This week we have looked at our Dinner Hall and all the things in it. We hope to be able to look at St Andrews PS dinner hall too. Our photographers for the Dinner Hall were Haroon, Abdul, Godsfavour, Julia, Chloe and Dylan.
This week we have looked at our Dinner Hall and all the things in it. We hope to be able to look at St Andrews PS dinner hall too. Our photographers for the Dinner Hall were Haroon, Abdul, Godsfavour, Julia, Chloe and Dylan.
Our blog will be a little different for the next few weeks. We are learning about Old Schools and New Schools. We are very lucky because we will be making friends in another school called St Andrews Primary School in Dundee. They are a very new school. Their P1 classes are learning about Grannies and Grandads. We are going to compare our old school with their new school. Every week we will take photographs of different parts of our school and St Andrews will take photographs of their school. We will look at each others blogs and compare them to see the things that are the same and the things that are different.
Our photographers this week were Amy, Kacie, Jamie, Alisha, Rhys and Casey. We took photographs of the Reception Area.
In the Active Learning Zone this week we have been learning about Old Toys and New Toys. This has been helping us learn about in the past as our school is 100 years old. We have lots of different areas where we can choose to learn. At the computer area we have been sorting old toys and new toys. Try out the game here.
At the writing table we have been using lots of different things to help us write. At school 100 years ago the boys and girls used a blackboard called a slate and chalk. We use lots of things but we especially like using the whiteboards and pens and we even use Pictochat on the Nintendo DS.
A long time ago children used to play with a dolls house. We still love playing with the dolls house. We are learning to be friends with each other by being nice and sharing.
We have a railway area wih two railways. A wooden railway like the boys and girls used to play with a long time ago and a battery operated railway that makes great noises and stops and starts when you press the buttons.
When our school first opened boys and girls were just beginning to play with teddy bears. We have a teddy bear picnic area where we can play with the bears and share and take turns with our friends.
In the library we have story books. Some children would have been lucky enought to have books to read. In our story corner we also have MP3 players to listen to stories.
When we are in the Active Learning Zone we use cameras and microphones to record our learning. We take photos to show we have been busy, recording our learning and sharing it with the other children.
Please leave a comment to let us know what toy you liked to play with when you were young.
This week we have been celebrating 100 years of Dens Road School. We had an assembly on Tuesday where we saw what it was like to be in school in 1911 when the school opened. We saw a classroom with slates and chalk and an abacus. And we saw a classroom like ours with Nintendo DS’ and interactive whiteboards. We like our classrooms. We did a mind map of what we would like to learn about schools. Check out the latest school blog which has extracts of the school log book 100 years ago.
We have been practising our Jolly Phonics sounds lots this week. We have been making 3 letter words in class. We play with the wedge and make words.
In our homework we have a new Blending Book so we can have lots of practise of blending our sounds together. The more we practise, the better we get!
In maths we are learning to add things together. We are really good at it already. We have used our Ladybird Maths Box to help us.
We also practise writing numbers on our whiteboards. We completed our first adding sheet in the class and Mrs Mackay and Miss Davies will be putting them into our Folio of Work for P1.