Miss Lee’s SLC Groups Home Learning 15.6.20

Good morning everyone 😊 It’s Monday again, hope everyone is well and doing OK. Here are a few ideas for activities this week.


Bug Club – This week pick one of the stories that you have and read it with someone that you live with.

Spelling Challenge –  In the packs that you got delivered there is a “Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check” sheet for spelling. Put this into your overwriting pocket and use it to practice these words that end with ‘-ck’.

back sock rock
pack shock trick
duck lock lick


Writing – Choose 5 of your spelling words and try to write 5 interesting sentences with them in it.

Talking and Listening – In your Time Capsule pack of sheets there is a sheet called “How I Feel”. You could sit with someone you live with and talk about how you are feeling, what you can’t wait to do as lockdown eases and the things that you are thankful for during this time. I know I’m very thankful for all the lovely weather we have had which has made being at home a lot easier.


Numeracy – This week we are going to practice our number bonds to 10 a bit more. I hope you had fun trying the last weeks Challenge to Make 10. There are two different activities below that you can try. The first one is like some of the work that we have done in school.

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You could also have a go at the Number Stick activity below which is very like the activity above. The stick is divided into ten different parts and below it you need to write the sum that is described. Have a go and let me know how you get on in the comments.

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Outdoor Maths Challenge – Pick two of your Numeracy Challenge cards from your Home Learning pack and have a go at them. You could let me know which ones you’ve tried by leaving a comment below.



There’s plenty of number and shape activities you could try in Sumdog and Topmarks.

Outdoor Learning – Colour Scavenger Hunt

Get your white board from your second Home Learning pack or some paper and divide up like the picture below. Then look for the different colours and draw what you find. You could do this inside or outside depending on the weather. Have fun! 😊

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In your Time Capsule sheets that came in your second Home Learning Pack there is a sheet called “My Family”. Have a go at drawing a picture of yourself and then one of your family that you have been living with during lockdown.


Something Else To Try

This weeks recipe is for Strawberry and Banana Smoothies . Hope you have fun making them.

Strawberry and Banana Smoothies

You will need:- 2 ripe bananas

12 strawberries that have been hulled

200 ml (7fl oz) semi-skimmed milk

100g vanilla or strawberry yoghurt

honey to taste (optional)

  1. Peel and roughly chop 2 ripe bananas and put them into a blender.
  2. Add all of the strawberries to the blender along wit the milk and yogurt.
  3. Blend until smooth. If it looks to thick add a little bit more milk.
  4. If you want to sweeten the smoothie a little add a little bit of honey to the mix.

I hope you have fun trying this recipe.

Take care and stay safe.

Miss Lee x



Primary 3/4 Home Learning – Week Beginning Mon 15 June

Hello Primary 3/4, I hope you and your families are all well. Please look through this week’s tasks below with your grown up. Just do your best, that’s all I look for.

Literacy and English

1) This weeks phonic sound is “oo” and your words to practice reading and spelling are: zoo, mood, fool, spoon, look, stool and cook.  If you want to challenge yourself further, try to think of 5 different oo words. This week, please practice by writing each word out in a list then using Look, Cover, Write, Check to write each word out 3 times again. Do you think you could write the words out in alphabetical order too?

2) Aim to spend around 20-25 minutes on Bug Club. You could split this into 2 shorter sessions of 10 minutes if you wish. I have made sure that you all have books allocated. Remember to check for any teacher feedback too.
3) Write a set of instructions/recipe. I love food, cooking and baking! This week I would like you to ask your grown up if you can help them to prepare/cook either lunch/dinner/dessert one day. Then, I would like you to write out the recipe so that someone else can follow it. Remember to include your ingredients list, equipment list, time connectives (first, then, next etc) and write each instruction in a logical order.


Numeracy & Maths
4) Go on sumdog and complete the challenge questions focused on reading clocks. When you log in and go to play a game, the clock questions will come up first. Last week’s questions on place value are still there if you have not completed them yet.
5) Use the missing piece calculations below to practice subtraction. There is an example and a number line to help you. It may also help to think of each question as a word problem. For example, if I go to a shop a spend £4 and now I have £8 left, how much must I have had to start with?

6) Complete the challenges below. There are 2 different challenges to try. The pictures and the information will help you to find the answers.

All My Other Learning
7) Create a family minibeast quiz! Why don’t you create a quiz all about minibeasts to challenge the members of the family. You could try making it a “Who Am I?” quiz. For example, I have symmetrical wings. Who am I? (Butterfly).
Here is an online quiz you can try too: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-t-10433-minibeast-quiz-powerpoint
8) Complete the minibeast activities on this site. If you scroll down a little, you will see there is a starter activity, main session part 1, main session part 2 and a plenary. Or, you can download the lesson pack. There are lots of really fun and different activities here that I am sure you will enjoy. http://resources.hwb.wales.gov.uk/VTC/minbeasts/eng/Introduction/default.htm
9) Create a fitness circuit for you and your family. There are some ideas below that you can aim to include in your circuit.

10) Mrs Hill has prepared some tasks for you too: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/ea/mrshmusic/2020/06/11/p3-4-music-activities-week-beginning-15th-june/
Take care of yourself and each other and I hope to see you when we can,
From Mrs Hastings x

Primary 1 Home Learning – Week beginning 15th June

Hi Primary 1! Hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend?

You will notice the majority of the table below is highlighted in yellow as the ‘most important’ jobs. I am aware we are heading into our second last week of Primary 1 and the activity table covers alot of what we would have been if we were still in school. Please do not worry if some of the activities are too tricky, just do what you can, when you can.

Again, this week I have set some extra activities – these are not essential, just for those who are looking for a further challenge.

Have a lovely week.

Take care.

Mrs Keen

: )

P1 Week beginning 15th June tasks P1 Week beginning 15th June additional tasks

SLC 3 Home Learning Tasks 15/6/20

Good morning, Monday again!  Hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine yesterday.  This would have been our last whole week at school before breaking up for the summer holidays.  Let’s make it a good one.  Here are some activities and tasks to try this week – do what you can, when you can.

Have fun, take care and look after each other!  Miss Robertson


Tasks for Week Beginning 15 / 6 / 20
Literacy Numeracy / Maths All my other learning
Word Wall – Your key words this week are: here said our there Practise spelling these using :

Phonics – CVCC and CCVC words Click on the CCVC words link. What can you see in the picture?  Make a list and practise your spelling.

 Writing – Can you write interesting sentences about the picture?  Remember to try to use exclamation marks (!) and speech marks.  Your sentences should have an ‘and’ in them to make them longer. 

 Reading – Read the story ‘The Zoo Vet’ with an adult. t-or-1117-the-zoo-vet-story-powerpoint_ver_2  Can you answer these questions?

Numeracy – Practise your hundreds, tens and units using the numeracy link below.  Can you order the numbers to complete the dragon? You should be able to play the 0 to 999 version.

Calculations – Read the following problems.  Can you complete the addition sums to calculate the answer?

Now try some subtraction.

Money – Use your money skills to design and build you own car using the link below.

Transport – Look at the powerpoint with an adult.  Discuss the changes.  t-t-4886-transport-old-and-new-photo-powerpoint-_ver_1 (1)  Can you complete the worksheet?  You don’t have to print it out, just answer orally with an adult.

PE – Hold your own Sports day event at home.  Here are some ideas for races.  sports-day-guide    You could always add your own imaginative ideas.



Numeracy Dragon Game https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/chinese-dragon-ordering

Money – car game https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/customCars/index.html


Barshare Primary, Dalgleish Avenue, Cumnock, KA181QG, Tel: 01290 422212

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