What a week Health Week has been! We have been so busy with lots of activities added to our timetables for this week. Have a look at the photos and let us know what you think about our Healthy Lifestyle.

What a week Health Week has been! We have been so busy with lots of activities added to our timetables for this week. Have a look at the photos and let us know what you think about our Healthy Lifestyle.
Every day when we come into school we look at our wall to see how many days we have been coming to school. We have now been coming into school for 154 days! That’s a huge number. We have been practising our days of the week too.
We have also been finishing our checkups in maths. We have been showing our teachers if we have remembered all that we have been taught about adding. Some of us have been doing subtraction too.
We have been writing our news about the things we do at home and the things we like to play with in Mrs Munro’s Learning Zone.
Maja painted a picture at the easel and scratched a design of a bird in it. What a great picture Maja.
In P1a1 we have been listening to stories by Julia Donaldson. We can now recognise her stories and illustrations. We also listened to other stories but they were all rhyming stories. We have really loved them.
In P1a2 we have been continuing to have fun in our Baby Clinic. We have been filing out the by writing in the baby’s name, address, weight and length.
Last, but most important! We had a visitor to school this afternoon. Mrs Taylor in the nursery has got a puppy. We were very lucky as she brought it into school to let us see. Hayley is a chocolate brown Labrador. It was so cute! We are looking forward to Mrs Mackay bringing in her dog Lola.
This week P1a2 have been playing in the Baby Clinic. This is our new role play area. We did a mind map of all our ideas for the area. We are enjoying looking after the babies, giving them injections and weighing and feeding them. In the water tray we are bathing the babies to make sure they are clean.
We have been learning about subtraction. We used our whiteboards to write take away sums and used the kiddy counter people to help us.
In P1a1 we have been learning about the different parts of the United Kingdom. We coloured them in in different colours to show we knew which was Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales.
We have been looking at our sounds again to see if we can remember them. Remember to keep looking at your sound book at home to practise all your sounds. We have been looking at the oi ue ou sounds and have been practising them in class too.
In the Active Learning Zone we have been lucky to get a Promethean Board. We have been drawing pictures of ourselves using ActivInspire. We also made funny faces on our class photos. Some of us thought this was really funny!
This week we have been learning about weight and capacity in maths. We have used scales to weigh things to find out which is the heaviest and lightest. We have used words like heavy, light, heavier, lighter, heaviest and lightest. We used lots of every day items you might find in the cupboard to find out which is the heaviest and lightest.
In the water tray we have been experimenting with capacity by filling up things in the water tray and sand tray. We have used words like full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty. We coloured in a sheet to show what we had learned.
In our Gym we have been learning what you need to do to join the Gym. At the Busy Bee table we all filled in a Gym Membership Form. We had to put lots of information about ourselves on it and some of us looked in the mirror to remind ourselves what colour of eyes and hair we had. We even stood on the scales to weigh ourselves for our forms. At the making table we made Gym Membership cards and Mrs Munro laminated them so they look just like a real card. We keep them in the Gym for when people come in. We have put up a display or all our ideas for setting up our Gym and have began to do exercise sheets and dance classes in it.
We have been keeping fit with the Wii too. We play a game called FIT which we borrowed from the nursery. We play with Dora and Diego and the Backyardigans. We have to pogo jump and hula hoop. Four of us can go on at a time and we take turns to hold the Wii remote. We collect medals if we do a good job and everyday we keep a tally of all the medals we collect.