In the Active Learning Zone this week we have been learning about Old Toys and New Toys. This has been helping us learn about in the past as our school is 100 years old. We have lots of different areas where we can choose to learn. At the computer area we have been sorting old toys and new toys. Try out the game here.
At the writing table we have been using lots of different things to help us write. At school 100 years ago the boys and girls used a blackboard called a slate and chalk. We use lots of things but we especially like using the whiteboards and pens and we even use Pictochat on the Nintendo DS.
A long time ago children used to play with a dolls house. We still love playing with the dolls house. We are learning to be friends with each other by being nice and sharing.
We have a railway area wih two railways. A wooden railway like the boys and girls used to play with a long time ago and a battery operated railway that makes great noises and stops and starts when you press the buttons.
When our school first opened boys and girls were just beginning to play with teddy bears. We have a teddy bear picnic area where we can play with the bears and share and take turns with our friends.
In the library we have story books. Some children would have been lucky enought to have books to read. In our story corner we also have MP3 players to listen to stories.
When we are in the Active Learning Zone we use cameras and microphones to record our learning. We take photos to show we have been busy, recording our learning and sharing it with the other children.
Please leave a comment to let us know what toy you liked to play with when you were young.
When I was little one of my favourite toys was a clockwork car that I had to wind up with a key. When I pushed a switch it would move along and play a tune called The Blue Danube. My sister and I had a few clockwork toys; we had to be very careful not to lose the keys!
I think you have some great toys in your active learning area
Your toy car sound fun. We listened to the music on the computer and we think the song is beautiful too.
Some of our favourite toys are;
Chloe’s favourite toy is a fairy doll
Mariya’s favourite is a Barbie
Owen’s favourite toy is Lego
Haroon’s favourite toy is Ben 10
Ellis’ favourite toy is her Winnie the Pohh teddy
Dylan’s favourite toys are his his Thomas the Tank Engine and his Batman.
Bethany’s favourite toy is her Tinkerbell doll.
Jamie’s favourite toy is his Scooby Doo toys.
Maja’s favourite toy is her teddy bear picnic.
Samuel’s favourite toy is Nintendo Ds and his Indiana Jones Lego Game for it.
Kara ‘s favourite toys are her dressing clothes.
Savanna’s favourite toy is her Big Doll.
Kayleigh’s favourite toy is her Baby Born.
Yomna’s favourite toy is her Princess dress up doll.
Amy’s favourite toy is a Mermaid who is the queen of the waves.
Kacie’s favourite toy is her Nintendo DSi and her Mario Party game for it.
Shania’s favourite toy is a swimming doll.
When Mrs Mackay was a little girl she loved to play with her Transformer Robot City! It was really big and she could keep all her little tranformer toys in it! She also loved making windmills with Lego and they had a little motor which made the windmill turn.
Can you tell us what your favourite toys are?
When I was little one of my favourite toys was my princess castle and princess dolls. Looks like your all having fun learning whilst playing with your favourite toys.
When I was a little girl, toys were not as sophisticated as they are now. There were no electrical toys only quite simple ones. My favourite toy was my teddy bear. He went everywhere with me including to bed. I used to play school with him and pretend he was ill and look after him. In fact, I still have my teddy now, he is 59 years old.
Mrs Davies ( Miss Davies’ Mum )
The radiator pipes may be old but the teaching is very up to date.
My favourite toy was a wooden aircraft. It kept on breaking when I tried to make it fly. I now fly large aircraft and they don’t break as often.
Mr Davies ( Miss Davies’ Dad)
When I was little I had a favourite toy rabbit that I called Jasmine and I took her everywhere. I liked my toy so much that when I had a baby 30 years later, I called the baby Jasmine as well.
Another favourite toy when I was little were toy telephones. They had a long wire connecting them so one person sat downstairs and the other person sat upstairs to chat on the toy telephones. They were a lot of fun.
We had television when I was little, but our television was black-and-white, the pictures were not in colour.
I also had a favourite book when I was about 2 years old called “Watch with Mother” about a childrens television programme BUT my little sister chewed it and I can remember being very cross about it. Dens Road Primary 1 should ask Miss Davies who the naughty-book-chewer was.
Sian Hamilton (Miss Davies’s big sister)