Hello everyone,
I hope you and all your family are well and happy. The sun has been shining again and I hope you have all been able to go outside and enjoy it either in your garden or your daily walks. Here are some new activities for you to try this week and remember just do what you can, these are only suggestions.
Take care everyone and stay safe. I miss you all and I will be in touch again next week.
Mrs McLachlan
P2 and P3 – Look at your Active Literacy sounds sheet and practise the new words for the ‘igh’ sound. These words are high, right, thigh, bright, might and light. This is quite a tricky sound this week. Challenge yourself and see if you can think of any more ‘igh’ words. An adult can help you with the correct spelling. Write 3 sentences using one of your words in each sentence.
Bug Club – Reading
Well done to everyone who has been reading your reading books. Log on to Bug Club and read 2 of your books. Ask an adult to help you with the tricky words. See how many ‘igh’ words you can find in your reading book and write them down. If you have other books at home you could look and see if there are any ‘igh’ words in them.
This week for writing I thought you could help your family write their shopping list. When we are writing lists we write one item then underneath we write the next item. Try using bullet points for this, I will show you a style underneath. All you need is a sheet of paper and a pencil, start by writing at the top of the paper Shopping List then underneath write all the items your family need. This is something you will need an adult to work with you, even if they just read out the items you need and you write them down. I have attached a style below but you can make up your own style.
P2 – We are going to be counting in Tens and Ones this week. This is revision of what we have already done in class. Log on to BBC Bitesize Website and go through the activities, the link is below. You can also try the activities for multiplying by 2, 5 and 10.
P3 – We are going to be trying the activities for multiplying and dividing on BBC Bitesize, click on the link below.
P2 and P3 – We are going to try some word problems this week. Just like we have done before in class on the big board. Remember you need to read the problems first and think about how you are going to do the calculation. Is it adding or subtracting? An adult can help you with the reading if you are not sure of some of the words. Just click on the link below to see the sheet, you can print it if you want.
P2 and P3 – We have been learning the months of the year in class, see if you can write them out in the correct order and practise spelling them. Remember they all start with a capital letter. A family member can help you with the spelling. Here is a short video clip you can click on to help you practise them.
Stem – Our Stem Challenge for this week is we are creating a magical butterfly powered by static electricity. You will need a piece of paper, card, tissue paper, glue, scissors and a balloon. Don’t worry if you don’t have any of the materials, it is only a suggestion. Perhaps you could just paint or draw a butterfly. I have attached a link below to the Dynamic Earth website which shows you a short video clip with instructions on how to make the butterfly.
Art – Look at your Outdoor Art Grid that I put up last week and choose one of the activities to try outside. I have copied the grid again below.
Health and Wellbeing – We are going to Jungle Jig with Nala and Simba. You will need music (any) and follow the instructions below to make up your own jungle beat. If you don’t have the internet you could just make up your own jungle beat dance.
Music – Mrs Hill has prepared some activities for you.