Tag Archives: writing

Noah’s Park! Sun, Sand and Safari!

What a fantastic time we have had this week! We all went to Blair Drummond Safari Park!!!!! We saw lots of animals and had a fantastic time! Here are some of our favourites!

Flynn loved the peacocks. Their tails were beautiful although none of them showed us their tails when they were in full display.

We heard the Lions roar. They were really huge and we saw them having their lunch but we didn’t think it looked very tasty.

We all thought it was very funny that the Lions have a big cat climbing frame. We saw the big male Lion walk around and were amazed by how big his mane was!

The zebras were next on our safari tour. They were staying in the shade and eating from a box on the tree! We thought they really did look like stripy horses!

We saw some very TALL giraffes who we eating leaves on a tree branch.

We saw a white rhino in his bedroom enclosure!

We loved seeing the elephants they were VERY big. One of them was walking up and down a hill moving big sticks. It was very funny!

These meerkats were our helper Gregor’s favourite! They were really sweet and very busy! There were lots of little families and we thought we could see Mummy, Daddy and baby meerkats! One was busy looking for grubs to eat!

The humbolt penguins were next on our Safari. We managed to get photos of them sleeping, swimming and we THINK one was even playing hide and seek!

Mrs Mackay liked watching the otters. They were busy eating their lunch.

The ring tailed leemurs were having lots of fun, we saw them climbing and eating their lunch. We were very amused to find out that  a chicken stayed in their enclosure with them!

There were two bears. We think that the big one was the Mummy bear and the little bear was her baby. The mummy bear was quite slow and was happy playing with her swing toy but baby bear was very fast and was exploring her area.

We met some animals that we knew and some of us even have as pets! There were two guinea pigs and a big rabbit.

There was a turkey, we learnt that turkeys don’t say cluck cluck but gobble gobble!

And all the way from Australia there was a Wallaby!

The wallaby had a very long, strong tail to help it to balance and bounce!

The last animals we saw were the Sea Lions! They were so sweet and very clever! It was a very hot day and they were enjoying swimming in their pool to keep cool but one was sun bathing!

We went to see the Sea Lions perform a show for us. They could do lots of tricks like clapping, barking (which we thought sounded like a dog!) and collecting toys and tidying them up!

At the end of the show one of the sea lions did a trick where it climbed up a big tower then jumped off….

….. and it jumped REALLY high to touch a ball! WOW!!!!

We had a BRILLIANT time and we would like to thank our helpers,Miss Holtz, Ellie’s mummy, Geoff- Aiden’s daddy, and Gregor- who is Mr Mackay! They really helped to make our day very special and lots of fun…. some of them even enjoyed the slides in the playpark when they were helping us to get ready after lunch.


  • There is no gym this week.
  • There is only yellow book homework this week. Please keep all packets at home from now on – Thank you for all your support with homework this year.
  • Excellence Awards are on Monday 25th June
  • Prize Giving is on Tuesday 26th June
  • p7 Leaver’s Assembly is on Wednesday 27th June
  • Nursery Assembly is on Wednesday 27th June

Mrs Mackay, Miss Davies and Mrs Munro would like to thank all the boys and girls and their families for all their support this year! We would love it if you could leave an end of term comment on the blog for us- it can be about anything on this site or just something you have enjoyed this year!

We hope you all have a fantastic summer! See you on Tuesday 14th June when you are in P2!

We would also like to thank all the people around the world who have looked at our blog and left a comment as well as all our visitors to school ! THANK YOU!

Why can’t pirates learn the alphabet? They always get stuck at C!

This week we have listened to lots of pirate stories.  They helped us to use our imagination and design our own pirates.  We loved drawing our own pirate characters and writing a description of them.



In maths we have been using pirates to subtract.  It was fun making the little counting people walk the plank! We can write our own take away sums.


In art we worked together to make big pirate ships.  The are up on the wall sailing the Seven Seas!

We are enjoying the pirate activities around the classroom and in the Active Learning Zone.

We are enjoying choosing new tasks from the homework grid and enjoy sharing our learning at home.

Ellie made a super book about a pirate called Bug Eyed Bill.  Rustam’s made a pirate flag, Aiden and John both designed fab pirate ships pirate ships.


Week Starting 30th April 2012

  • We all have gym on Wednesday afternoon.
  • We will have a new way of doing homework this term. All homework will be given out on a Thursday and is due back on a Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of 3. This means that we will not be giving out yellow or purple book bags for the first three weeks.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they returned their clean shorts, t-shirts and gym shoes (some of us have grown a little so please check that they still fit) and have no jewellery on. Also, please tie up long hair. Thank you.

Please remember to return your child’s summer trip form  as soon as a possible.

Our topic is all about Pirates and we are learning about subtraction.

News Alert – Primary One are Authors!

There has been alot of excitement in primary one because we are writing our own book! We have been thinking very carefully about all of the different things we have learnt over the past term and our teachers were really amazed! WE KNOW LOTS!!!!! First of all we made a flipchart on the computer and gave each subject a page of its own then we gave each page a title. Next, we looked at what facts the readers would want to know about all of the areas in the book – that was tricky because we know so much! After that we designed the title cards and illustrations for our book. We wrote a blurb which is very important beacuse it is how you know if you will like a book and tells you what it is about. We still have to make our contents page and our covers but we have a great title for our book and can’t wait to make them next week and publish it- we are sure that it will be a best seller!




In the Active Learning Zone we have been wowing our teachers with how good we are at reading and using the iPad. We have been using an app called QuickQuote and we have read stories all by ourself recorded them on one for our iPads. We hope to have them here for you to listen to soon because they are really good.

Week Starting 19th March 2012

  • P1a2 have gym on Wednesday afternoon.
  • P1a1 have music on Thursday afternoon.
  • Book bags will go out on Friday this week, please read with your child and return it with them on Monday morning.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Please remember to return your child’s summer trip and theatre trip letters as soon as a possible.

Please send in your child’s Fruit Money in a named envelope £2.60 until the Easter Holiday. Thank you to those who have already paid.

Next week we will be making our space book and exploring our local area.

100 Days of School – Doesn’t Time Fly!

Wow we can’t believe that it has been 100 days since we started school… but  it has! On Monday we celebrated our 100 days of school.

The first thing we did was count all of our numbers on our number square then we added our last bear which said 100 and we all gave a cheer. Next we all took out our magic pencils and helped to write it on our chart. That got our celebrations off to a great start.

Next we counted out how far we could travel if we just used 100 steps. Mrs Bell helped us and we all went in different directions. It was so much fun that Mrs MacDonald even joined in and that helped us to see that the people with longer legs could travel the furthest.

We all took turns at seeing what models we could make with 100 bricks. Some people made a road, others made rockets and someone even managed to make a car. It was lots of fun and we had to plan what we wanted to make so that we didn’t run out of bricks.

When we were in our classes we had to use our brains to think of all of the words we knew how to write and spell. Our teachers asked us to think of 100 words, 50 words from P1a1 and 50 words from P1a2 because we learned that 50 + 50 = 100. We really amazed our  teachers by thinking of some fantastic words and showing them we could write and spell them!

We decided that at a party the important person usually gets to wear a badge, Dylin in P1a2 got to wear a special badge this week because he got to be a big brother and he was very proud. We thought that we would make necklaces instead of badges and that we would wear them all day. They had all different patterns on them but all of them looked very special for the rest of the day.

We also made ourselves a 100 day hat. We counted how many rows there were on our number square and found out that there were 10 and each row had 10 numbers in it. We all took ten strips of paper and put ten spots on each strip and that all added up to 100 spots! We think they are pretty cool!

In the Active Learning Zone we made our centipede cake with Mrs Munro. It is very long and has 100 legs and 100 spots we are very proud of all our hard work.

In the afternoon we had our 100 Days Party! We played lots of games our favourites were 100 Corners which Aamir won and our 100 Pennies Treasure hunt! Mrs Mackay and Miss Davies hid 100 shiny pennies all over the hall and we all had to find them and fill in our 100 Near Square. It was lots of fun and got quite tricky but we all got there in the end. Once we had finished our party games we went downstairs to have our party food. Before we could eat anything we had to make the food into 100! Some of us used crisps and some of us used carrots and grapes. After we had finished our challenge we got to eat our food and have a slice of the delicious cake we made earlier.


It was a brilliant way to celebrate our 100th day of being at school!

Week Starting 13th February 2012

  • P1a1  have gym on Thursday afternoon.
  • P1a2 have music on Thursday afternoon.

The school will be closed  Monday13th February. We hope you all enjoy the long weekend and we will see you on Tuesday 14th February.

Please send in your child’s Fruit Money in a named envelope  £2.60 until the Easter Holiday. Thank you to those who have already paid.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will learning about sharing in maths!

Gong Xi Fa Cai – Happy Chinese New Year!

In school this week we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We have been learning all about the different ways that people celebrate and we have been hearing the story of how the animals each had a year named after them. 2012 is the year of the Dragon and so we each made a Chinese dragon. Chinese dragons are special because even though they can fly- they don’t have wings. We listened to the story of Chopsticks the mouse who, with a little help from Old Man Fu, helped a beautiful dragon to fly! We LOVED the story and all agreed that Chopsticks the mouse was very kind, brave and clever. In our role play areas we have made a Chinese Restaurant. We take it in turns to be the chef and  the customers. We have been practising using chopsticks too but they are quite tricky.


 In the Active Learning Zone we have made laterns which our teachers put up over the restaurants. Some of even tried out Chinese writing on them, just like people in China might do when the send their laterns up into the sky.  At the water tray we had to try to collect the noodles with chopsticks, this made us laugh alot but some of us got quite good at using them.  In the sand tray we had to build the great wall of China and we watched a film about the Terracotta Army and were amazed at how many of them there are  and how big they are.



In number work we are still learning to add. We have been learning the stories of 8 and 9 and we got a Dragon Adding Sheet for homework to show what we know.

Week Starting 23rd January 2012

  • P1a1 have gym on Monday afternoon.
  • P1a2 have gym on Wednesday afternoon.
  • Book bags will go out on Friday this week, please read with your child and return it with them on Monday morning.

Friday 27th January will be a Fit Friday so please wear your sporty clothes to school all day.

Please send in your child’s Fruit Money in a named envelope £1 until the Mid February or £2.60 until the Easter Holiday. Thank you to those who have already paid.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be learning about all things Scottish!

Happy New Year – Back down to Earth …..

It has only been two weeks but we have been very busy.

On Thursday we told our teachers all about our holidays and we picked our favourite thing that happened and wrote it in our new writing jotters. We had to concentrate very hard to make sure that we remembered to use our best writing and fabulous finger spaces.

We also counted how many days we have been at school for and talked about the New Year date. We learned about New Year Resolutions and Miss Davies and Mrs Mackay asked us to think about what we hope to do this year. We all took a turn to tell them and they put it on the computer. We are going to print them to put into our Folios.

We learned that our new topic is going to be Space. To help us get some ideas we read the story of Winnie in Space where Winnie the witch goes into space with her cat, Wilbur. They had lots of adventures and even meet some naught alien space rabbits! After the story we used the computer to make a mind map. We had lots of great ideas about what we already knew, what we would like to learn about and what we would like the different areas of our classrooms to be. John was very clever at moving the mouse to help Mrs Mackay when P1a2 were thinking about their plan. We are so excited about our new Space project.

Week Starting 9th January 2012

  • P1a2 have gym on Monday afternoon.
  • P1a1 have gym on Wednesday afternoon with our new gym teacher.
  • Book bags will go out on Friday this week, please read with your child and return it with them on Monday morning.

Remember to return your gym bag and kit to school on Monday please.

Please send in your child’s Fruit Money in a named envelope. Thank you.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be learning about Space and the Planet Earth.

We met Floppy

This week we have been learning some new sounds. We have been practising writing them at the writing table. We have also been writing our names. We love writing them on the aqua mats.

In our reading we have been learning about more of our Oxford Reading Tree characters. This week we met Floppy. Floppy is a dog. We also used the Magic Page and read books on the Promethean Board. We listened to At School and The Lost Teddy.

In our maths we have been learning about shapes and numbers. We have been counting and practising writing numbers.

We have been enjoying playing more with Sleeping Beauty. We have been drawing pictures of the characters of Sleeping Beauty. Some of us drew Sleeping Beauty, some drew the good fairy, the bad fairy, the prince, the king and the queen. Some of us even drew pictures of the spindle.

We have been playing at Sleeping Beauty in our classroom and Mrs Munro’s Learning Zone. We made pictures of a castle with shapes, made a castle with a thorny hedge all around and have been playing in Sleeping Beauty’s bedroom. We also have a floor book all about our learning through Sleeping Beauty.

We have been talking about Eid. Manahil had a beautiful henna pattern on her arm to celebrate Eid.

We also put in an entry to the Dundee Flower Festival. We made birds with feathers. We won a third place!

A visitor to school

Every day when we come into school we look at our wall to see how many days we have been coming to school. We have now been coming into school for 154 days! That’s a huge number. We have been practising our days of the week too.

We have also been finishing our checkups in maths. We have been showing our teachers if we have remembered all that we have been taught about adding. Some of us have been doing subtraction too.

We have been writing our news about the things we do at home and the things we like to play with in Mrs Munro’s Learning Zone.

Maja painted a picture at the easel and scratched a design of a bird in it. What a great picture Maja.

In P1a1 we have been listening to stories by Julia Donaldson. We can now recognise her stories and illustrations. We also listened to other stories but they were all rhyming stories. We have really loved them.

In P1a2 we have been continuing to have fun in our Baby Clinic. We have been filing out the by writing in the baby’s name, address, weight and length.

Last, but most important! We had a visitor to school this afternoon. Mrs Taylor in the nursery has got a puppy. We were very lucky as she brought it into school to let us see. Hayley is a chocolate brown Labrador. It was so cute! We are looking forward to Mrs Mackay bringing in her dog Lola.

Games Based Learning with Yogi Bear

In Primary 1 we have been learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears in class. In the Active Learning Zone with Mrs Munro we have been using Yogi Bear to help us learn.

The Active Learning Zone has a Wii (from Mrs Munro’s house) and we have been using the Yogi Bear game from the recent film to help us learn in lots of different ways. The area was set up with comfy camping chairs and netting to make it look like a forest.


We were introduced to the game and we decided on rules when using the Wii. This is a one player game but we are allowed two people on it at a time. Only one person holds the Wii remotre. We take turns when playing it. We have to help each other. Collect cherry pies and watch out for porcupines. Our name was scored off on the list once we had a turn. But once everyone had a go then Mrs Munro cleaned off the name list and then we were allowed an0ther turn.


We were able to practise writing about Yogi bear at the writing table. The writing table was beside the Wii area so it was easy for us to go and write about Yogi after we had a turn. We wrote the names of the things we saw in the game and spoke to each other about it. We used the Yogi Bear writing card to help us with the words. There was paper with Yogi Bear drawings too that we could use.


We also liked to draw pictures and asked mrs Munro to display our work on the wall.


After a little while we were given a Yogi Bear book to write or draw our ideas and thoughts about Yogi Bear. What he did in the game and how we helped our friends. After we had a turn we would go with our partner and write or draw in the book together. This is some of our writing. This writing was written with very little or no support from an adult.







We have loved using Yogi Bear to help us learn. What will be our next game? Wait and see!

Baby Bear and his chair

  A huge thank you to all the people who have commented on our blog!  

This week has been a busy week in P1. We have been continuing with our learning through Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have had lots of story books all about Goldilocks and some of them tell the story in a different way.  

We have lots of books about Goldilocks and the Three Bears


One of our favourite books has been “A Chair for Baby Bear”. This book is all about what happens after Goldilocks leaves the cottage and Baby bear has a broken chair. Baby bear must decide on  a new chair for himself. We designed a chair for baby bear. Here are some of our designs.  

A car chair by Steven


A rocket chair by Callum


A dragon chair by Amy


A spaceship chair by Asir


A t-rex chair by Ross


A snake chair by Javeria


 This story made us think that Goldilocks was sorry for going into the bears cottage so we decided to write a letter to the bears from Goldilocks. We have just started with our letter so here is some of our writing.  


In ICT this week we used Glow Meet for the first time. Glow meet is very special as you can talk to people and share things across Scotland. P1a1 sat in their classroom and P1a2 sat in their classroom. We went into Glow and went onto glow meet. We were able to send messages to our friends in the class next door and draw pictures for them. Then we turned on our camera and we were able to see the class next door and hear them. We all took turns of talking to one of our friends and asking them a question. We thought it was very funny.   

Then we thought about how to stay safe on the internet. We talked about the internet being a placed that joined up computers all over the world and that is how everyone can see our blog! Here is the link to the movie we watched to help us think about staying safe online.  


We are looking forward to reading all your comments in class.