearFundraising
- events to date (disco, movie night, pumpkin pandemonium); feedback & funds raised
- events in next 3 months (Christmas Fair, ceilidh, Giffnock Family Forum Business Networking Event)
- other forms of fundraising (Grant’s, sponsorship, PayPal Money Pools, Label Planet etc).
- Storage – replacement for loss of hall cupboards
- Volunteers, nomination & welcome of new Secretary
- Proposed change of name of Parent Council to Giffnock Family Forum & Fundraising.
- Any other business.
Parent Council
This week at Parents’ Evenings members of the Parent Council will be available to answer any questions that you have about the school community and how you can get involved. We are often asked about what is involved and we understand that the main concern is around time commitment but we know that so many of you are keen to contribute as you can. We thought it would be useful to outline the ways in which you could do that.
Parent Council
The Parent Council meets twice a term with an AGM which is held in October. The meetings are scheduled in advance and are shown on the school calendar. We try to hold meetings at various times with morning, afternoon and evening times to suit as many as possible. The meetings usually last approximately one hour.
All parents / carers are welcome to attend. You do not have to be a member of the Parent Council and there is no requirement to attend a set number of meetings.
It is our intention going forward to send reminder emails to the whole school community as to when these meetings are taking place as well as circulating an agenda. If there are any topics which you wish addressed at a Parent Council meeting you are welcome to contact us and suggest an agenda item.
We are currently looking for someone to take the role of Secretary. We would love to hear from you if you think this is something you could help with.
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 14th November 7pm – please come along.
Fundraising Committee
In addition to the Parent Council the fundraising committee meet to plan and organise fundraising events and activities for the school year. We currently have around five members who regularly meet to plan these events and again would like to remind you that all are welcome to get involved. These meetings happen more sporadically and normally take place at a committee member’s house. We would welcome new members as we do have quite an ambitious event schedule and fundraising target in mind.
Other ways to get involved in supporting our school community:
- Volunteer to help at an event – we are always needing helpers for on the days of events and also in the lead up to help prepare activities & games
- Consider any special skill that you have that may be of benefit, for example we have lots of generous graphic designers that help with our marketing, and joiners who help to create games etc. Can you be of practical assistance? Are you handy, creative & happy to help?
- Do you own a business or work for a company who would be interesting in sponsoring an event?
- Do you have experience fundraising and have ideas to share?
- Can you offer your expertise in a particular area that could enrich the learning and school experience of our children either for an after school club or sessions / presentations during school time. For example, there has been interest in an after school chess club, are you the person to take that forward? A couple of our nursery mums are running a gardening club and sharing their passion with the nursery children.
- Cook-along, reading groups, helping on school trips, Bikeability and even Forest Days in Eastwood Park with our Nursery children; there is so much going on within the school that needs volunteers so please get involved where you can.
We will be located within the Achievement (‘brown’!) Hall on both Parents’ Evenings. Please do come along and say “hi”; we will be happy to answer any questions that you have. We will also be selling our Giffnock Primary School pencils for £1.
P6 and P7 Movie Night
We are excited to invite all P6 & P7 pupils to a movie night on Thursday 14th November at 6pm. Cost of the evening will be £5 per child, which will include dinner, drinks & movie snacks.
Forms will be sent home early next week and can be returned with money to class teachers in a used envelope. Please remember to include any dietary requirements including any allergies.
Community Cafe and Pumpkin Pandemonium
We hope you can all join us on Friday 25th October for our Community Cafe and Pumpkin Pandemonium at 3pm in the school. Lots of Spooky, Slimey, Storytelling, Super crafty fun on offer!
There will be no entry charge for Pumpkin Pandemonium but we are fundraising so please bring change as there will be a small charge for the activities on offer.
We are still looking for a few more helpers so if you are free then please text 07855 953906.
See yooooooo there!
Giffnock Primary Parent Council
Back to School Disco
Parent Council Meetings
The Parent Council would like to share the meeting schedule for the school year. Note that we try and vary day and times for broader participation:
Monday 9th September, 19:00
Monday 7th October, 19:00 – AGM
Thursday 14th November, 09:00
Tuesday 21st January, 13:30
Monday 23rd March, 19:00
Friday 1st May, 13:30
Thursday 11th June, 09:00