Primary 3/4 Home Learning – Week Beginning 11th May

Hello Primary 3/4, I hope that you and your families are well and enjoyed the sunshine over the long weekend. Thank you for all the work you have completed so far and please find below this week’s home learning tasks.

Literacy & English
1) This weeks phonic sound is “ai” and your words to practice reading and spelling are: stair, hair, chair, rain, brain, train, stain. If you want to challenge yourself further, try to think of 5 different ai words. You could practice spelling these by colour coding the vowels and the consonants – each time you write the word, write the consonants in red and the vowels in blue. Remember, vowels are a, e, i, o and u.
2) Aim to spend around 20-25 minutes on Bug Club. You could split this into 2 shorter sessions of 10 minutes if you wish. I have made sure that you all have books allocated. Remember to check for any teacher feedback too.
3) Become an author and write an imaginative story that you can read to entertain your family. Think about who the characters in your story are and where the setting is. Try to remember a beginning, middle and end. You may also try to include a problem and resolution for the main character – just like we did in class when we wrote our Winnie the Witch stories!

Numeracy & Maths
4) Go on sumdog and complete the challenge questions focused on 2x 5x and 10x tables. When you log in and go to play a game, the multiplication questions will come up first. Last week’s questions on subtraction are still there if you have not completed them yet.
5) Practice some addition calculations. You can ask your adult to help you by giving you some questions too. Talk to your adult about the strategies you are using. Below are some examples to get your started.
a. 6 + 7 = 5 + 4 = 8 + 9 =
b. 10 + 3 = 10 + 7 = 10 + 5 =
c. 12 + 4 = 15 + 3 = 16 + 2 =
d. 18 + 5 = 17 + 7 = 13 + 9 =
e. 24 + 12 = 36 + 11 = 34 + 35 =
If you wish to challenge yourself further, try the questions in the picture below. Can you find the missing number?

6) Practice your numeracy skills using the link below. This is the Funky Mummy game that we have used in class. The great thing is that you can choose the skill you wish to work on.

All My Other Learning
7) Go on a minibeast hunt and look in different habitats. Make a note of the minibeasts that you find and where you find them. What do you notice? You may try to keep a note of the minibeasts you find using tally marks. This video may remind you how to use them:

8) Mrs Hill’s music activities are here:


9) It is important we try to keep ourselves positive during these tricky times. As a family, you may think about creating a wish jar. This is a really nice activity whereby each day family members write down then put in a little wish or something that they are looking forward to doing once our lives return to normal a little more. Then, when the time is right, everyone can sit together and read each other’s wishes – and even try to make them come true!

Take care of yourself and each other and I hope to see you when we can,
From Mrs Hastings x

SLC 3 Home Tasks 11/5/20

Good morning!

The sun is shining again as we enter another week of lockdown.  Hope you all had a nice weekend, I will catch up with you all later this week when I phone.  It is so nice to keep in touch and hear everything you have all been doing.  Here are some activities you could try this week :-

Tasks for Week Beginning 11 / 5 / 20
Literacy Numeracy / Maths All my other learning
Word Wall – Your key words this week are that, then, this, there    Practise spelling these daily.  Use the paper from your pack.  I would like you to try:-Flower writing – draw a flower with your word in the middle.  In each petal write a letter from your word.   Hand clap chant – work with an adult or older sibling.  Choose a word and spell it using a hand clap pattern.   Upper and Lower – Write each word out twice, once in lower case and another in capital letters   Rainbow words – Write your words out in pencil.  Next draw around each letter 5 more times using a different coloured pencil.


Phonics / Writing – cr / cl words. Look at the sheet below.  Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, use the paper you have to rewrite 2 lists a red list for ‘cr’ words and a green list for ‘cl’words.  Try to write a sentence for 5 red words and then 5 green words.   

Reading – Remember the reading bingo challenge I set last week?  Keep going until all the boxes are filled.

Aim for completing at least one book on Bug Club!

Using a story you have read, or listened to, create a comic strip like the example provided.  Think about the main events from the story, concentrating on the beginning, middle and end. 

Place Value – roll the die game, for an extra challenge copy the rules but try out 3 digit numbers (hundreds, tens and units)

Calculations – try to complete these subtraction sums.  If you don’t have a printer, copy them out onto your paper.  Once you have finished, try them again as adding sums.


Money Challenge –


Problem Solving – again don’t worry about having to print this sheet, draw out your own flags on blank paper.

As part of our transport topic I would like you to try to make a boat.  Gather objects / items from in and around your house.  Fill the bath or take a basin / bucket out to the garden if the weather is nice.  Test each item to make sure it floats. Can you use these floating objects to create your boat.  I would love to see photos!

Remember the photo challenge I set last week, keep filling the boxes!  Day 4 was an animal, here’s my animal.  Pixie with the baby goats!

To make your daily walks more fun I found the challenge below.  Get the adults and your siblings involved too.  Make it into a race, who can spot the objects first?

Stay active!  Heres a challenge … make it a family competition.  Practise every day to get better.



P2/3 Home Learning 11/5/20

Hello everyone,

Hope everyone in your family are well and managing to put your time in.  It is important to spend time outside every day even if it is just playing in your garden.

I am just checking in with everyone and giving you some ideas for activities for your home learning for this week.  Remember just do what you can, these are only suggestions.

Take care everyone and stay safe.  I will be in touch again next Monday.

Mrs McLachlan


P2 and P3 – Look at your Active Literacy sounds sheet and practise the new words for the ‘ou’ sound.  Practise writing the words for that sound in your laminated Boxes in your pack.  Challenge yourself to write some of your own words using the sound.  Write 3 sentences using one of your words in each sentence.

Bug Club – Reading

Log on to Bug Club and read 2 of your books.  Ask an adult to help you with the tricky words.  See how many ‘ou’ words you can find in your reading book and write them down.  Well done to everyone who has been reading their books.


This week for our writing we are going to be writing about a Missing/Lost Pet.  First you have to put the name of your pet and what type of pet it is then you have to write some sentences using capital letters and full stops about why your pet has become missing.  P3’s can try using different connectives in your writing and some adjectives.  When you have completed this you can draw a picture in the box of your pet.  This is an imaginative piece of writing therefore if you don’t have a pet this is your chance to make one up. You could use the link below or just write it on a piece of paper.

Missing – Lost Pet Writing Frame


P3’s this week could practise division on Topmarks site Hit the Button, remember you have been dividing by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 in class.  After this you an complete a colour division activity.  It is colour by 2, 5 and 10 division.  I have put the link below if you can’t access the link write out some division sums on paper dividing by 2, 5 and 10.

Colour by 2s, 5s and 10s division

P2’s this week can practise number bonds on Topmarks site Hit the Button then complete some of the Number Bonds Challenge Sheets.  If you click on the link below you will be able to print them.  If you don’t have a printer don’t worry you can practise writing number bonds to 20 on paper.

Number bonds challenge cards

P2 and P3 – Continue logging on to Sum Dog and playing games.

P2 and P3 – We are going to be revisiting symmetry this week.  A nice activity for you is ‘Draw the Other Half Symmetry’.  Here are some examples for what you can do.  After you have drawn it you can colour it in.

click this link to look at the other half symmetry


Stem – Your Stem activity for this week is How to Make a Bird Feeder from a plastic bottle.  This is a nice activity to make with an adult because they will need to help you with the scissors part.  When you have made it you can hang it in your garden and watch all the different birds come to enjoy the food.  I have copied the link below for the Natural History Museum which shows a short video clip on how to make it.

Art – I have copied an Outdoor Art Grid for you to choose and try some of the activities if you want outside.  This could be done over a few weeks.Outdoor Art Grid

Outdoor Art Grid

Music – Mrs Hill has prepared some activities for you.


Primary 1 Tasks Week Beginning 11.05.20

Hello Primary 1 : ),

I hope you all enjoyed a lovely long weekend in the sun! I have planned our weekly tasks a little differently this week. Have a look at the table below and choose whichever activities you want.

Activities highlighted in yellow are those I would especially like you to try if you can, when you can.

Have a lovely week. Missing you all!

Stay safe,

Mrs Keen : )


Barshare Primary, Dalgleish Avenue, Cumnock, KA181QG, Tel: 01290 422212

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