We have been very busy looking at patterns this week and have had great fun copying patterns and making up ones of our own. We love making patterns with the beads and giving our teachers pattern necklaces to wear.
This week we have been in the ICT Suite and have been using Textease Paint to create pictures of the thorny hedge that grew up around the castle whilst Sleeping Beauty slept for 100 years.
In Mrs Munro’s Learning Zone we have been looking for lots of phonics fairies, when we find them we have to write their sounds on a sheet. We feel very important walking round with our clipboards.
We had a visitor this week to tell us all about how to look after our teeth. We had two boxes and had to sort food that is good for our teeth and food that is bad for our teeth. We had a go at brushing the big teeth on the model of a mouth and a very funny dog! Next week we are going to start brushing our teeth in school.
Week Starting 12th September 2011
- P1a1 have gym on Wednesday afternoon.
- P1a2 have gym on Thursday afternoon.
- Remember to return your Child Smile letters and your permission slips and money for our trip to the DCA Film Festival.
- Book bags will be now issued on a Friday. Please read the book with your child over the weekend and return it to school on Monday morning.
On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.
Next week we will be learning all about the importance of handwashing.
What pretty patterns p1! you are all so clever!
Hi, I’m a teacher of Year 2 (6-7 yo) at Glenview School in Hamilton, New Zealand. What an interesting blog you have. We can see that you are doing lots of learning in many interesting ways. Our class is looking to run a blog also so parents and global visitors can join our children in their learning. It is spring in New Zealand so we are busy planting in our school garden.