Tag Archives: patterns

Beginning, Middle and End

This week we have been learning all about the beginning, middle and end of stories. First of all, we watched the Sleeping Beauty DVD and though carefully about what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the film. Next, we looked at a sheet of pictures which showed scenes from the film. We had to pick the one which showed the most important scene from the beginning, the middle and the end. Once we had done that we then cut them out and stuck them onto our sequencing card. It was lots of fun and we all did very well.


We have been using our numeracy areas alot this week. When it is choosing time we have been using all of the things in it to investigate lots of number work, patterns, measuring and sorting.  We have also been playing lots of games to help us remember the characters in our reading books. Primary 1a2 have been playing a game to help them sound out simple words by listening for the start, middle and end sounds. They had lots of fun and Primary1a1 are looking forward to playing it next week.


We are really enjoying our Sleeping Beauty project and we all enjoy playing in the Sleeping Beauty’s castle and in her Bedroom in the Active Learning Zone. We have been making pictures of the Prince who comes to awaken everyone in the castle. We had to match the shapes to the picture and stick them down. We think they look really shiny and very brave! In the Active Learning Zone we have been busy making paper plate pictures of ourselves, characters from Sleeping Beauty and some of us even made Aliens!



Week Starting 3rd October 2011

  • P1a1 have gym on Wednesday afternoon.
  • P1a2 have gym on Thursday afternoon.
  • Remember to return your permission slips and money for our trip to the DCA Film Festival.
  • Book bags will be now issued on a Friday. Please read the book with your child over the weekend and return it to school on Monday morning.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be learning about length.

Reading Detectives

This week as part of our Sleeping Beauty project we have become Reading Detectives.  First we looked at a page on the Promethean board and used the highlighting tool to show words and sounds that we knew.  Next we all got a different page from one of the Sleeping Beauty books and using highlighters we coloured the words and sounds that we knew.  It was great fun and we were all super detectives!


In number work this week we finished looking at patterns and have been learning about missing numbers and number sequences.  We had lots of different activities to help us put numbers in order.  Every morning we use our number square to help us learn about numbers.


Ms Gauld came to visit us this week to show us how to stay healthy by washing our hands.  We watched a DVD with Handy who showed us when we should wash our hands and how to do it properly.  We all went to the toilets to wash our hands and we did such a good job that we all got a Handy sticker.  Watch out for our handwashing chart in our homework packets next week.


At gym we have been practising overarm and underarm throwing.  This week we had a giant target which we had to throw our fluff balls onto to get points for our team.  We also learnt a new game called clean the garden which was lots of fun.


Week Starting 26th September 2011

  • P1a1 have gym on Monday afternoon.
  • P1a2 have gym on Thursday afternoon.
  • Remember to return your permission slips and money for our trip to the DCA Film Festival.
  • Book bags will be now issued on a Friday. Please read the book with your child over the weekend and return it to school on Monday morning.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be learning about the beginning, middle and end of a story. 

Patterns all around

We have been very busy looking at patterns this week and have had great fun copying patterns and making up ones of our own.  We love making patterns with the beads and giving our teachers pattern necklaces to wear.


This week we have been in the ICT Suite and have been using Textease Paint to create pictures of the thorny hedge that grew up around the castle whilst Sleeping Beauty slept for 100 years.


In Mrs Munro’s Learning Zone we have been looking for lots of phonics fairies, when we find them we have to write their sounds on a sheet.  We feel very important walking round with our clipboards.

We had a visitor this week to tell us all about how to look after our teeth.  We had two boxes and had to sort food that is good for our teeth and food that is bad for our teeth.  We had a go at brushing the big teeth on the  model of a mouth and a very funny dog! Next week we are going to start brushing our teeth in school.

Week Starting 12th September 2011

  • P1a1 have gym on Wednesday afternoon.
  • P1a2 have gym on Thursday afternoon.
  • Remember to return your Child Smile letters and your permission slips and money for our trip to the DCA Film Festival.
  • Book bags will be now issued on a Friday. Please read the book with your child over the weekend and return it to school on Monday morning.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be learning all about the importance of handwashing.


Hello boys and girls of P1.
We cannot believe that we are still off school with the snow.
If you have been playing out in the snow please leave a comment to tell everyone about it.
Here are some more games to play to keep you busy.

Click on the link to play some of these games. Play Compare and Order, String of Beads and Fish Tank. This will help with your Maths.


Listen to this shape song.


And then try this shape matching game.


Play CVC Maker to practise making some words with the sounds you know.


Play this sound game to practise putting the middle sounds into words.


Play a Magic Key Oxford Reading Tree Game.


Can you remember about all the characters in our reading books?


Fingers crossed we are all back to school on Monday!


Hello everyone!

We have had a busy learning our new sounds, g, l and o. We have been continuing to practise all our sounds. Playing with making their shapes with play dough, singing our Jolly Phonics songs on the karaoke machine and writing our sounds on the whiteboards and pens at the writing table.

In maths we have been learning about making patterns. We have used beads to make patterns with two colours and practising these at our numeracy table during activities. We have made pictures with sticky paper and have used colours and shapes to make the patterns.  We remember to use the digital camera to take photographs when we have completed a pattern.

We have been creating brilliant models at the bricks. We have used our imagination and created buildings, mosques and castles. Next week we will be using the bricks to build a town for our railway.

This was our first week in the ICT suite. We used a program called Textease Paint. We have been talking about ourselves in school and drew pictures of our faces. We thought about the colour of our eyes and our hair. Look out for a letter home next week as at Dens Road we have the Softease Community at Home licence and you will receive the download URL and password for use of Textease at home.

Sounds, Shapes and Bugs

Welcome to the end of week three for our P1’s. It’s been a busy week with parents joining us for a school lunch. And it was Elaine the Cook made yummy spaghetti bolognese!

Our latest Jolly Phonics sounds are c, k and e. We have been looking for things beginning with these sounds and playing memory games to test our brains.

In maths we have been sorting. We can sort things by colour and size and put them into groups. We have also been making patterns with beads and peg boards. Try asking us about shapes because we have learning about triangles, circles, squares and rectangles.

Look out for our entry at the Dundee Flower & Food Festival at Camperdown Park as we have put in a P1 entry. We had great fun with our first art lesson and made bees, ladybirds, caterpillars and butterflies.

Full time on Monday. Looking forward to being in school from 9am till 3.15pm.