P1/2 Home Learning – 27.4.20

Primary ½ Weekly Tasks – 27.4.20


Hello Everyone,

I hope you managed to have a look through last weeks tasks and managed to get some completed.  Remember not to worry too much if you aren’t able to get through everything.  We can learn in lots of different ways like helping an adult bake or cook, or going on a walk and looking at nature.  I know everyone is just doing the best that they can.  I have some more ideas for you to work through this week. Please remember to stay safe and look after yourselves, I hope to see you all really soon.

Miss Stafford





P1 – Your new sounds this week is “er”.  What words can you come up with that have this sound in it?

Have a watch of Geraldine exploring this sound here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK8_kUg3454

Can you go a hunt around your house too?

Try to write any “er” words you can come up with an adult.  You can try to underwrite or overwrite.


P2 – Your new sound this is “y” but makes the same sound as last weeks sound – confusing!  This sound comes at the ends of words so see what words you can make.

Have a watch of this video exploring this sound here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5GKtk0RCE8

Try to write down some of the words in the video or from your Active Literacy booklet.

Can you write 3 sentences using 3 “y” words?


Remember to have a look at your jolly phonics songs and actions, most of them can be found here:




Remember to log onto Bug Club to access your new book this week.  You can also look back over previous books through your “library” to help you practice sounding out and blending.



Write about what you have been up to over the last week, including any chores, school work, family time – anything! Primary 2’s should be aiming to write as much independently as possible and Primary 1’s should aim to copy a sentence an adult has written for you.

Challenge: Have you done any baking or cooking with an adult? If so, write a set of instructions explaining how you did it and the ingredients involved.




How did you get on practicing reading a clock at home or on the online activity?  This week, try to draw/make/design your own clock.  Ask an adult to help you.  You can then set the time to whatever you like and challenge yourself!



Remember to log onto sumdog, you can find your log in details attached to your home learning pack.  I have set you a new set of challenges to complete this week tailored to your level.


Number Blocks and Number Jacks

If you fancy a bit of a more relaxed approach to keeping up with your maths, have a watch of Number Blocks or Number Jacks on YouTube.  They really help to develop your understanding of numbers and are good fun to watch!

Number Blocks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPlwvN0w4qFSP1FllALB92w

Number Jacks:   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWKuiktSh-V3E4ysPU0VC3Q



P1: Remember to keep practicing your counting, there are lots of great songs online, such as this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MVzXKfr6e8


P2: Focus on skip counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s.  Here’s a good video to help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_yUC1NCFkE


Health and Wellbeing

Remember to look after YOU! The most important thing is to keep feeling happy and healthy so take time to enjoy your family.  A great way to calm down or unwind is yoga. We loved doing our yoga in class so try and do some at home!

I recommend this channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga

Try to get outside for your daily exercise or even in your garden if you have one.  Being outside can really help how you feel.


Other Curricular Areas

Remember to work through your Learning through Play grid in your home learning pack, it has lots of really good ideas in it.  You also can still work through April’s home learning grid which I posted last week, I’ll share one for May next week.


Try to be creative this week and create a piece of art that makes you feel happy and that you enjoy creating – it can be anything that you like!


I hope this has given you some good ideas for the week to come, remember to stay safe and look after each other.   Sending lots of love,

Miss Stafford

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