Read, Write, Count Fun in P1-4

Today, parents/carers were invited in to P1-4 to see the exciting new bookbags being gifted to all P1-3 pupils from the Scottish Book Trust.

There are books, activity books and numeracy activities for the children to play with adults at home to enhance their reading, writing and counting.

The children were very excited to play the games with adults and hopefully will continue to use the bags at home.

Bag pack fundraising

On Saturday some pupils, parents, grandparents,  staff and friends of Portpatrick Primary gave up their time to help pack shopping bags in their local Morrisons supermarket.  After a few hours work, all of the pennies were counted and the grand total of £640 was raised!  Great work all!

The photograph shows just some of the pupils who gave up their time to help out at the weekend.  Thank you to all who supported this event.img_2803

P1-4 HWB Police visit about emergencies

Today, PC Siobhan Pellet visited P1-4 as part of their HWB topic on Emergencies and Basic First Aid.  She talked about the role of the police and other emergency services.  The children learned about what an emergency is and how to call 999 and also learned to call 101 for the Police when it is not an emergency.

The children practised making 999 calls.  They need to know their name, address, mum and dads full names and their telephone number.  We will be practising all of this with the children.

Border TV at Euan’s playspace

Yesterday. the pupils of Portpatrick Primary went a walk down to the newly opened Euan’s Playspace , in the village.  Border television news team were there to film.  They got some action shots of the boys and girls having fun on the new equipment, as well as talking to Euan’s mum and dad and some of the children.  Keep an eye out on the news over the next couple of days to see if you can spot any of us!bordertv

Macmillan Coffee afternoon

On Friday 30th September P5/6 and Ms Whorlow from Portpatrick Primary organised a Macmillan Coffee afternoon in school. Baking for this event was very generously provided by friends and parents of the school.  It was extremely well attended, and one hour later the fantastic sum of approximately £275 was raised.

Have a look at the photographs to see the great spread of goodies on offer!


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