
We are at the end of the Rainbow 🌈

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Well did we find a Pot of Gold? 🍀

Aitken saw a lovely Rainbow at the weekend – have any of you spotted a rainbow?

Literacy – The Story of the Leprechaun by Katherine Tegen 📚

See the source image

The Story of the Leprechaun

And some music 🎶

The Rainbow Song

Well it isn’t just the end of the Rainbow it is the end if the School year – and a different end to the School Year it has been!!!

We have put in some Rainbow ideas for you to do this week if you want  – but also included some other websites that might be appropriate if you are looking for some activities inspiration over the holidays OR  just incase there is some wet weather!!!

What have the Pine Ladies been up to with Colour???

Jardine looked lovely in Yellow with her wee blue Gnome.

Aitken was celebrating British Flower Week , with some beautiful flowers.

Boyle has made her own pretty rainbow with lovely scarfs.

And Wilson found Heather’s Rainbow Bears up the loft!!!

Cookery 👩‍🍳

Lets make some colourful food for the last week – Boyle has suggested a lovely layered salad?

Three jars filled with rainbow salad pots

Layer Pasta Salad

Or we could have some colourful fruit skewers!

Rainbow fruit skewers

Rainbow Fruit Skewers

We have made colourful cupcakes in class and really enjoyed it!

Rainbow cupcakes recipe

Rainbow Cupcakes

Ice lollies are another good idea and very easy to make – or you can make more complicated ones if you get adventurous!!

10 fun and easy homemade popsicle recipes for kids - Eats Amazing UK

The Rainbow Ice Lollies link is below – Eats Amazing has some great ideas for ice lollies and other tasty food and treats – have a wee look and see if you can find some things you would like to make.

Rainbow Ice Lollies

A few different ideas for this week and into the holidays – Remember take some photos of anything you do –  we would love to see your photos after the holidays. 📷

Art 🎨

We love making painted handprints in the Pine Room so this is a lovely idea and you could turn it into a beautiful gift.

HANDPRINT RAINBOW PAINTING is a fun sensory art experience for kids. Get hands-on with paints and explore colour mixing and blending! A creative painting idea for St Patrick's Day and weather study themes. #rainbow #stpatricks #stpatricksdaycrafts #rainbowcrafts #handprint #handprintcrafts #kidscrafts #craftsforkids #painting #kidspainting #kidsart #kidscraftroom #kidsactivities

The Kids Craft Room have lots of different lovely activities if you are looking for some other activities too!

Rainbow Hand Prints

Another website that you might like to have a look at for some recipes and craft ideas is Mother Could, linked below. I will warn you some of her activities are pretty messy!!!


Mother Could

The other thing you could do it put up a new Rainbow in your window – have a look on the internet for some different ideas!

Image result for paper plate rainbowsImage result for paper plate rainbows

Boyle found these beautiful earrings on the Silver Fox Jewellery

And thought they could inspire some of you to make some jewellery – using things, such as pieces of wool, beads and threads to make to different jewellery. Below are a couple of websites with instructions to help you create something special.

How to make a friendship bracelet with a cardboard loom - YouTube #diyrope #necklacecordCool DIY jewellery kids can make including necklaces and bracelets. Fun crafts for kids that look super pretty too!

Friendship Bracelet

Jewellery for Kids

Or what about Knitting – you could help someone to pick the pattern and the colours and perhaps even have a wee go!! Wilson has been knitting a rainbow cushion for Heather and Willow the Bear …it is nearly finished!!

Numeracy and Colour Sorting 🔢

In class we enjoy colour sorting and counting – so below are a few different ideas you can try at home and the links to the websites.

5 Activities to Keep Your Toddler Busy Without a Trip to the Store

Colour Matching

Animals and Nature🍁🐸

We have looked at some animals that are blue, green …even purple BUT some animals are multi coloured – check out the link below and see some of the Natural History Museums most colourful creatures – you will be amazed!!! Have a look on the internet as well and see if you can find anymore??

A red-eyed tree frog

Colourful Creatures

How does a Rainbow happen?

Dr. Binocs is going to explain that all to you! It is Amazing!!!!

Image result for dr binocs and rainbows

Dr Binocs

Willow the Bear 🐻

Well Pine Class, myself and Heather are back on good term because the ASDA  shopping arrived and guess what was in it…….CUSTARD CREAMS!!!!    We did have a disaster as the washing machine broke and there was water all over the floor, Heather was trying to stop the water and put down towels – she seemed to be quite cross, but I thought it was really funny!!! On Friday I got a SURPRISE, Heather has bought me a kitten to keep me company when she is at work, she is called Ada, I am so HAPPY!!! We can  watch the delivery men delivering the online shopping to the neighbours, and watch reality TV together and travel to ASDA in Heather’s back pack – oh seemingly that’s not allowed!!!! Well Pine Class this is my last blog post until after the holidays, by then I will have lots to report!!

Love and Bear Hugs

Willow xxxx

P.S. Remember if you make Blueberry Muffins or have any spare Custard Creams please post them to me!!

Music 🎶

A video going through all of the different colours with the Pine Ladies for you to watch. Pine Ladies Rainbow 🌈



Colour for Kids


Somewhere over the Rainbow

Movie 🎥

Well it is time for Dorothy to click her red shoes together and head home!

Image result for clip art red shoes

There is no place like home

We hope that you enjoyed The Wizard of Oz and all the Colours of the Rainbow!

Well as Willow said this is the last blog and we will see you all after the summer at school – apart from one special Lady that is going to retire after 24years of working at Witch Hill and Willowbank!!!

JARDINE we are all very sad you are retiring and we won’t get to see you everyday at work. We are going to miss you so much – but hope you will come and visit as often!!


The Pine Ladies


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Orange and Blue🧡💙

Pine Class we have been missing you all so much that we had to take drastic measures and make a little version of you all!!

Well we are at our last two colours of the Rainbow!!!!

So we are going to select some different activities involving these two colours.

It is also POLO week – Power of Learning Outdoors – so we are going to include some activities you can do outside too!!


 Cookery 🥗

I think blue is even more difficult than purple so we will leave the cookery to orange.


So what about some carrot soup?

  • Can help wash the carrots and other vegetables?
  • Can you help peel?
  • What about chopping and grating?
  • Can you hear the soup bubbling away?
  • Now it is cooked – what does it taste like – is it yummy?

Below are links to a few different recipes you may like to look at OR you may have one of your own REMEMBER to send in photos and your recommendations.📷

A picture of Delia's Carrot and Coriander Soup recipe

A selection of Carrot Soups

Carrot and Orange Soup

Carrot and Coriander Soup


Everyone is making Banana Bread just now what about Carrot Cake for a wee change??

Image result for carrot cake

Carrot Cake Ideas

Animals and Nature 🐝

You may have noticed quite a lot of bees just now – bees  are an important part of our world, they help to pollinate plants that create the food that we eat.


They is a link below from the BBC which shows you a wee video explaining the importance of the bees.

BBC Why Bees are important

And below is another link giving you ways you can help the bees – see if there something you can do in your garden? Another outdoor learning activity for POLO week.

Helping the Bees

Image result for Bee

Below is a clip when the Lion meets Dorothy, the Scarecrow and the Tin-Man in the Wizard of OZ!

Lions and Tigers and Bears – oh my!!

You can watch some Lions and Tigers and Koala Bears!! On the live Web-Cam from Edinburgh Zoo – you do have to be patient the animals are a wee bit shy!!

Have a look around their website too, did you know they had 2,500 animals and is cost £2000 a day to fed them!!

Edinburgh Zoo

What kind of Fish is Nemo?
A Clown Fish
Image result for what type is nemo
What kind of Fish is Dory?
A Pacific blue tang fish, which aren’t always blue!

Image result for what type is nemo

Now who wants to watch the movie Finding Nemo??  🎥

What about other Blue and Orange Animals? Have a look on the internet and see how many different blue and orange animals you can find? Did you find more orange or blue??

See the source imageSee the source imageSee the source imageImage result for blue peacock

Arts and Crafts 🎨

We have use potatoes to do stamping and printing in the Pine Room and all enjoyed it – so this is a nice easy craft for you to do at home all you need is a potato, a knife, some paint and paper.

Lonely potato syndrome: how I invented a mental disorder | Dean ...Potato Print And Sponge Stamped Wrapping Paper - creative jewish mom

If you want to follow the theme try Orange printing and create something different. Citrus Printing

citrus printing - children stamping citrus fruits (orange, lemon, lime) to create art prints

For our Blue Craft – paint a paper plate blue and create something – perhaps a blue animal? Let’s see what you make – check the internet for inspiration!!!

25 Incredible Under The Sea Crafts For Kids – Play Ideas

Story Time 📚

We all love Julia Donaldson – so if you haven’t read it for a while what about reading ‘The Whale and the Snail’ or use the link for Mrs Rutland reads….

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The Whale and the Snail

Some other POLO Outside Activities:

  • Shadow Drawing – we do this quite often in the Pine Class and all enjoy it, you do need a sunny day ( let’s be hopeful!!!!)and some chalk, but you can draw around anything that that creates a shadow – your dog, a plant pot, a garden gnome, a barbie doll, a box of cereal. Leave the object in the same position and later in the day draw round the shadow again –  is it different??

See the source image

  • Making a Garden Picture – using things you can pick from your garden, then create a lovely picture, like this one from The Craft Train 

Music and Dancing 🎶🕺

I have linked a fast song and a slower song – whatever you feel like!

Blue Da Ba Dee

Orange Trees

Tellico Plains High School

This week should have been the School Prom – so on Friday Night you are all encouraged to have a dance and get dressed up  if you want!! 💃

Willow the Bear 🐻

HELLO Pine Class – How are you all? Did you have a good week? Did anyone make Blueberry Muffins from last week’s blog? I love Blueberry Muffins so if you do please send me some!!! Heather doesn’t bake!!! I have been watching some ‘Reality TV’ while Heather has been at work – Jardine and Boyle send me recommendations each week –  Heather would prefer I watch something more educational! We have been tidying up her wardrope, I have great fun hiding in her piles of clothes and then surprising her!!! We had a wee cup of tea before she went off to Night Duty last night BUT we ran out of biscuits!!! Heather says if I moan once more about the lack of Custard Creams I am getting sent by Royal Mail back to Willowbank!!!

Have a great week Pine Class

Love Willow xxx

P.S. Send Custard Creams!!!

Have a Great Week Pinettes

Image result for clip art rainbow

Lots of the Love

The Pine Ladies




Purple 💜

Well Hello Pine Class!!!

How are you all?😀

This week we are at PURPLE in our rainbow!!🌈


Wonder what the Pine ladies have been up to and if they found any Purple??

  • “Hi” Boyle!!! Nice sequins!
  • Wilson’s wee bear is called Blueberry.
  • WOW Jardine is strong!!!!!
  • Aitken is doing some purple art.

So lets see what activities we can do around purple???💜

Cookery 🧁

It is quite difficult to find a purple food but what about Blueberry Muffins?

Image result for Blueberries    See the source image

Below are a few different recipes you might like to try – remember to send in some photos if you do!

BBC Blueberry Muffins

Mary Berry Blueberry Muffins

Art 🎨 and Science 🧪

Starry Night Glitter Jar

There is a link below of how to make one of these.

You can use a plastic bottle, if you don’t have clear glue that is fine – but don’t use white glue I made that mistake!!

The science bit it that the glue is thicker so the stars and glue take longer to fall – I have put clear glue on my shopping list this week so I can make another one!!


Starry jar

galaxy night time jar

This is a link for a site that has a live webcam that shows the Northern Lights over Lapland – check it out!!  Lights over Lapland

Image result for lights over lapland

Other Art Activities 🎨

Pinterest have a lot of other ideas below there is a link to some cool ideas.

Purple Craft Ideas

purple cupcake liner flower handy flower toilet roll octopus

Numeracy 🔢 Literacy ✍

Get someone at home  to write out the word Purple in big letters and then you can trace it with your finger or a pencil.

Lets go round your house and count how many purple things you can find? Jardine’s favourite colour is purple so bet she can find lots of things!!!

Even Butterflies!! 🦋🦋🦋

If you would like to make some purple or rainbow coloured rice for sensory play or tracing letter and numbers, I have popped in a link of how to do this. Colouring Rice

Music and Singing 🎶🥁

Purple Song


If you haven’t seen it what about watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory OR Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Image result for willie wonka and the chocolate factory See the source image

A funny scene is with rude Violet – I won’t spoil it!!

Violet Blows up like a Blueberry!

Or you could start reading the book.

See the source image

It’s one of my favourites!!

Or a Story about  Purple the Little Bird by Greg Foley

Purple Little Bird by Greg Foley Hardback Book The Cheap Fast Free Post

Purple Little Bird

Nature 🦜

Some beautiful colours in nature these are two purple parrots posing in Vancouver Aquarium – how cool are they? You can check out their site and watch some of their webcams – remember they are 8 hours behind us! Vancouver Aquarium

See the source image

Beautiful Emperor Butterflies Purple Butterflies

Why don’t you do an internet search and see if you can find any other purple animals?


Not to forget about the Wizard of Oz – Mickeys Clubhouse has a nice wee episode called:  Wizard of Dizz

Willow the Bear 🐻

Hi Pine Class, how are you all?

Well myself and Heather have been doing some online shopping and getting some bit’n’pieces for our new flat – it is really exciting when things get delivered!! Heather says it’s not as exciting for her bank balance – whatever that means?? The postman rang the doorbell and delivered some lovely pictures – and I helped Heather get them on the wall. And then she took me for a walk to ASDA to get some food shopping, I travelled in her bag, because it was quite a long walk and had a wee bit of a sleep. She bought me a new pretty plant to sit on the window sill with me, it is a succulent – so it does not need very much water!! On Saturday Night we watched TV, it was Heather’s turn to pick, so we had to watch another 4 episodes of Grey’s Anatomy!!! I much prefer Frozen – but I suppose we need to take turns so Frozen next Saturday for the tenth time!! Have a great week Pine Class xx

Have a lovely week Pinettes 🌲

Image result for Clip Art Rainbow

Love the Pine Ladies




Rainbow Relay🌈

Hello!! Pinettes – How are you all?

Well today should have been Sports Day at Willowbank, but we hope you are all going to take part in some of the different activities at home.


Collect 7 different coloured items from around your house and then place them around your garden or house  – get into teams – first team – start the clock – collect all the items and put them into rainbow order – what was your time?? Now second team – who was quickest???


Can you do it again and beat your time?


Well what have the Pine Ladies been up to in the sunshine??

Boyle has been doing lots of exercise in her garden – Mr Boyle is getting very good at taking action shots!!

Aitken has out and about and found a big but very pretty plant – name that plant??

Jardine has been helping to build a greenhouse – wonder what she will grow??

Wilson has been doing some planting and getting out on her bike – what do you think she prefers??

Gardening 🌻

Well hopefully the Postman or Post lady has been and delivered you some Sunflower seeds – it would be great if you could plant them and hopefully over the summer the will grow nice and tall.

Just something cute!


While we can’t Hug

A little bit of music for Olaf ⛄🌞

Olaf Summertime

Cookery – it’s too hot lets make ice lollies!!🍭

Ice Lollies

If you don’t have lolly stick or moulds you can make them up in small plastic cups and add a plastic straw OR put your mixture into ice cube trays.

What has Willow Bear been up to? 🐻

Well Hello Pine Class – hope you are all enjoying the sunshine!

Well Heather has been on Night Shift and I haven’t  been too happy about that, because I want to go outside and enjoy the sunshine and she wants to sleep! So I  keep trying to wake her up, firstly by poking her, this seems to make her quite annoyed!!  Then I did a bit of really loud singing – she didn’t seem to enjoy this either??  So she has shut me in the other room,  and told me to practice my keyboard skills, as I have a duet to prepare for with a certain young lady in the Pine Class.

Take Care Pine Class xx

Have fun in the Sunshine Pine Class

Image result for rainbow clip art free uk

The Pine Ladies xx



Go Green!!!

Hello Pine Class – How are you all???

This is DIGGABLE Week – so technology, technology, technology!!!


Your task is to use social media to make someone smile!! Using Zoom, FaceTime, What’s App, Messenger …. contact someone and make them HAPPY!!!! Sing them a song, play an instrument, just be there – all the Pine Ladies love seeing their friends and family just now in this way!!


We are continuing with our rainbow theme🌈  and this week our colour is GREEN💚

Firstly, we are responsible citizens in the Pine Class and keep our classroom recycling up-to-date, how are you doing at home – are you all helping with the sorting? The Pine Ladies have been doing this at home.

Here is a link to a video all about Reduce, Reuse and Recycle if you want to watch it.

Quiz Time ❓

  1. Which bin should Wilson’s Recycling go in?
  2. Who has the biggest plant?
  3. How many different green foods is Boyle preparing?
  4. How many green things are in the big picture of Aitken?
  5. Who is eating a green apple?
  6. What kind of Tea does Wilson like?
  7. Who has a green laundry basket?
  8. Who is ready for some fitness?

Numeracy 🔢

How many different colours of Green wool can you see?🧶

When you are out on your walk or in the garden count all the green things you can see.

Below is a  clip from the Wizard of the Oz – how many times did the horse change colour??

Art 🎨

What about making some little green frogs – because you draw around your hands on the paper or use them to make an impression with the paint –  they could be a really special present for someone.

For lots of great ideas check out the following link.[]=frog%7Cautocomplete%7C0&term_meta[]=handprint%7Cautocomplete%7C0&term_meta[]=craft%7Cautocomplete%7C0

Music 🎶

Well it has to be The Little Green Frog – two member s of the Pine Class love this song!! 🐸

And a different frog song.

Sorry we like a bit of crazy frog too!!!🤣

Cookery 👩‍🍳

Well green isn’t everyone’s favourite colour of food is it …..SO lets eat something green!!! I challenge you !!!

Here are some ideas for you

I know the weather is a bit warmer but the Pine Class do like soup.

Cream of Broccoli Soup – simple to make and delicious

See the source image

  • How many ingredients are in this soup?
  • Do you like the smell of the garlic?
  • Did you like the colour of the soup?

Or some Pea and Ham Soup – from a Chicken??

Green Jelly – dissolve the jelly according to the packet instructions then add as many different things that you like as you can – they don’t all need to be green!!!

Image result for green table jelly

Hello from Willow Bear

Hi Pine Class!!

How are you all?

Well I am still in Aberdeen, I was on my way back to Kilmarnock to join the rest of my Willowbank Friends at school,  but then Lockdown happen. So I am still with Heather, I think she is very happy that I am still here and keeping her company.  Heather is working at the Hospital, we have watched the TV and we do a lot of singing while Heather plays her keyboard. I like to look out of the window and see which of the neighbours are out doing their daily exercise, and report to Heather who has been getting things delivered after doing their online shopping.!!Wilson and the rest of the family FaceTime and tell us what they have been up to – have to say that isn’t that interesting!! I like reading the Willowbank Blog and enjoy when the children send in photos so I can see what my Willowbank Family are doing.

Take Care Everyone Love Willow the Bear xx


Well this week I started watching something cool on TV called The Big Flower Fight – there is a clip below – some of you might like it, lots of lovely flowers and plants.


This week has been a good one to get out in the Garden, to tidy up and pop in some plants – I will ask the Pine Ladies to send me some some photos of their garden for next week – send us some photos of yours and if you have planted anything.

Take care Pine Class


The Pine Ladies

See the source image


It’s off to work we go….

Good Morning Pine Class and your families at home – how are you all?

Well this week is Work Experience or Careers Week at Willowbank, sadly the things that were planned cannot go ahead BUT hopefully you will all enjoy the activities and information on the blog this week.

So we will put our Wizard of Oz and Rainbow theme aside for a week 🌈

Firstly all about the Pine Ladies.


Before coming to Willowbank Boyle was a Skills Investment Adviser at Skills Development Scotland. She set up and managed training and development contracts that helped people back in to work. She really enjoyed having a job with lots of different things to do, travelling around visiting companies and meeting lots of people. When she was at secondary school, she loved English and Secretarial Studies and wanted to be a Secretary. Boyle has lots of different skills that she puts to good use, but one them is keeping us very organised in the Pine Classroom.


When Aitken was young she  wanted to be a policewoman, but at that time she wasn’t tall enough, the height restrictions have now changed and she now is tall enough but she says she is too old now – but you are only 25!?!! Now we know why she is good at keeping us all in line in Pine Class Room!!! Aitken was also a Hairdresser, that is why she has always got nice hair – good skill to have in ‘Lockdown’.


Jardine was also a  hairdresser, she is our expert at styling long hair. Jardine has been at doing this job for 24years, between Witch Hill and Willowbank – that is why she is the expert!!! When she was young she wanted to be a Nun, but perhaps she should have been a electrician – if something isn’t working Jardine is Mrs Fix-it!!!


Well when I was a wee girl I wanted to be a Nursery Nurse, but  I changed my mind and decided I wanted to be a Nurse then a Home Economics Teacher – so I did both!!

But one thing is for certain all the Pine Ladies love working in the Pine Room and with all the lovely Children at Willowbank.

Different Jobs that other people do 


  • Hello Pine Class – I am Andy and I am a Policeman 
  • Job Title – Police Superintendent – The best thing about my job as I get to work with some wonderful people who help save lives and help members of the public, often in greatest need in our communities. I didn’t always want to do this job as I wanted to be a professional footballer, I did managed to do that too! When I retire I will hopefully be able to volunteer and continue help people.
  • Hello Pine Class – I am Pauline and I am a Nurse
  • This is the photo that is taped onto my PPE just now.
  • Job Title – Deputy Charge Nurse ICU – The best thing about my job is caring for people who are critically ill and supporting their families along with the variety of specialities within critically care, it’s a very rewarding job. I always wanted to be a nurse.

  • Hi Pine Class – I’m Marion and I am a Nursery Nurse 
  • Job Title – Depute Manager of an Early Childhood Centre – What I love most about my job is being involved with the children as they explore and investigate experiences for the first time. It’s a really rewarding job as you see these young children starting as little 3 year olds and when they leave you they are equipped with the skills for moving on to P1 and you feel incredibly proud of them. I originally wanted to work in a travel agents.


  • Hello Pine Class – I am Alan and I am a Physiotherapist
  • Job Title –  Advanced Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (Out-patients).  What I like most about my job is helping people to try and achieve their maximal functional potential.  I wanted to study physics but didn’t apply for that course at University, but I still have a keen interest in this area.


  • Hi Pine Class – I am Karen and I am a Veterinary Nurse
  • Pictured with a baby hedgehog
  • Job Title –  Practice Manager – The best thing about my job is  giving good customer service and problem solving at work.  I didn’t always want to do this I was a Police Officer before.
  • Hello Pine Class- I am Tracy and I have 2 different jobs.
  • Job Titles –  I have two jobs, both of which I love very much – I am a business partner in a Womens Clothes Shop and I am also a Town Centre Regeneration Officer with East Ayrshire Council. The best thing about both my jobs is that they allow me to help people which is my favourite thing to do! I never had a clear idea of what job I wanted to do and that’s ok. You need to do your school work and do everything the best way you can and that is the best gift you can give to yourself.


  • Hello Pine Class – I am Heather and I am a Student Nurse
  • Job Title – Student Nurse – The best thing about my job is that I work with lots of incredible children and no two days are the same. Originally, I wanted to be a Theatre Performer in Musicals…or a mermaid!!


  • Hello Pine Class – I am Sarah and I am Performer
  • I am at the front wearing pink with some of the cast of Billy Elliot.
  • Job Title – Music Theatre Performer – It’s a fun job, you get to work with wonderfully expressive and talented people. You get to meet interesting people of all background and get to escape into a magical world. It’s long hours and hard work but definitely worth it. I wanted to be a professional ballet dancer. But musical theatre is even better!


  • Hello Pine Class – I am Senga and I am a Hair Stylist
  • The best thing about my job is meeting people, interacting with them and making them feel good. Not my first choice as I wanted to be a policewoman, but I was too small.


  • Hello Pine Class – I am Caroline and I am a Veterinary Nurse
  • I am a Vet Nurse, so the best bit about my job is getting to give the animals lots of cuddles and watching them get better. Before doing this job I was in The Royal Navy for 12 years.

  • Hello Pine Class – I am Matthew and I am a Production Technician
  • I work in an Oil Terminal on the small Orkney Island of Flotta, lying in Scapa Flow and I have to travel to work by boat! I guess the best thing about my job is the rota that I work, 2 weeks on 3 weeks off!! When I was really young I wanted to be a farmer.


What about you your family at home? 🏠
  • What is their job title?
  • What do they actually do?
  • What is the best thing about their job?
  • What is the worst thing about their job?
  • Did they always want to do that job?
  • If they could pick something else to do what would it be?


Using technology you could call or video chat someone else and get them to tell you all about their job.

We all have different talents
We are all different but all striving to be the ‘Best that we can be!’
Although, things are limited just now we can do a few different things in the house and out in the garden that are classed as Work Experience – you may even get paid for them!!!
Send in some photos if you help with any of the following ideas, or any others you come up with.
  • Helping in the garden – planting, weeding, watering…
  • Washing the car – could be some messy fun!
  • Help with the housework – making your bed, dusting, vacuuming….
  • Doing the laundry – sorting the different colours into piles, putting the washing in the machine, hanging it on the line, folding the clothes….
  • Helping prepare snacks and meals – making a sandwich, washing the vegetables, chopping, grating…
  • Entertaining your family – playing a musical instrument, singing…
  • Looking after your pets – feeding them, brushing them, loving them….
  • Doing some beauty treatments – paint some nails, give someone a new hair style…


Whatever you do this week – have a good one!

Love the Pine Ladies

Rainbow Clip Art


Name that Colour…

Afternoon Pine Class🌲


Just a little quiz for you all..

  1. What colours of wool does Wilson have?
  2.  What fruit is Aitken going to eat?
  3. What does Jardine have on her head?
  4. Who is hiding behind the red cushion?
  5. What colour is Jardine’s pretty flower?
  6. Who has a yellow Hula Hoop?
  7. What colour of ball is Boyle about to throw?
  8. Who is in the Pink?


Have a lovely weekend 🌈

Sent as a photo of you with your favourite colour.



In the Pink..

Good Morning Pine Class – how are you all today?? 🌲

This week we are going to be continuing with our Rainbow Theme🌈

And the colour



Below are some activities for you to do if you would like – remember to send us some photos or put in some comments.

Signing and Singing🎶

First a little music with Fairy Sarah

Were you all singing and signing – Wilson was!!!

Give a Socially Distancing Hug!!💕

Mia, a friend’s daughter, did a wonderful thing for her Granny last week. She hasn’t been able to see her to give her a hug so she decided that drawing round herself on a large piece of cardboard and colouring in it was the next best thing! I saw the photo her Granny looked very happy!!

So perhaps some of you would like to do this – draw around your body or your hand,  and then colourfully decorate – make someone smile!

Thanks Mia!!


Chalk painting was an activity I tried out last Friday with my neighbours’ children – Amy and Adam – they are keeping me entertained during the Lockdown with their chatter and singing while they are out in their garden.

I mixed up the Chalk Paint ready for us to use, we has separate paint brushes and maintained Social Distancing while we did this.

2 Tablespoons of Cornflour, 4 Tablespoons of Water and Food Colouring – I made 4 different colours Pink, Blue, Green and Yellow.

You brush or splash the paint onto the pavement and then it dries and looks like chalk – and the rain will wash it away – hopefully it won’t rain for a wee while!!


So if this is an activity you try please send us some photos!!


This week recipe is Coconut Ice – If you like something sweet and are able to eat coconut, I have managed to get all the ingredients at the supermarket which was a bonus!! I am going to make this at the end of the week.

Coconut ice squares


Can you spot different pink objects in your Living Room and count them, what about the kitchen, or your bedroom – some  of the Pine Class might have more Pink things than others!!

Some counting songs that we like in class

Film Clip – Olaf drinks Pink Lemonade🎞

Lots of different Pink Activities🎀

Have a great week Pine Class

Free to Use Public Domain Weather Clip Art - Page 2

Love the Pine Ladies



Red and Yellow……

Hello Pinettes!🌲

How are you all doing?😀

This week we are continuing with our Rainbow theme. 🌈

And we will focus on a couple of activities that you might like to do.


First the Singing Walrus – in the Pine Class we love the singing Walrus!!

And a song all about colour!!!


What about some singing and signing – with Mr Tumble!

And while we are listening to some Rainbows songs here is a nice one. 🌈

Colour Sorting 🎈🎁

We love to colour sort in class – so a wee challenge for you all!!!

If you like you could find us 5 different red things ❤and 5 different yellow 💛things – can you take a photograph and send it in so we can see what you have collected – things from outside, from the kitchen or from your toy box.

For lots of our colour sorting activities – check out these on Pinterest – Wilson loves Pinterest!!![]=colour%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=sorting%7Ctyped

Art 🎨

If you watched the film Wizard of Oz – did you like the song?

🎵 “If I only had a Heart”❤ with the Tin Man

For Art this week what about some Heart Art?

  • Fold a piece of paper in half and cut out a heart;
  • Open the heart up;
  • Put paint on one side of the heart and fold back in half – press it down;
  • Open up – beautiful Symmetry Painting!!!

Why don’t you put this in your window for everyone passing by to see – it will make them smile.

Another activity is to cut some hearts from some cardboard you are going to recycle, such as cereal boxes –  responsible citizens and cover them in tinfoil, you could punch a hole in the top and string them up and watch the sunlight reflect off them, even decorate them if you want with beads, stickers or feathers.

Cookery 🍓🍪

First a Red cookery idea, what about Strawberry Jelly?  Make up the Jelly according to the packet instructions, allow it to cool down a little and then add something else you like that is red – what about chopped up strawberries or red smarties?? Any other ideas?? What does your jelly smell like? Does it wobble? Was it tasty?

Next a Yellow Food, couple of ideas, custard a favourite in the Pine Room – do you like it hot or cold??? Or yellow vanilla ice-cream if you prefer, or if you parents would like a challenge what about helping them to make some scones!!! Jam and cream OR butter and jam????? Yummy!!


If you are out and about either in your car, or out for a walk or watching from your window why don’t you count the red and yellow cars going past, was there more red or yellow cars???

 VE Day


This is Friday the 8th of May. Why not have a picnic inside or outside – remember this was just after the Second World War so food was limited and no Supermarkets – so keep it simple!!!

Jam sandwiches, a pork pie, a plain bun, jelly and custard!

See the source image

Have a lovely week Pine Class, do what you want to do in the blog, sent us some comments and send us some photos – we would love to hear and see what you have all been up to.

Jardine, Aitken, Boyle and Wilson miss you all!!!

Love the Pine Ladies



Somewhere over the Rainbow….

Good morning Pine Class!

How are you all?

Have you been outside in your gardens listening to the birds? Jardine has and  she managed to photograph a Blue Tit that has taken up residence in the  bird box in her garden – amazing!!


What about feeding the Birds? Aitken has been doing that and made some lovely feeders – Well done Aitken give yourself a Clap!!

Below is a link of some lovely bird feeders – if you would like to make one and then watch some happy birds in your garden. 🐦


Boyle has been reading her cookery books in the sunshine, looking for some inspiration – she would love to know what you have all been reading?

Birdie Meatballs anyone?

I have made some Rainbow Birds from scraps of fabric I had left – what is your favourite colour?

Has anyone watched Mary Poppins? Did you have a favourite song?🌂

And did any of you enjoy the silly parrot and the Birdie Song?🐤

Our topic this Term was going to be Open Season – but due to the current situation we have had a wee rethink and decided to have some small topics that run over a week or two… or five!!!

Remember just do what you want to do and if you want to revisit any of the topics or ideas please do so – and post some comments and sent in some photos – we would love to hear from you all and see your lovely smiley faces!!!

Out in the Garden 🦋🐌🐛🐞

During Morning Group, we look out the window or door and check the weather, we then look at the BBC Weather to see if they got it right?  We like to sing and sign  ‘What’s the Weather like Today’  – sing along!! ⛅⛈🌤

See the source image

Next is a link to Mr Tumble singing and signing some songs about the weather.

Image result for singing hands

Also, if you look up Singing Hands you can see them signing individual signs for different  weather.

So what is the Weather like today?

If you are out in the garden or on a walk look and see if any rainbows appear! 🌈🌈

Or some Highland Cows!!!


Can’t wait to see a photo of the calf.

In class we have Sensory bottles for each different type of weather – these are really easy to make – plastic bottles, buttons, beads, water beads, Hama beads, elastic bands, food colouring, cotton wool, sequins are just a few things you can use. Below is a link to some ideas if you would like to make your own.

Art and Games🌈

This morning I have been watching the news and a feature I really enjoyed was about the ‘Posties’ – our local Postmen and Postwomen have been extremely  busy just now!! My Postman is actually my friend Andy, and I have known him for about 30years, so when I bake I always bake for him too!! Lots of children have been putting thank you pictures and messages on their doors, and some have been playing games with their Postie, such as Noughts and Crosses – where you put the grid on your door fill in a square the Postie has a shot and this goes on over a couple of days until someone wins!!! What do you think!! If you have a game, leave a note or make a picture send us a photo – and it will make your Postie SMILE!!!

Image result for noughts and crosses


Now the weather, sadly according to the BBC Weather is going to be a wee bit colder and rainy over the next couple of days, so what about making a pot of soup?  You probably have a favourite but below is a link to some different soups which you may want to try?

When making your soup🍵

  • Talk about the colours of the vegetables and sign them too!


  • Listen to the noises of the vegetables being peeled and chopped.
  • Smell the vegetables.
  • Taste some of the vegetables raw, if you can.🥕
  • Can you hear the soup bubbling as it is cooking?
  • What does your cooked soup smell and taste like?
  • Remember help with the cleaning up if you can!!!

Film Choice

Ok – I will give you some clues.

Image result for Green Clip Art FreeImage result for red shoes clip art freeImage result for broomstick shoes clip art free

Did you get it??

The Wizard of Oz🌈

Have a great week Pine Class

The Pine Ladies


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