Learning in P1

This week P1a2 have been playing in the Baby Clinic. This is our new role play area. We did a mind map of all our ideas for the area. We are enjoying looking after the babies, giving them injections and weighing and feeding them. In the water tray we are bathing the babies to make sure they are clean.

We have been learning about subtraction. We used our whiteboards to write take away sums and used the kiddy counter people to help us.

In P1a1 we have been learning about the different parts of the United Kingdom. We coloured them in in different colours to show we knew which was Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales.

We have been looking at our sounds again to see if we can remember them. Remember to keep looking at your sound book at home to practise all your sounds. We have been looking at the oi ue ou sounds and have been practising them in class too.

In the Active Learning Zone we have been lucky to get a Promethean Board. We have  been drawing pictures of ourselves using ActivInspire. We also made funny faces on our class photos. Some of us thought this was really funny!

Learning about Weight and Dens Road Gym

This week we have been learning about weight and capacity in maths. We have used scales to weigh things to find out which is the heaviest and lightest. We have used words like heavy, light, heavier, lighter, heaviest and lightest. We used lots of every day items you might find in the cupboard to find out which is the heaviest and lightest.


In the water tray we have been experimenting with capacity by filling up things in the water tray and sand tray. We have used words like full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty. We coloured in a sheet to show what we had learned.



In our Gym we have been learning what you need to do to join the Gym. At the Busy Bee table we all filled in a Gym Membership Form. We had to put lots of information about ourselves on it and some of us looked in the mirror to remind ourselves what colour  of eyes and hair we had. We even stood on the scales to weigh ourselves for our forms. At the making table we made Gym Membership cards and Mrs Munro laminated them so they look just like a real card. We keep them in the Gym for when people come in. We have put up a display or all our ideas for setting up our Gym and have began to do exercise sheets and dance classes in it.




We have been keeping fit with the Wii too. We play a game called FIT which we borrowed from the nursery. We play with Dora and Diego and the Backyardigans. We have to pogo jump and hula hoop. Four of us can go on at a time and we take turns to hold the Wii remote. We collect medals if we do a good job and everyday we keep a tally of all the medals we collect.


Royal Wedding Celebrations

This week we have been getting involved with lots of Royal Wedding celebrations. We have been learning all about princes and princesses. We listened to lots of different stories to help us with story starters. Lots of them start ‘Once upon a time….’.


We then began  writing our own stories. We have only just started but some of our stories as great!



We looked at a flipchart that had lots of pictures about William and Kate getting married on Friday.

At school we had a special ‘STREET MEET’. Lots of parents came along and we had strawberries, juice and biscuits. There was a coconut shy, tattoos, face painting, a raffle and so much more. It was very busy so thank you to all the parents who waited in long queues! We made crowns with jewels to wear at our party. We made commemorative plates and bunting too.


We also had a very special assembly in the morning for a very special lady at Dens Road School. Mrs Neilson our Auxiliary was leaving and it was her last day. We made her a queen for the day and sang her some beautiful songs and told her about some of our memories of her at Dens Road. She has been at our school for 19 years!

Visit to the Gym

We are learning all about ourselves and keeping healthy. We will be looking at lots of different Health and Wellbeing experiences and outcomes from Curriculum for Excellence. We will be visiting different places in Dundee which can help us keep healthy. In the Active Learning Zone we will be setting up our own gym. We were very lucky because Ms Connor goes to Energie Fitness Clubs in Main Street and she organised for us to visit to see what it looks like in a gym.

We had to walk to to Main street and used all the things we learned during Walkwise lessons to help us. When were in the Gym P1a2 had Joe to help us and P1a1 had Craig to show us round. We saw reception, a small gym, the sauna and steam room, the big gym and the room with all the mirrors where they do classes. We were allowed to try out some of the machines and we took lots of pictures with the digital camera and lots of videos with the flip cam. We took a clip board and pencils and wrote down lots of things we saw to give us ideas on what we will put in our own gym.

When we were back in school we looked at all our photos and videos and made a list of all the things we would like to put in our Gym. Next week we will start to get our gym ready to work in. We have decided we will have a reception area and we will think about the exercises we can do in our gym because it won’t be big enough for lots a machines like Energie!

A big thank you to everyone at Energie Fitness Clubs for all their help.

Last week of term at Dens Road PS

This is our last week before our spring holidays. We have had a busy week as P1a2 had people from the BBC in using Talkie Time and filming the class. We also had a coffee afternoon which the P2 and P2/3 classes organised for fundraising for Mary’s Meals. We were also learning about time.


We have been learning about time by looking at clocks, playing matching games and playing games on the computer to help us. We have been talking about days of the week and months of the year. Here are some games which we played.




The P2 and P2/3 classes held a coffee morning and we had lots of parents and friends came along to it. We also sang some spring songs and everyone had tea, coffee, juice and biscuits. The P1’s sold raffle tickets as we were also raising money for Mary’s Meals. We raised over £100 with all the raffle tickets. We had lots of prizes like Easter eggs, Easter colouring books and skipping ropes. We drew all the prizes this morning and they were all given out. If you want to find our more about Mary’s Meals check out the link bel0w.


P1a2 were very lucky to be asked to help the BBC with their making of a programme called Talkie Time. Two lovely ladies called Karen and Ruth came into the class and showed us a clip with Rodd from Talkie Time and Miss Davies helped us with it. Then in the afternoon we looked at some they were about to make and we had to let them know what we thought of it. We loved having Karen and Ruth in our class.

Stay safe over the holidays boys and girls and we will see you back to school on Monday 18th April.

Games Based Learning with Yogi Bear

In Primary 1 we have been learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears in class. In the Active Learning Zone with Mrs Munro we have been using Yogi Bear to help us learn.

The Active Learning Zone has a Wii (from Mrs Munro’s house) and we have been using the Yogi Bear game from the recent film to help us learn in lots of different ways. The area was set up with comfy camping chairs and netting to make it look like a forest.


We were introduced to the game and we decided on rules when using the Wii. This is a one player game but we are allowed two people on it at a time. Only one person holds the Wii remotre. We take turns when playing it. We have to help each other. Collect cherry pies and watch out for porcupines. Our name was scored off on the list once we had a turn. But once everyone had a go then Mrs Munro cleaned off the name list and then we were allowed an0ther turn.


We were able to practise writing about Yogi bear at the writing table. The writing table was beside the Wii area so it was easy for us to go and write about Yogi after we had a turn. We wrote the names of the things we saw in the game and spoke to each other about it. We used the Yogi Bear writing card to help us with the words. There was paper with Yogi Bear drawings too that we could use.


We also liked to draw pictures and asked mrs Munro to display our work on the wall.


After a little while we were given a Yogi Bear book to write or draw our ideas and thoughts about Yogi Bear. What he did in the game and how we helped our friends. After we had a turn we would go with our partner and write or draw in the book together. This is some of our writing. This writing was written with very little or no support from an adult.







We have loved using Yogi Bear to help us learn. What will be our next game? Wait and see!

Bear Sock Puppets

This week we have been busy making sock puppets.Mrs Munro brought in a sock puppet Hugh made at his art class and we decided we would love to make a sock puppet too. We had to stuff a sock with lots of stuffing and put elastic bands on it for his arms and legs. We had to colour him in using pens. We still have to finish them off but we think they are looking really cute.


In the classrooms we have been using our cameras and flipcams to take photos and videos of our learning. In P1a2 we have a special silver hat we were when it is our turning to record the learning that is taking place in the classroom.

In maths we have been adding. Some groups have been adding two numbers together and some have been adding three numbers together. We like using the dice to help us add.

We have been learning Goldilocks and the three bears songs at school too.

Look out for our Target and achievement sheets that will be coming home soon. We have been talking with our teachers about the things we are good at and the things we need to try harder with.

Next week P1a2 have a film crew coming to visit. We have been watching Talkie Time from BBC Learning Zone in class. The film crew are coming to film us while we watch new Talkie Time films to see if the stories are good. Have a look at Rod here. We love him. He is really funny. We thought it was just like Skype or Glow Meet.


Our Classrooms

The photographers for this week are Katie, Amy, Heather, Javeria, Zalanda, Lee, Asir, Kayleigh, Bethany and Ellis.
Idris is a dragon who lives in our classroom.
Benny likes lying in Idris' basket.
These are the three bears who live in our cottage.
We paint pictures of tricky words or Goldilocks and the thrree bears.
At the playdough table we make tricky words.
We go to the writing table and write about Idris and do tricky words.
This is my Yogi Bear. We have been making sock puppets with stuffing.
I like the toys in the sandpit and I like making sand castle.
I like playing 'Wendy' in the Doll's House and I play with Kara.
I like playing with the Three Bears Cottage.

Red Nose Day Tuck Shop

Hi everyone! We were all really excited today as we have organised the Red Nose Day Tuck Shop for the whole school. Before we started we watched a little video on the Red Nose Day website to show us why we are raising money.


First we had to think about all the kind of red things that we could have on sale. We drew pictures and wrote down our ideas. Then we had to decide on prices and we made price tickets. We decorated our area with Red Nose Day paper chains and bunting.We iced lots of cakes and put cherries on the top of some of them to make a red nose. Every class came along to our Red Nose Day Tuck Shop and we made £103.45!

 After the Tuck shop we had Red Nose Day Bingo. The whole school went up to the gym hall and we all played bingo together. After lunchtime we had a talent show. Every class in the school had someone in their class to show their talent. In P1a2 some of the boys and girls sand Twinkle Twinkle little star. P1a1  had a mini talent show contest in their class to decide who would go through. Everyone performed in front of the class and then we voted on who should go through to the main talent show. The Amazing Acrobats got the most votes so they performed in the gym hall in front of the whole school. Most of us bought red noses too. It was a really fun day.


Baby Bear and his chair

  A huge thank you to all the people who have commented on our blog!  

This week has been a busy week in P1. We have been continuing with our learning through Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have had lots of story books all about Goldilocks and some of them tell the story in a different way.  

We have lots of books about Goldilocks and the Three Bears


One of our favourite books has been “A Chair for Baby Bear”. This book is all about what happens after Goldilocks leaves the cottage and Baby bear has a broken chair. Baby bear must decide on  a new chair for himself. We designed a chair for baby bear. Here are some of our designs.  

A car chair by Steven


A rocket chair by Callum


A dragon chair by Amy


A spaceship chair by Asir


A t-rex chair by Ross


A snake chair by Javeria


 This story made us think that Goldilocks was sorry for going into the bears cottage so we decided to write a letter to the bears from Goldilocks. We have just started with our letter so here is some of our writing.  


In ICT this week we used Glow Meet for the first time. Glow meet is very special as you can talk to people and share things across Scotland. P1a1 sat in their classroom and P1a2 sat in their classroom. We went into Glow and went onto glow meet. We were able to send messages to our friends in the class next door and draw pictures for them. Then we turned on our camera and we were able to see the class next door and hear them. We all took turns of talking to one of our friends and asking them a question. We thought it was very funny.   

Then we thought about how to stay safe on the internet. We talked about the internet being a placed that joined up computers all over the world and that is how everyone can see our blog! Here is the link to the movie we watched to help us think about staying safe online.  


We are looking forward to reading all your comments in class.

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