Health Week


What a week Health Week has been! We have been so busy with lots of activities added to our timetables for this week. Have a look at the photos and let us know what you think about our Healthy Lifestyle.

We learned how to play Boccia with Miss Dunlop. It was fun.We got into teams and had to throw our fluff balls into the correct hoops. It was hard.
These are our cress seeds. We took them home to care for them and watch them grow
The men at the Martial Arts Center showed us how they practised using the bags.
Our Fruit Tasting Survey
Mr Roberston taught us how to play football in the P1 playground. We had to dribble and 'dance' with our ball.
Fruit Tasting Everyone Got Orange, Blueberry, Date, Melon, Pineapple, Lemon, Banana
We all played Just Dance on the Wii. It was really good fun but hard work. We were all really hot.
Kara drew a picture of her and Kayleigh in the Dance Studio
Godsfavour drew a picture of himself at the gym punching the punch bag and kicking a Swiss Ball
Bethany drew a picture of herself balancing on a Swiss ball and Ms Connor is helping her to stay on the ball.

2 thoughts on “Health Week”

  1. Primary 1 what a great week you had! I loved doing the Just Dance game on the Wii with you. What super drawings of our visit to the Martial Arts Centre. We had a lovely time there and you were all so good walking there and back. Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.

  2. Goodness me P1, I wish all the children enjoyed their fruit as much as you all did.

    Keep up the good work 🙂

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