Donation of funds to Portpatrick Primary

Portpatrick parent and toddler group recently folded in the village, with many of the children in the group moving on to start Primary education.  The  committee decided to donate their remaining funds to the community.  Portpatrick Primary was very grateful to receive a donation of over £1000.  The school plans to use this money to help fund playground development for the pupils to enjoy.

The photograph shows Kim Stevenson and Karen Mc Neill from the toddler group handing the cheque over to young pupils from the school, at Euan’s playspace.  Mrs Baillie headteacher said “I would like to pass on our grateful thanks to the toddler group for this very generous donation.  This will kind gesture will hopefully benefit all Portpatrick Primary pupils, for years to come – as we hope to combine it with alternative funding to transform our outdoor space.”

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Trip to Mabie Farm Park

We had a wonderful trip to Mabie Farm Park yesterday! 

The weather was kind to us which really helped. The boys and girls (and staff!) tried out the jumping pillows, bouncy castles, the very popular ‘choo choo express’, play park, grass sledging, trampolines, donkey rides and the straw barn! Apologies, you might have found your little one came home with half the straw with them! The bus driver really did brush pupils down before they got back on the bus!

We also got the chance to meet some of the animals; Pandora the giant long-haired bunny was quite an attraction, as was the baby guinea pig.

The boys and girls were on the go the whole day, stopping briefly to enjoy a picnic lunch before dashing off to explore more. The behaviour of all our pupils was excellent – a real credit to our wee school. 

There were a few snores resonating from the bus too (no, not the teachers!).

Thanks to all for making this day out a wonderful success. Thanks also for the helping hand cheque from the Parent Council. What a brilliant way to round off a fun session 2015-16!

Sponsored walk

On Friday 24th June the boys and girls of Portpatrick Primary headed a walk round Dunskey estate to help raise money for the Parent Council.  Supported by family and friends the school set off for  a stroll in the sunshine.  Everyone had fun, and hopefully raised plenty of money in the process.

Successful football season

Our partnership football team, incorporating pupils from Leswalt Primary school has finished off a very busy summer season of games with 4 tournaments in the last 4 days!

On Friday, they entered Park Primary football tournament and won every game, taking them to the final where they were narrowly beaten 3:1 by Rephad in the final.

On Saturday they were in action again at Castle Kennedy Primary, and on Sunday they ended up runners up at Sandhead fun day football tournament, after numerous wins again.

Yesterday they played their final games in the summer league, which has been playing on a Monday night at the 3G pitch in Stranraer.  The team finished a very credible 4th, out of all 12 primary schools in our area.

Well done to all who have played in the team.  Many thanks must  go to Ewan Dodds from Leswalt who has given up a lot of his own personal time to coach the children.  Thanks also to all the parents who have helped transport footballers and supervise them at matches this yearFootball team June2016.

What a team!

Sports day 2016

On Tuesday 14th June Portpatrick Primary had their annual sports, up on the playing fields at the top of the village. After being postponed from the previous day, the sun came out and all enjoyed an afternoon of fun competition, which was cheered on by family and friends.

The winners of the sports champion awards will be announced at the closing ceremony on Friday 1st July

Have a look to see all the boys and girls in action!

Village Clean in the Sunshine!

On  Wednesday 1st of June, Portpatrick Primary school set out in the glorious sunshine to help tidy our village.  The boys and girls, accompanied by parents, grandparents and siblings, went down to the beach to collect litter along the shoreline.  We were warmly greeted and encouraged by holiday visitors and their families.  After making the beach spick and span for everyone to enjoy, the school progressed to the play park and the public areas at the heart of the village.  We dutifully bagged and binned 12kg of litter, helping to make our village shine.    This was a great learning opportunity for the children as the task supports the requirements of Eco Schools Scotland.  Such whole-school activities help to cultivate the children’s social skills, developing their capacities for learning i.e. responsible citizens and effective contributors and aligns with the learning experiences and outcomes of the Health and Wellbeing curriculum.  

Take a look at our happy snaps to see our little workers in action!


E & O’s relevant from Early – Second level

Representing my class, school and/or wider community encourages my self worth and confidence and allows me to contribute to and participate in society. HWB 2-12a

Through contributing my views, time and talents, I play a part in bringing about positive change in my school and wider community.

HWB 2-13a

I value the opportunities I am given to make friends and be part of a group in a range of situations. HWB 2-14a

One Man and his Dog Visit

On Tuesday we had the pleasure of a visit from Wayne Dixon and his dog, Koda, who are on a major litter-busting mission!

Together Wayne and Koda are walking around the coast of Britain and litter-picking as they go. He explained to us about how important it is to keep the world around us looking as beautiful as it really is. Some of the boys and girls in P1-4 wrote about his visit.

Maya P1

We asked Wayne lots of questions about what he is doing. He’s going to walk around the whole country with litter pickers and clean everywhere up! If people keep on dropping litter then he will be doing this job forever! He had a lovely big dog called Koda who is walking with him so he is not lonely.


Liam P2

Wayne told us about his dog. He is called Koda and likes to go for long walks too. They like to walk together. Koda was quite a big dog and he was mostly white. They’ve found lots of litter. People need to put their litter in a bin.


Rhian P4

Wayne told us about some of the strange litter they have found like take-away boxes, phone cases and hats! He wants to keep Britain tody. He likes walking because he used to go on walks with his dad. His dad died a few years ago but Wayne likes to walk in memory of him. Wayne and Koda have a tent to sleep in if they need to but he uses his Facebook page too and sometimes pubs and hotels let him stay there instead. He asked us to help out by putting out litter in the bin and telling everyone we know to do the same! We promised that we would.

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