This week we have been learning through the story of the Gruffalo. We have been playing in our roleplay area which has been turned into a wood. We have pretended to be the characters in the story. The Gruffalo, the mouse, the snake, the fox and the owl.
We have been learning new Jolly phonics sounds ai, ie and oa this week. Keep practising then at home! We have been playing lots of games to help us blend our sounds together.
Our number work this week has been all about apples. We have measured how long we are in apples. Look at the pictures this person was 17 apples tall. The tallest person was 20 apples tall!
We tasted different apples and put an apple on the tree to show which kind we liked the best.
We also make a pictogram of our favourite Gruffalo characters. We used stickers to add to our pictogram.
It is fireworks night tonight and we are all really excited about it. In the ICT this week we practised using Pivot and made an animation of a colourful fireworks night.
Today we have looked at our blog. Please leave us a comment. We will be looking at our blog every week.
I am very happy with all of the hard work we have been doing on the Gruffalo! Well done P1!
Hi Class P1. I love your work and really like your blog. It has given me ideas because I would like to start a blog site. What a great teacher you all have!
My Godson loves to read the Gruffalo too!
He lives with his mummy and daddy in Liverpool but he says hi to everyone in Primary 1!
Well done Primary 1 lots of great work going on at Dens Road. I love your work on pivot. I look forward to hearing more about the Gruffalo.
What talented bunch you are.
FAB work! Well done P1. I look forward to seeing all your hard work in person after the Christmas holidays. You have all been working very hard and maybe P6 can maybe get a blog up and running. Will you all come and show us how to do it? Keep up the good work!!
Thank you all very much for looking at our blog. We like putting our pictures on the blog to show the whole world what we are doing in school.
Tomorrow we are having a Gruffalo party and we are really looking forward to it. We will put up pictures as soon as we get them for you to enjoy.
Have a good day.
Bye Bye
From Primary 1a2
From Primary 1a1
We were really happy to read all the comments on our blog! It is really nice that people have liked all the hard work we have been doing.
We are very excited about our Gruffalo party tomorrow but we are a bit nervous about drinking Purple Prickle Juice!!
Please keep putting comments on our blog because we love to read what you think.
Thank you P1a1
I love you r animations…brilliant. How did you do that? I really enjoy reading about the fun and interesting things you get up to at school. I wish that I could be in P.1 again. Keep up the good work
hi primary1 looks like you have all been working very hard hope you all have fun at your gruffalo party tomorrow.
Thanks to everyone for their comments. The P1 children loved looking at all the comments this morning. We can’t wait for our Gruffalo Party tomorrow. Look out for some great pictures on our blog post for this week.
Hello everyone in P1,
I think your blog is really great, and I hope that one day, the blog we have at Menzieshill Nursery School, where I work, will be as good as yours.
We love The Gruffalo too, so enjoy your Gruffalo party tomorrow!
Mrs Regan
Hello Primary 1. I loved looking at your blog. You are doing some very interesting things in number.
I am a teacher in Arbroath. We have a Glow Blog too.
You can look at it at:
We eill add you to our blog roll so other people in our scool can look at your lovely work.
Have a great Gruffalo Party!
Fantastic Blog. Great to see the wonderful work going on in class. Well done!
Rachel (Leah’s mum)
P4/5 thought your party looked fantastic. We especially liked the cake, it looked yummy. Looks like you have been working very hard. Well done!