
Confident Individuals – SQA Reflection

The Transition boys took time out this week to reflect on their enjoyment of their SQA topic Hobbies and Interests. They were Confident Individuals communicating their likes and dislikes and giving a reason for them. Well done boys, some very good answers given.



Confident Individuals – SQA Personal Presentation

The Transition boys washed their delicates this week. Due to COVID they can’t access the laundry room as it’s out of their bubble. The boys chose to wash some of the props they had been using for their group performance. The boys were Confident Individuals choosing the correct washing liquid, washing the delicate scarf in warm soapy water, rinsing in fresh water and wringing out before hanging it somewhere appropriate to dry.


Confident Individuals – SQA Hobbies and Interests Planting Potatoes

The Transition class managed to plant their potatoes this week. They were Confident Individuals having chitted the potatoes before planting out. The boys dug a trench and spaced out the chitted potatoes before covering up and watering in. Fingers crossed for a bumper crop!


Responsible Citizens – Sunflower Meadow

The sun may have disappeared but the Transition class were full of cheer when they collected in the school sunflower seedlings to plant into the sunflower meadow. They were Responsible Citizens bringing the whole school together by germinating sunflower seeds before making a joint meadow. Hopefully they will flower before we go on summer holiday.      


Responsible Citizens – Whole School

The Transition boys were tasked with checking the new gazebo was working when it was delivered this week. They were Responsible Citizens and made sure that all parts were delivered and it went up and down properly. We look forward to using it with the whole school.


Successful Learners – Individual Literacy

The Transition class worked hard on their literacy skills this week and were all Successful Learners.  Some boys wrote about their weekend, others looked at emotions in texts whilst a group looked at recognising themes in documentaries.  A couple of boys were selecting pictures to add text to which led to everyone joining in looking at old pictures!


Confident Individuals – HWB food and food labels

During Health and Wellbeing time in class the Transition boys were Confident Individuals when looking at food labels and selecting healthy foods. Some boys played top trumps with the labels trying to select foods that had the best salt, fat and sugar content. The rest of the class helped plan a celebration menu but tried their best to make it balanced and mostly healthy. I think fizzy juice was snuck onto the list!


Effective Contributors – SQA Group performance

The Transition boys had a nautical look about them this week when they were practicing for their end of term group performance. They were all Effective Contributors and kept rhythm very well as well as signing along to our own lyrics.


Successful Learners – Digital Literacy

The Transition class continued studying Peter Pan and all answered their own reading and understanding questions. The boys had different tasks to do and were all Successful Learners. We had two different ways to understand words. We typed some into an online dictionary and read the definition before selecting the correct answers on the quiz and we had help understanding that some characters were ‘looping’ as they flew when loops were drawn on the board. This made it clear for the class.

Some boys sequenced and matched sentences to help the class understand what happened in the chapter and in what order.


Successful Learners – Numeracy Skills

The boys have been working hard on their individual numeracy targets and this week was no different. We traveled around the world again identifying different times in different parts of the world. We had a small shop at the back of the class selling everything from chips to fresh fruit and showering products. One of our boys was setting different challenges and timing everyone how long they take to complete. We also had sorting by size and sorting by different parts of the day. It was a busy classroom indeed.

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