Goldilocks and the Three Bears at Dens Road

This week we have began looking at Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We are going to be doing a lot of our learning through bears and Goldilocks. First we had to listen to the story and we had to plan what we wanted to have in our home corner. We drew pictures and wrote down all the things we heard in the story that we would need. 


Then we had to cut out pictures from the story and put them into order. We had to try and sound out the words to help us decided where our pictures would go. 

We can practise putting the story in the correct order.

As part of our homework we had to draw the favourite part of the story.

Baby bear says "someone is in bed".

In the class we have a sorting activity where we have to read the words and organise the pictures. 

Goldilocks sorting activity

At the writing table we have lots of different sheets to help us write about our topic. 

Goldilocks is bad and cheeky.

In the class we are also starting one of our favourite activities. We have to Write the Room by going round the room and finding all the Goldilocks and the Three Bears words that are hidden.

Write the Room activity with our special pointing finger.

 In the Active Learning Zone we are also learning about bears and Goldilocks. We have puppets at the puppet theatre, a Goldilocks mat and a beautiful Goldilocks at the BeeBot.  We also have a bear interest table and bear number games to play on the computer to help us with our numbers ( ).

Bears interest table.

We also have a Wii now and are learning how to play Yogi Bear. We have to share with our friend and help each other when we get stuck.

Yogi Bear is on the Wii and we are ready to learn.

We  also have a Jellystone Park. Here we have to share with our friends and think about the kind of healthy food we would put in our picnic basket.

Jellystone Park

At the library area we have a Goldilocks book and Mrs Munro has recorded the story of Goldilocks onto the MP3 player. We can sit here and listen to the story.

Goldilocks on the MP3 player.

Lastly we have our new Teddy Toy Shop. Here we are learning to recognise coins. We also have to remember to take turns so everyone can have a turn at being the shop keeper. We all like to be the shop keeper. We have lots of teddies for sale and have to remember to put the bar codes on our teddies before we put them on the shelf for sale.

Teddy Toy Shop

Please leave a comment about our learning this week as we love to hear what you think.

Mrs Davies’ and Ms Lowden’s old bears

We have been learning about old toys and new toys.

Miss Davies mum has a teddy that is 59 years old. He is so old he only has a tiny bit of fur left on him.

When Mrs Davies was young she used to do operations on Teddy so he has lots of bits of him sewn up. Mrs Davies had to knit a special outfit for Teddy to protect him. He also has a pair of pants he wears!  





Ms Lowden has a panda who is called Chi Chi. Chi Chi is 43 years old. She got Chi Chi for her very first Chrsitmas when she was a baby. Ms Lowden said that she has had to sew her Chi Chi because her dog used to chew it.


We’ve had visitors!

Both P1a1 and P1a2 have had visitors to their classrooms! Read on to find out what has been happening…..

P1a1  – Tallulah the Toucan

One morning we came into school and Tallulah was there. We had left the window open overnight and she had flown in. She made her nest on the seat. She made her nest from the basket. Tallulah is a Toucan and she is from South America. She normally lives in a big hole in a tree in the rainforest. She has been playing in our classroom. She went in the sand pit, she played on the door, she flew up to the chinese lanterns and she was hanging on! Kayleigh made a post card for Tallulah. Dyaln wrote a story for Tallulah. Samuel drew a picture of Tallulah when she was in the rainforest. He found a song about Toucans on Youtube. All the class made words to describe Tallulah on Comic Life in the ICT suite. We are all loving having Tallulah in our classroom. Tallulah likes going on adventures and we think she might be going on one this weekend!

P1a2 – Idris the Dragon

 We came into school one morning and we found Idris the Dragon. He is a boy dragon from Wales. He was sitting in his nest. When we first met him he was shy. He Put his head up and down because he was scared of us. He is a baby dragon and his is red and gold and green and yellow. He has wings and little spikes or prickles. He only breathes smoke because he is a baby but he is not allowed to breathe smoke in school because he will set the alarm off. He is only allowed to breathe smoke outside. He likes cuddling into his basket but when we are not in school he likes to fly about the class and play. He likes playing at the computer and in the school corner. Sometimes he flies out of school at night and comes back with things for his basket. He likes things that are gold and one day we came back to find lots of gold things there. He likes to go on lots of adventures and he is thinking of going to Africa! He might be going tonight! Miss Davies read us a story about dragons and we make postcards for Idris and write him letters and write stories about him. We have been drawing our own dragons too and thinking of words to describe them.


Sunshine Room

We have a Sunshine Room where we learn about lots of things. Here are some of the things in our Sunshine Room. Our photographers this time were Samuel, Kacie, Sean, Jamie, Steven, Aiden, Javeria, Ross and Candy.

These are our windows. They are massive.

Here is our drawing and painting table.

This is our sink. We wash our hands here.

These are our paintbrushes. They are quite old. We use them at the paint easels.

This is old. This is where we get our hands dried.

This is the door to our Sunshine Room. It is old and made of wood. It has a little window in it and a handle.

This is the chair from the snack table.

This is the computer in the Sunshine Room. We like to play games.

This is the radiator. The radiator is old and has been painted.

100 Days of School!

On Wednesday we celebreated our 100th day of school. Every day that we come to school we added another number to our number square.
This is our 100 square.

 We planned our party and decided to have 100 themed party food and 100 activities and party games. We made hats with 100 spots. 

Our hats with 100 spots.

  The girls wanted to make necklaces……  

A 100 necklace.

  …the boys wanted to make badges. 

A 100 badge.

 We made a caterpillar cake with 100 spots and 100 legs. 

We needed lots of icing for the 100 spots and 100 legs.

 He was very cute! 

Our yummy caterpillar cake.

  We also iced cakes with 100’s and 1000’s. 

Mmmm. Our iced cakes were tasty.

 We played lots of games with a 100 theme including 100 coloured corners.

Here are our 100 coloured corners.

We also played pass the parcel. There were lots of winners and lots of prizes. We had a dancing competition and had four winners. 

The dancing certificate.

 Then we went to eat our food. We had to make 100 on our plates with our food. We all tried to make 100 on our plates. Here are some of our numbers. 

Some of us even tried different numbers with the party food. 
Javeria made 1000!
Katie made 111.

 We had a fab day celebrating our 100 days of school!


Chinese New Year

This week we have been learning through the Chinese New Year. In our classes we have a Chinese Restaurant where we took turns to serve meals to our friends. In the water tray we had noodles in the water. We had to try and pick the noodles up with chop sticks. It was really difficult! We made lovely Chinese lanterns which are up in our classroom. We also made an amazing Chinese Dragon on a huge display in the dinner hall. In the Active Learning Zone we played the memory game. We had to remember chop sticks, a rabbit (because it is the year of the rabbit), noodles, a Chinese dragon, Chinese lanterns and Chinese plates. We are able to play the memory game without an adult to help us now. We had adding homework with Chinese dragons to help us count. (Really sorry! Mrs Munro has forgotten to bring the camera home so the photographs won’t go on the blog until Tuesday.)

Dylan made a fab Chinese Dragon.
We had noodles in the water tray and had to pick them up with chip sticks.
Both classes had a Chinese Restaurant.

Thank you to all the parents who came to our Open Afternoon on Tuesday. It was really busy and it was so good to see you in school. The children were very excited about showing you around and letting you see all their learning.

Centenary Year Topic – On Wednesday 16th February P1 are going to celebrate their 100th day at school as part of our Curriculum for Excellence centenary year topic. This will include the children making party hats and decorations as well as playing some 100 themed party games. We will then enjoy 100 themed food which they will have helped prepare. This will include-

  • 100 themed cakes – fairy cakes with 100 and 1000’s and caterpillar cake with 100 spots and 100 legs
  • 100 shaped fruit and vegetables – carrot batons and melon balls
  • 100 shaped crisps – salt and vinegar sticks, hula hoops and onion rings
  • diluting juice

Children are invited to bring party clothes in a bag to wear in the afternoon. There will be a charge of 100 pennies(£1) to take part in the celebrations.

Next week is going to be an exciting week!

Dens Road Gym Hall

We have also looked at our Gym hall. It is very old but has lots of newly painted walls. The photographers for the Gym Hall were Sean, Savanna, Amy, Chloe, Ellie and Aiden.

This is the doors to the Gym Hall.

This is our Gym Hall. It has very big windows.This is our ropes.
These are our hoops.

This is our climbing frame.This is our lights. They are special lights to keep us safe.

This is Mrs McMaster's rules wall.

These are our benches that we sit on.
This is our gym cupboard.

It is a very small cupboard and we are not allowed to go in it.

Dens Road Dinner Hall

This week we have looked at our Dinner Hall and all the things in it. We hope to be able to look at St Andrews PS dinner hall too. Our photographers for the Dinner Hall were Haroon, Abdul, Godsfavour, Julia, Chloe and Dylan.

We have got lots of huge windows in our dinner hall. I wonder if St Andrews has big windows in their dinner hall.

  We’ve got dinner ladies in our kitchen. This is where we go to get our food.”]
We have a cutlery trolley with lots of forks, knives and spoons.

This is where we collect our drinks and get our salad.
We have pictures on our wall. This is where we sit down to have our dinner.

This is where we put our packed lunches.
This is where we recycle our plastic bottles.

Scottish Week

In the Classes

This week we have had a Scottish Week. All our learning has been through lots of things to do with Scotland.

We used the Active Expressions to show our teachers what we know about Scotland. We had to remember what the Scottish flag looked like and Nessie!  

At the easels we have been painting Highland Cows.
We have been using Nessie the Loch Ness Monster to help us add.

For our homework we drew of picutre of Nessie too.
We got a story about Heather going on a Nessie Hunt and we had to remember what happened in the story and stick our pictures in the correct order.
We had art and painted tartan using cardboard strips to paint the stripes.
We made Highland cows by sticking.


We listened to stories about Hamish the Highland Cow.


On Thursday afternoon we had Highland Games when we played Hurl the Haggis, Leap the Burn, Pass the Hat, Flip the Claymore and many more! We all watched and some of our classmates were part of the team. We had a great time as we had to cheer on our House.

Our Scottish display.

In the Active Learning Zone

We have been continuing to learn about old toys and new toys. We have been having a great time and getting active on the PS2 playing with the eye toy and eye toy sports. We play Football Fever in pairs.

We have been learning about materials in different toys and fabrics. Click on the link to our movie with all the photographs we took with the microscope.


Dens Road School Reception

Our blog will be a little different for the next few weeks. We are learning about Old Schools and New Schools. We are very lucky because we will be making friends in another school called St Andrews Primary School in Dundee. They are a very new school. Their P1 classes are learning about Grannies and Grandads. We are going to compare our old school with their new school. Every week we will take photographs of different parts of our school and St Andrews will take photographs of their school. We will look at each others blogs and compare them to see the things that are the same and the things that are different.

Our photographers this week were Amy, Kacie, Jamie, Alisha, Rhys and Casey. We took photographs of the Reception Area.

This is the front door of our school. We come in here when we are late.
The is the reception door.
We have a Dens Road rug when you come in the door.
We have pictures of all our teachers on the wall.
We have very old radiators in our school.
We have a healthy award on our wall.
We have lots of different shapes in our school.
These are the doors to the upper school.
This is where visitors can wait.
Some of our pipes are old and the painting is coming off.

We all liked taking the photographs in our school and hope you can leave comments.

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