SLC3 and Miss Lee’s Groups Home Learning 22.6.20

Good morning everyone, it’s the last Monday of term!! And what a strange term it has been. I hope you are all doing OK. I thought I would give you something a little bit different this week. It won’t be long till we can start to  have a day out with our families so I thought we could plan a trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park this week. I hope you have fun trying these activities.

Virtual Trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park.

Below is a table full of ideas that you and your family can complete so you can go on a virtual trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park.

Virtual Trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park.

Below is a table full of ideas that you and your family can complete so you can go on a virtual trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park.

First of all, have a look on the Blair Drummond website.







Can you work out how much it would be for your family to visit?


Use the prices to calculate and compare buying tickets online to buying when arriving. How much do you save?


Look at the ‘plan your adventure’ section. There are lots of different events, shows and talks to attend.


Can you create a poster advertising one?


How long would it take to get to Blair Drummond?


Check when the park opens and closes.


What time would you have to leave in the morning and when would you return back home?


Using the timings of the shows and talks, plan you whole day.   Remember to include toilet breaks and lunch!


The café is very expensive so it would be best to take a packed lunch.


Can you help make a packed lunch at home that you could eat?

Blair Drummond has some amazing lions. Click on the link where you can learn to draw your own lion.


Everyone loves to buy souvenirs from the shop at the end of their visit. Have a look at the online shop on the website.


If you had £10 to spend what could you buy? Can you work out the coins and notes you would need to make your purchase?Would you get any change, if so can you calculate how much? How much more would you need if you wanted to buy something else?

Pick an animal that you would find in Blair Drummond to research.   How many amazing facts can you find?


Share your learning by creating an information leaflet.

We need a play list to listen to during our journey.


How many songs can you think of that are related to our outing?   I’ll start you off with Katy Perry and Roar!



There are live webcams set up for you to watch some of the animals.


Also if an adult at home has facebook, visit Blair Drummond Safari’s page and watch some live videos of the animals.

Can you solve this puzzle? Play with an adult or sibling at home. Who can guess the animal first?






One thought on “SLC3 and Miss Lee’s Groups Home Learning 22.6.20”

  1. Kahli wishes all staff and her friends a lovely summer. And can’t wait to see you all again in August.. She loves her hug badge which made her day and smile . Ps her older brother kerr says good luck to Mrs Musson and he is gonna miss her.

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