The Legend of Slim McBride

Duncan developing
Our P4-7 class are currently learning songs for a joint school opera “The Legend of Slim McBride …”.
As part of the learning, Duncan in P6 has created a Glow Group with all of the songs, backing tracks and lyrics uploaded and available to read and listen to. This allows our children to practise the songs with the music anywhere they can log into Glow, ie school, home or otherwise during holiday.
We have emailed other schools in the cluster to see if their classes would like access to this resource. If you would like access to the group please comment below and we’ll see what we can do.
I have checked with Scottish Opera that it is OK to share these resources on Glow with Schools who are tasking part and they were happy for us to do so.
Duncan has also made a ‘how to’ video to help, please see below. Well done Duncan, you have used and extended your skills and helped peers from other schools in the process.
This was all completed using D&G software:
Easyspeak mic to record audio
Windows Movie Maker to put it together

Schools Cluster Working Review (CWR)

What is the Cluster Working Review (CWR)?

In response to a number of strategic considerations facing Education Services over a period of years, Dumfries and Galloway Council have decided to look at the following strands of our provision to young people and families:

  • Transition Activity P7-S1
  • Dual zoning and catchment delineation
  • Sustaining small schools

The strategic considerations that led to this Review were that:

  1. 40% of Headteachers (HT) are eligible to retire in primary schools across Dumfries and Galloway in the next 4 years
  2. there are increased expectations of staff as a result of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE)
  3. there has been an inability to recruit to teaching HT posts resulting in chronic instability for some schools
  4. over all our schools there are falling rolls (5%) over the next 4 years
  5. Headteachers have raised concerns over their workload when teaching and managing
  6. Staff have concern over progression in learning from P7 to S1 impacting on success in secondary school
  7. there is an inconsistency in learning and teaching in schools where the HT teaches and manages
  8. Many young people are in peer groups of 5 or less

To find out more about this process, which will have an impact on Brydekirk Primary, and to share your views please click here.

Good news

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We received a lovely letter from Professor Stephen Heppell today to say that our iPad mini Proposal was successful!

Hurrah! Everyone, pupils and staff are really happy about this.

Well done to the Pupil Council for their great work. We are all really looking forward to learning with this emerging technology.

Pupil Council Proposal

The other week the pupils council completed their ideas for a proposal. Click on the picture below and run the slideshow, then use the links to see the different ideas:

Here are a couple of the ideas:

P4 idea

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