We had a technology filled day in P5 for No pens Wednesday. We made use of the ActivePanel to help us with our Numeracy and we also enjoyed using the laptops. Later that day we watched a video about the Battle of Stirling Bridge and discussed this with our peers.
P4 had a massively busy No pens Wednesday. They spent time observing and then discussing their mummification project, used Bug Club and even had time to complete some Ancient Egyptian Death Masks.
Primary 2 enjoyed No Pans Wednesday by using lots of different active learning strategies to aid with their literacy development. They then finished the day with some Art and Design.
The Parent Council have been asked to seek your views on the naming of the new Primary School, new Secondary School and new Learning Campus. The link can be found online at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/6XB5XBK.
If you would prefer to put your choices in writing then please come to the office where a supply of paper copies will be available.