The Transition class were great role models for the school when they helped set out the different class Snowman heads. They were Effective Contributors labelling each with a number before setting them out for our transport providers to vote.
The Transition class were great role models for the school when they helped set out the different class Snowman heads. They were Effective Contributors labelling each with a number before setting them out for our transport providers to vote.
The Transition class were Successful Learners when they worked on their SQA topic. They counted Nativity symbols and applied each total to their pictogram. Great numeracy skills on show. Well done everybody!
The Transition class were Effective Contributors when they helped prepare the judging for next week’s Snowman competition. Excellent numeracy skills were on show when they read Mr Nicoll’s plan and matched each snowman with it’s correct number. Thanks for your help everyone!
Following on from our numeracy lesson the Transition class used their baubles to decorate the tree. There were all Effective Contributors and started with the most common bauble (Gold) and worked their way down to the least common (odd shades of purple). Excellent work everyone, the tree looks lovely!
There was a Christmas feel to the Transition class SQA numeracy lesson this week. We took time to sort out out baubles by colour which was a task that related to their SQA Numeracy topic. They were all Successful Learners creating lines of each colour and then totaling them. We discovered that the most common colour was Gold with 12 baubles, followed by 11 Red baubles. There were a few baubles that were on their own. Well done everyone!
The Transition class were Responsible Citizens when they continued their good work with weekly recycling and took part in a litter pick. There were two new volunteers this week for the recycling.
Some of the class were on their outing looking at road signs and they took litter pickers and a bag with them. They were very successful at identifying signs and matching it to their photographs. They collected a whole bag of rubbish from the area just near the school. Well done everyone, what a good effort!
There was punching and boxing going on in the Transition class this week. It wasn’t a sudden outbreak of violence though, don’t worry! The class were Confident Individuals when they were using a die cutter to punch out box shapes and then fold them into a gift to take home. A lot of personal choice went into the colour and patterns used to make the finished product. No sneak previews though, you’ll have to wait until Christmas!
It’s that time of the year again! The Transition class were Effective Contributors working on our class display and our snowman head. We made eight little snowmen, selecting different eye shapes, wooly hats, nose and mouth shapes. Everyone focused well and made excellent choices.
There was a hive of activity in the Transition class when everyone was working on their ILP targets and showing that they were Successful Learners. We had a group setting the clock to show when programmes start on the BBC. Mr Nicoll thought he could pick awkward times but everyone successfully demonstrated them on their clock faces. We had success with lace tying, fine motor skills and writing motor skills. We even had some great vocalisation from our resident Tenor. Well done everyone, a superb effort by all.
It was Potato Salad Take 2 this week, as the second group had their opportunity to cook. Skills on show were, research before cooking, microwaving, cutting and mixing as they made potato salad with low-fat, free from mayonnaise. A tasty treat was the payoff for such hard work.