P2/3 Home Learing 18/5/20

Hello everyone,

I hope you and all your family are well and happy.  The sun has been shining again and I hope you have all been able to go outside and enjoy it either in your garden or your daily walks.  Here are some new activities for you to try this week and remember just do what you can,  these are only suggestions.

Take care everyone and stay safe.  I miss you all and I will be in touch again next week.

Mrs McLachlan


P2 and P3 – Look at your Active Literacy sounds sheet and practise the new words for the ‘igh’ sound.  These words are high, right, thigh, bright, might and light.  This is quite a tricky sound this week.  Challenge yourself and see if you can think of any more ‘igh’ words.  An adult can help you with the correct spelling.  Write 3 sentences using one of your words in each sentence.

Bug Club – Reading

Well done to everyone who has been reading your reading books.  Log on to Bug Club and read 2 of your books.  Ask an adult to help you with  the tricky words.  See how many ‘igh’ words you can find in your reading book and write them down.  If you have other books at home you could look and see if there are any ‘igh’ words in them.


This week for writing I thought you could help your family write their shopping list.  When we are writing lists we write one item then underneath we write the next item.  Try using bullet points for this, I will show you a style underneath.  All you need is a sheet of paper and a pencil, start by writing at the top of the paper Shopping List then underneath write all the items your family need.  This is something you will need an adult to work with you, even if they just read out the items you need and you write them down.  I have attached a style below but you can make up your own style.

Shopping List2


P2 – We are going to be counting in Tens and Ones this week.  This is revision of what we have already done in class.  Log on to BBC Bitesize Website and go through the activities, the link is below.  You can also try the activities for multiplying by 2, 5 and 10.


P3 – We are going to be trying the activities for multiplying and dividing on BBC Bitesize, click on the link below.


P2 and P3 – We are going to try some word problems this week.  Just like we have done before in class on the big board.  Remember you need to read the problems first and think about how you are going to do the calculation.  Is it adding or subtracting?  An adult can help you with the reading if you are not sure of some of the words.  Just click on the link below to see the sheet, you can print it if you want.

Word Problems

P2 and P3 – We have been learning the months of the year in class, see if you can write them out in the correct order and practise spelling them.  Remember they all start with a capital letter.  A family member can help you with the spelling.  Here is a short video clip you can click on to help you practise them.


Stem – Our Stem Challenge for this week is we are creating a magical butterfly powered by static electricity.  You will need a piece of paper, card, tissue paper, glue, scissors and a balloon.  Don’t worry if you don’t have any of the materials, it is only a suggestion.  Perhaps you could just paint or draw a butterfly.  I have attached a link below to the Dynamic Earth website which shows you a short video clip with instructions on how to make the butterfly.


Art – Look at your Outdoor Art Grid that I put up last week and choose one of the activities to try outside.  I have copied the grid again below.

Outdoor Art Grid

Health and Wellbeing – We are going to Jungle Jig with Nala and Simba.  You will need music (any) and follow the instructions below to make up your own jungle beat.  If you don’t have the internet you could just make up your own jungle beat dance.


Music – Mrs Hill has prepared some activities for you.





Miss Lee’s Groups Homelearning 18.5.20

It’s Monday again everyone, that was fast week. I hope that you are well and safe. I have put together some activities that you can have a go at. This weeks recipe is Lunchtime Quesadilla’s which is very popular in my house. I hope you get chance to try them, if you do let me know what you think by leaving a comment here. My cats have been up to all sorts of mischief this week and I thought you might enjoy playing a game called the Minister’s Cat which we play at home.


Reading – Find one of your favourite stories or a comic that you like reading and sit down with someone in your house and enjoy reading a story together. What is your favourite part of the story? Why is it your favourite part? Is there any part of the story you would change?

Bug Club – Go in and have a read of one of your books. Don’t forget to do the quiz.

Spelling Challenge –  In the packs that you got delivered there is a “Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check” sheet for spelling. Put this into your overwriting pocket and use it to practice these common words that have the ‘th’ sound in them.

  • the
  • them
  • they
  • that
  • with
  • there


Talking and Listening – The Minister’s Cat, this is a game you can play with everyone at home to practise using your adjectives, words that we use to describe things. My children love playing this. I have put a link below for you to watch to find out how to play it.




Shape Hunt – This week can you do a shape hunt around your house? Use your white board and divide it into 4 sections like this.

Squares Circles
Triangle Rectangles


Now go around your house and look to see what you can find that are these shapes writing down or getting someone to help you write them down. I took a couple of pictures in my house to give you a wee start.

Image preview    Image preview


Outdoor Maths Challenge – Pick two of your Numeracy Challenge cards from your new pack and have a go at them. You could let me know which ones you’ve tried by leaving a comment below.



There’s plenty of number and shape activities you could try in Sumdog and Topmarks.


Outdoor Learning

In your new pack that arrived there are some John Muir Challenge cards. Pick one of the cards and have a go at completing it. There are some great ideas for activities in them.



This week I thought you might like to have a try of some Insect Nature Art. When you are out for a walk or playing in your garden look for things that have an interesting colour, are an interesting shape or that you really like. Then when you come back inside have a go at arranging them on paper and gluing them down to make insects. I’ve put a few pictures of ones that my friend Tiffany who is an art teacher in the USA has done to show her class.


If you want to look at the page to get some more ideas click on this link


Something Else To Try

I am making these quite often at the moment as a change from a sandwich for lunchtimes. They are a firm favourite and are really quick and easy to make. They are also cheap. You can put your favourite fillings in. In this house favourites are ham with cheese and the tuna mayonnaise with spring onions and cheese. But you could be as imaginative as you like with what fillings you put in. Make sure you get an adult to help with the cooking of them in the frying pan as it can be difficult to turn them and the pan will get very hot.

Lunchtime Quesadilla’s

You will need:

  • Flour tortillas
  • Ham/Chicken/Tuna
  • Mayonnaise for the tuna if you are using it
  • Grated cheese
  • Tomatoes/Spring Onions, chopped or sliced
  • A large frying pan


  1. Get all of your ingredients out. If you are putting in tomatoes or spring onions slice them up now. Also, if you are going to be putting tuna mayonnaise into your quesadilla now is the best time to mix you tuna in a bowl with the mayonnaise so that it is ready to use.
  2. Grate your cheese.
  3. Take a flour tortilla and lay it flat in your frying pan. You don’t need any oil or butter.
  4. Put in your fillings of choice for example some slices of ham and then sprinkle as much cheese as you like over the top. Make sure you cover most of the tortilla with topping.
  5. Put a second tortilla on top of this.
  6. Now put your frying pan on to the cooker over a medium heat. Let it cook until it is golden and crispy on the bottom. This will take about 2 minutes.
  7. Turn over and cook the other side for about another 2 minutes or until it is golden and crispy.
  8. Remove from the pan straight away and put it onto a cutting board. Leave it for a minute to cool slightly and then cut into 4 pieces.

Lunch is served.

I’m looking forward to hearing how you all are this week. Take care.

Miss Lee x


SLC3 Home Learning Tasks 18/5/20

Good Morning!

Hope you all had a nice weekend, although the weather was not great.  I caught up with some jobs needing done in and around the house, and managed to watch some tv too!  I will catch up with you all when I phone this week and hear everything you have been doing.  During this week of home learning try some of these tasks and activities, if you can …

Word Wall – Your key words this week are : said, from, our, by Practise spelling these daily using : Hopping – hop on one foot as you spell your words.  Back massage – write your words on an adult’s / sibling’s back. Can they guess the word?  Remember to swap and you guess the word they write on your back.  Curly letters – Write each word out twice, once in your normal handwriting and then again using curly writing. Look, cover, write and check – Look at the word, cover it, write it and then check it.  Do this 4 times for each word.

Phonics – Here’s a game we use regularly in class to practise our spelling.  How many can you get right at home?  https://games.galacticphonics.com/blends/interactive/ccvcspell/ccvcspelltv2.htm

Writing – Look at the picture below.   Can you write 3 sentences following the criteria?

Sentence 1use an exclamation mark ! (Oh no, my cat is stuck in the tree!)  Sentence 2 – describe how the cat feels (He is scared because he doesn’t like heights.) Sentence 3 – use an ‘and’ (I will get ladders and try to help.)

 Reading – Read each sentence and draw a picture to match.  Instead of drawing lots of different pictures, try to draw one adding new detail after every sentence. Remember to log onto Bug Club too.  Place Value – This is another game we have used in class.  You should be able to play the ‘up to 999’ version. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/place-value-basketball

Calculations – 5 times table sums this week.  Be careful with the tens and units!  Remember tens need a 0.  If you can’t print, just copy the sums down.

Time – practise o’clock, half past, quarter past and to when completing this sheet.  Write your answers down on a piece of paper from your pack. Money – set up your own shop and use different coins to count out the correct amount to buy items.  Make your own price list using what you find in your cupboards. You should be able to make amounts up to £5.

Transport Thinking Skills  How many vehicles can you think of with wheels and without wheels?  Make 2 lists.  Give yourself 5 minutes.  You could make it a competition with family members to see who can name the most.

Science Experiment with a car

PE – developing your throwing and catching skills

Primary 3/4 Home Learning – Week Beginning 18th May

Hello Primary 3/4, I hope that you are all safe and well. Below are these week’s home learning tasks for you to try and work on. Remember, just do your best, that is all we ask.

1) This weeks phonic sound is “ng” and your words to practice reading and spelling are: strong, ring, thing, string, bang, bring and sting. If you want to challenge yourself further, try to think of 5 different ng words. This week, why don’t you try writing the words into 3 different silly sentences? See if you can include all of the spelling words. Have fun making the sentences silly! Remember your red home learning jotter can be used for this too.
2) Aim to spend around 20-25 minutes on Bug Club. You could split this into 2 shorter sessions of 10 minutes if you wish. I have made sure that you all have books allocated. Remember to check for any teacher feedback too.
3) Research and find out about a minibeast of your choice and present your findings. Think about how you are going to present your findings. Perhaps you will create a poster? A fact file? A word document? A powerpoint? Aim to include: A title, a picture/diagram, at least 5 facts about the minibeast. This task will be continued into next week too to give you time to focus on your research and present your findings.

Here is a useful video to help you to get started:


Numeracy & Maths
4) Go on sumdog and complete the challenge questions focused on number words. When you log in and go to play a game, the number words questions will come up first. Last week’s questions on 2x, 5x and 10x are still there if you have not completed them yet.
5) Practice multiplication using the questions below. It may help if you write down the calculation and the answer in your home learning jotter. Think about strategies you can use to help you if you find it tricky – counting up in multiples, drawing a picture or acting it out may help you.

6) Practice fact families using the numbers below. Remember, these are the 4 calculations (2 additions and 2 subtractions) that you can make using only 3 numbers. Why don’t you challenge yourself and make up one of your own for your adult to do?

All My Other Learning
7) Challenge – to design/create a Bug Hotel! If you don’t have access to an outdoor space/garden, you could draw a picture of what your Bug Hotel would look like. If you do have an outdoor space/garden think about ways you could create a Bug Hotel. For example, you could:
a. If you have some bricks, wooden boxes or pallets why not build a multi-storey Minibeast Mansion?! You could divide it into sections and stuff each part with different natural materials such as dry leaves, twigs, hollow stems, dead grass, pine cones and bits of bark.
b. You could make a Log Pile Lodge! To make a log pile, simply collect small logs, large sticks and pieces of rotting wood. Pile them up in a damp, shady area of your garden, then stuff some dead leaves in the nooks and crannies to make it cosy.
c. Or perhaps a Pine Cone Palace? Gather some pine cones and bundle them together closely so the scales interlock a bit. Stuff some dried leaves in the gaps. Place the pine cones in a quiet corner of your garden shed or garage.
d. Maybe you could make a Twig Tower Block? Gather some sticks and find an undisturbed, sheltered spot outdoors. Pile them up and stuff the gaps with smaller twigs and dry leaves.
The video link and picture below show other ways you may want to try too: https://youtu.be/OexxoXo9uFk

8) Mrs Hill has prepared a virtual musical classroom for you too:


Take care of yourself and each other and I hope to see you when we can,
From Mrs Hastings x

Barshare Primary, Dalgleish Avenue, Cumnock, KA181QG, Tel: 01290 422212

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